I'm sorry but, this is a behavioral situation that is not practically enforceable without negative consequence. As long as there exists a reasonable situation for bailing from an aircraft (it has been damaged beyond repair and is no longer airworthy) then the only possible programming (and it may not be practically possible) is to prevent a player from bailing, entirely, until the aircraft takes terminal damage. That could be the loss of a wing, catching fire, engine out, tail shot off, loss of one or more control surfaces in whole (ailerons - both, elevators - both, rudder the exception) .... and ..... pilot wound. Bomber formations can suffer fatal damage to one of three craft, turning the 'bail switch' on with two fully functional planes in the air.
Now, some of you may be looking at the above as a logical solution. Once again, the 'drive it into the ground' option exists for such intentional behavior. Also, what about the 'bail/auger to join' situation that some if not all of us have probably done. You're flying around looking for a fight and the two or three you headed toward dried up. A squadie or friend texts or voxes you that a big furball just formed at location such and such and he just took off from a nearby CV. There's no telling how long this opportunity will last. To get to the fun on time with a friendly base being more than 5 minutes flight time away you may have to bail or auger. Intentionally. Granted, the auger works. I don't see how the system could tell if it was intentional or not. And, heck, you may not have even noticed the high alt picker that just nosed in to get you. The one that will start a thread later to see if restrictions to your fun can be programmed into the game due to your dweebish ways.