You've been waiting for... not me...
I'm guessing you did some waiting too.
Currently waiting on Magic Leap. I think it's the next step beyond the Rift/Vive platforms.
Curious how would you see it working in a flight sim? Terry
I'm having an issue getting it to work with my dk2. The game starts in the oculus mode and my rift turns on, but the display stays dark.
HiTech - did you have some time to familiarize yourself with the Vive? Any chance for Vive support in the intermediate future?
I started writing the Vive Monday at home. Yesterday spent half the day trying to install the Vive on my work system. Never did get it to go, but last night I got it to finally run (not in AH simply the calibration stuff) on my home system.HiTech
HiTechPlease consider providing for a checkbox to auto detect the Vive and the Rift say in the video settings window. If neither box is checked, AH starts in normal mode. If either box is checked, AH detects and starts with that HMD active.Thank you for your consideration.Terry
Yes, I am running the latest 1.4.
I noticed issues with any old drivers being around or improperly uninstalled (specifically seems to be the 0.6 set).
So far no issues with my DK2 set. Though the crappy resolution is better than DK1 - I'm enjoying it immensely. A little stuttering from time to time, but that is to be expected. Otherwise, I do like the ability to move things around (comms channel, map) though trying to type into the text buffer is a FPITA - I have to kinda look up and under the edge rim of the Rift.
No double vision issues with the DK2? Could this be a resolution issue? (the DK2 being different res and maybe aspect ratio than the CV?)