Originally posted by bj229r
"If we leave, we admit defeat in their eyes, (and the worlds' eyes) and concede all that we've fought for the last 4 years."
Okay, then how does the US military win?
Is the status-quo over there gonna cut it?
Honestly. Just keeping doing whatever it is they're doing, and it's suddenly going to turn around?
It's one thing to say "If we leave, we admit defeat in their eyes"... and another to actually avoid defeat.
You say: "we've killed 45,000-50,000 'insurgents'".... but chances are there's 100,000 brand new insurgents who wouldn't have been insurgents but for the bungling of this war. A net gain of 50,000 insurgents. That's progress?
Meanwhile, what.... 25 US kids get killed a week.
So I just fail to see how sticking it out for sticking it out's sake gets anyone anywhere.
If worlds collided, and a whole bunch of mystical crap happened and suddenly it was up to me to make the decision, my choices would be:
Status quo, do something different, or leave.
Status quo aint working. I don't know what else to do. So I'd cut my losses.
Hows about you?