Author Topic: Training Arena etiqette  (Read 10877 times)

Offline humble

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Training Arena etiqette
« Reply #30 on: April 23, 2000, 02:06:00 AM »
Very few of the hot sticks "stalk" or vulch anyone. I had great "lessons" from histro and Jase today. Got a chance to learn stuff i'd of never picked up in the MA. It's a training arena and as long as these guys are willing to critique/comment they can hose me all day.

I do agree that some kind of "enforcement" power is needed...and i'll enforce any TOS AH posts for the TA...but...I love the TA how it is...least when i'm flying. Now, maybe it reflects the times I'm up...or how I "police" it...but with a few exceptions..and yes incidents do happen..It's a great place to learn.

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Offline Big Mac

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Training Arena etiqette
« Reply #31 on: April 23, 2000, 02:18:00 AM »
I have not flown in the training arena in Aces High, only in main arena but I was a trainer for several years in AW.  What I suggest may not be on target, but in the training arena make planes when shot not show damage, ie..die,  but a kill message would appear, when enough damage occurred.  This takes the fun out quickly for people looking for kills but very helpfull in training.  The new guy's can see that they got a kill and for the trainer, he does not have to take off again.  The only time a crash/kill would be necessary would be if out of fuel.

The other suggestion is for trainers to be given ejection powers from the arena.  This would help with potty mouths (Main Arena) or people set on disrupting a training session.  The trainer before ejection would have to have film.  Most people who are asked once, stop.  For the truely offensive, kick them out for a set period.  For most flight sims, trainers are considered business partners/associates and are understanding of their responsibility.

Big Mac

Offline weazel

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« Reply #32 on: April 23, 2000, 02:48:00 AM »
 Pyro has stated that instructors will have the eject command soon. Once trainers have this power it will be possible to boot the cherry-pickers who kill people as soon as they leave the runway.(easymo) If your not in the arena to either recieve training,or volunteering to help out new flyers-YOU HAVE NO REASON TO BE THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE! The arena isn`t listed as "The grabass cherry picking furball and do what you want to the newbies arena"-it`s listed as the Training Arena. When your called on wrong behavior-your response shouldn`t be to call an instructor a "whiner" or other derogatory comments. (easymo) You should shut up and leave,if I sound pissed off-it`s because I AM! It`s difficult enough to bring new people up to speed on flight commands,setting up sticks,views,etc-without having to worry about <BAH> scorepotatos/cherry pickers on your six.

If i was a trainer (and dont want to be). I would set the session up on H2H. No destractions.

This takes the cake-again,whats the name of the arena,and why should instructors and students have go H2H to avoid all the complained about behavior? I`ve already had to move to a different field before because of you specifically easymo,I`m singling you out because your one of the people who propogate this kind of Bull Sh*t in the T/A, your assinine remark above really hacks me off,why don`t YOU take it to H2H? Some of the guys in the T/A pulling this bone-headed crap have the excuse of being new to the game,and don`t have a clue as to proper etiquette,you on the other hand have been around for awhile-both here and in Warbirds and should know better by now. Again-I`m not saying you shouldn`t come in for training,you definately need help with your gunnery-(Tour 3 0.0406) (Tour 2 0.0311) but not at the expense of people trying to grasp the concepts of the game.        

[This message has been edited by weazel (edited 04-23-2000).]

Offline WW

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« Reply #33 on: April 23, 2000, 03:31:00 AM »
I do believe sir that you have been mis- named! hmm Thumper suites you best.

Nice to see the TA will get the power they need and nice to see that my whining about being vulched isn't considered a "Panzy" act.

BTW hmble, I just figured out late last night what the N, H & S squares where all about on the lower left corner of the clipboard. I never new beofore and always hit the top one or H if it was the only one available.

Offline humble

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« Reply #34 on: April 23, 2000, 11:57:00 AM »
Weazel's outline of easymo's conduct clearly illustrates a problem exist's...I guess I've been fortunate to have avoided that level of harrassment. Under those circumstances I'd agree..Ban em..or hunt em down till they leave.

I'd like to pass along part of a private conversation that occurred after this thread started. The pilot involved would be familiar to any who spent time in the TA. He related stories of multiple incidents of folks asking to be left alone..then bouncing others..then complaining when they get shot down. His concern was avoiding being percieved in a negative way by the community.
I'd noticed his recent absence from the TA and as far as I'm concerned it would be a loss for all if he chose to avoid it.

As a side note Visconti and others spent plenty of time working in rookland without a one seems to have bothered them at all.

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Offline WW

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« Reply #35 on: April 23, 2000, 12:55:00 PM »
WOW, thats a new one!
I flew in there last night, and was hanging around way above the action waiting for someone to take me up on my offer to go to another field.
Poll16, Sky-something or other, Zig-Something or other, Furbalz and a couple others where in full furbal mode. There was a major battle going on over the tank base and the amount of swearing and name calling going on was unreal. Sexually derogitory names where being hurled at Poll16, Sky-something or other was being told where to go, all kinds of it. I hope no kids play this game.

Then I watched as they all started the air to air battle. PJ was flying along (had been for some time) when Aquadude (I assume a new guy) jumped him without warning. Then someone bounced him, and the chain continued till they where all taking off again. Not a single word of, "Can I attack" or , "Here I come" was spoken.
PJ had been down there flying south of the field, trying to land his 38 for a half an hour or so. Totally out of it and minding his own business.

BTW. Moving to this base where the M16's can't get to the runway was sheer genius.

[This message has been edited by WW (edited 04-23-2000).]

Offline easymo

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« Reply #36 on: April 23, 2000, 02:56:00 PM »
 Weazel. Ive ben in the TA maby 3 times all togeather. During that session i was getting vulched ON the runway.

 I am happy to see they have someone to teach the newbie,s how to whine. You are the perfect choice.

Offline Robert

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« Reply #37 on: April 23, 2000, 04:35:00 PM »
i love the way my post is reflected on every other post. the whinners that i talking about are the ones that attack with out asking......then when you shoot them down here it comes .....YOU HAVE TO BE CHEATING BLA BLA BLA ......if this isn't panzy then i don't know what is.
the whinners are the ones that cant get off the runway because 5 ppl got vulched by him and the ppl are trying to keep him on the ground so he will lay of the vulching.
then he comes over the radio why don't you quit vulching me so i can play(he say)
soon as you let them up there right back to the same old thing vulching and disruption.
the ppl that use the arena for something productive,more power to you.
other ppl seem to think that the vets should stay out. i myself like to play with ppl that can fly and when the vets come into the TA (KIEREN,MOSS,NASH) ill ask them every time there up to fight. IF YOU FLY WITH THE BEST YOU FLY LIKE THE BEST.
Some ppl seem to think that the newbies should be the only ones in the TA. I learn something everytime i go in there so i guess im still a newbie.

Offline Kieren

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« Reply #38 on: April 23, 2000, 05:49:00 PM »

Sorry to have misunderstood you. In the current context, it seemed you were unsympathetic to WW, who does make valid points. As your comments are directed at others, I see what you mean.


Offline WW

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« Reply #39 on: April 23, 2000, 09:46:00 PM »
I read your post here and in the other forum. Obviously what you MEANT to say is not what got posted.
The quote I posted here was a direct copy paste and I was careful not to leave anything out that would change it's context.

I even went so far as to look for followup posts to your statement for signs of a correction. All I really found was Kierens polite condemnation of it in the other thread.

It was not my intention to make you look bad. It was my intention to show some of the attitudes that existed. Your post indicated a negative attitude towards whiners but didn't make any distinction and anyone getting bounced regularly who complains would be classed as a whiner. I know I have been jumped for whining myself.

It's unfortunate that that your post didn't portray your true meaning and I for one hope you'll accept my thanks for clearing that up.

I know I've seen a few of the whiners you speak about as well.

[This message has been edited by WW (edited 04-23-2000).]

Offline WW

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« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2000, 09:55:00 PM »

I don't know what you and Weasel are talking about specifically but your comments have a more generalized ring to them.

So what your saying is I'm Weasels Student?
I'm just a newbie whiner?

Because your post suggests that this is what you believe.

Have you mistakingly miscommunicated yourself out of anger or do you really mean those comments you've made?

[This message has been edited by WW (edited 04-23-2000).]

Offline av8r

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« Reply #41 on: April 23, 2000, 10:49:00 PM »


I have been spending quite a bit of time in the TA, and have been having a blast practicing 1 on 1 duels and also engaging in the occasional FFA that erupts around F1.  

There are quite a few vets and really good sticks who hang out in there, as well as newbies who are getting their first taste of simulated air combat. I have learned a lot, and I think, helped teach a lot, while in there.

From what I've seen in dozens of hours in there, when the Trainers are teaching the beginners, they are NOT disturbed.

In fact, I, and other "vets", regularly help out the trainers and answer the beginners' questions, serve as targets, or have newbies "join" up in our cockpits in order to help them become familiar with AH's flight model and ACM basics.

So, LIGHTEN UP. If you get shot down "by accident" while in training, politely ask to be left out of the FFA, and folks will respect your request. (moving to a remote field is not a bad idea either)  

Above all, have FUN in there and leave your stress in the Real Life Workplace where it belongs.

BTW, Thanks for the kind words Hmble. You, Kieren, and most of the other Trainers have real class, and are doing a great job for the AH community through your dedication and service. <S>


Offline WW

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« Reply #42 on: April 24, 2000, 04:08:00 AM »
Yup, here we go again. Newbies are whiners.
I was just in the arena. I took off, and maintained autoclimb. Never moved, just watched. Nash drops in behind me and shoots me down.
When I tell him it's not a FFA arena, he argues that it is. Then starts telling me I'm whining and giving me "Whaaaaa"

That is not a training arena. Sorry. And no one sees it that way becuase it isn't strictly enforced.

I've gotten complaints about Nash before and that was part of the reason I went to A1. he was there and I wanted to see what he'd do.

Sure enough,  kill anything that moves no matter what and call them whiners when you tell them its not a FFA.

Oh and by the way Av8tr, I sent my buddy (Wiz) over to read the posts telling him that this whole idea of whiners was not supported by the experienced guys.
I'll be advising him that this was a total misconception. There's no training arena here.

As for Stress, Your right! Your absoutely right. Who the hell needs to try to make the training arena good for the newbies right? They're just a bunch of friggin whiners anyway right? Nice little targets to bounce at will. Your right, I don't need to waste my time here. It's much easier to tell those who complain to me about it that HTC and the users of the training arena think newbies are just a bunch of whining babies so if your having trouble in there, just dont go.

That should be great for business.
you heard em Wiz, I wouldn't waste any more time in the FFA arena as it might as well be called.

[This message has been edited by WW (edited 04-24-2000).]

Offline Nash

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« Reply #43 on: April 24, 2000, 07:02:00 AM »

I will address this fully tommorrow.

Offline humble

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« Reply #44 on: April 24, 2000, 10:21:00 AM »

No one bothered us at all during our training session. While I was there the TA was fine. Only the 1 base was a FFA area. I noticed zero "harassement"...from the buffer it appeared a singular "vulch" occurred (JAS). After JAS asked to be left alone taking off I heard no further complaints from him...and later he was begging for folks to engage him.

I applaud your efforts in the TA over the weekend and do hope I was able to help Wiz in at least a small way. Personally, the best thing for him now is to have folks like NASH pound him a bit. Nash is not a vulcher, I've never seen him strafe the runway. Wiz was instructed by me to mix it up and work on his views. I told him that at his level dieing wasn't a work on "seeing" the fight so he could begin to develope the SA required to dogfight. Now without people in the FFA...hows he gonna do that.

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson