I think every one of you should shut up and give that kid a wi-five.
Let's face it, he took the matter into his own hands, literally, and
solved his problem when others wouldn't.
But, knowing that people on this thread don't give up their internet
arguments easily, let's throw in another factor. The twirp had a his
little group of friends.
If the big guy were to simply punch the twirp and knock his lights
out, I think one or two more guys would have (possibly) jumped in
and started a fist fight. Now, being me, I don't like the 2/3v1 odds
in a fist fight. I think the shock factor of his body slam worked
quite well. Completely destroyed all their egos, and morale? = zero.
I don't know about you, but if I saw my gung-ho little buddy get
eviscerated I wouldn't want to fight either.