Author Topic: Strategic bombing?  (Read 3403 times)

Offline SlapShot

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #60 on: January 27, 2006, 12:40:57 PM »
Originally posted by slimey_J
Can you give me an example of a situation in which one player easily ruined the dogfighting enjoyment of many?

A CV was about 12 miles off the coast. CV launches many fighters. Land base launches a defensive wave. A terrific fight ensues and rages on for 15-20 minutes.

A friendly bomber group is seen flying towards the CV. Many on vox ask the bomber pilot to please spare the CV, but feel free to sink the destroyer first, and then any/all supporting ships but leave the CV up.

Bomber pilot replys ... "You can't tell me what to bomb so go F*** yourself".

30 seconds later ... CV is dead ... fight and the enjoyment of many is ruined.


A fight breaks out between two close fields. The fight rages on for quite some time with the advantage waning between both fields, but never was there a chance for a capture.

Lo and behold ... an enemy bomber group comes in and drops all the FHs. Mind you now ... there is absolutly no chance for capture ... too many fighters are already up ... town is completely up ... VHs on both fields are down.

When asked of the Bomber pilot as to why he dropped the FHs ... He replied ... "Too many resources (pilots) were being used in the "furball" and now that the fight is dead ... they can get back to the real task at hand ... capturing bases".

Whoa !!! ... One guy ruins the fun for all those involved in the "furball" because HE decided that too many resources were being used incorrectly.

Well ... EXCUSE F***KING ME !!!

There you have it ... would you like some more scenarios, and can you now understand why people who just want to dogfight have a hair across their bellybutton when it comes to the strateegerist.

Now that I answered your question ... you answer mine ....

Can you give me an example of a situation in which one "furballer" easily ruined the strategic enjoyment of many?

I am so looking forward to your answer.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2006, 12:43:09 PM by SlapShot »
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline Saxman

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #61 on: January 27, 2006, 01:41:43 PM »
How about the many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many times I or other capture guys have been calling for added fighter support taking a base and everyone was too busy in the not-going-anywhere furball raging in some back-field out of the way off the front area to lend a hand? A lot of captures are busted simply because the enemy has too much air superiority--as I said, in a short time I've been on a LOT of captures where just ONE bandit screwed the pooch by bagging the Goon or shooting up a couple troops. Even ONE extra fighter can make a big difference.

And btw, those buff pilots who roll in to a target "just because" aren't the rule. Most of the guys I usually fly with are FAR more systematic. If they up buffs, then they're doing it to contribute directly to the capture, not just to make things go "Boom."

Don't base your view of a whole class of players on the actions of a few dweebs.

As for the CV, I'm trying to remember a time I've EVER seen guys on the main saying to leave an enemy carrier alone. About every fight I've been in where a CV was present everyone and their mother was calling for alt-monkey buffs to turn it into driftwood.
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

Offline dedalos

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #62 on: January 27, 2006, 02:00:48 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
Can you give me an example of a situation in which one "furballer" easily ruined the strategic enjoyment of many?

I am so looking forward to your answer.

:D Like my dweeby lala taking down 7 goons flying low with their escorts D200 on their 6?  :rofl :rofl :rofl

Lets face it.  Strategy in this game means huge numbers and diving LANCs
« Last Edit: January 27, 2006, 02:03:21 PM by dedalos »
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline Lye-El

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #63 on: January 27, 2006, 02:05:39 PM »
The noobs posts were much more eloquent and reasoned than the BK diatribe that resulted from the word STRAT

Morp being the only BK posting here to be on topic and provide relevant information and not to attempt to be on a high horse. Which, I must admit, surprised me.


i dont got enough perkies as it is and i like upen my lancs to kill 1 dang t 34 or wirble its fun droping 42 bombs

Offline slimey_J

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #64 on: January 27, 2006, 02:13:13 PM »
Thanks for the examples, slapshot.

I have a hard time agreeing with the point in the first example, though. Every single time I’ve heard communications about an enemy fleet, the first thing most folks try to do is sink the carrier. That seems to be the overriding goal of most attack pilots that I have encountered in that situation. So, it seems a bit disingenuous to expect someone to do otherwise when sinking the carrier is considered standard operating procedures.

In the second example, you’re assuming a whole lot. You’re essentially speaking for every single pilot that was involved in the furball. How do we know that every pilot involved in the fight was just there for the furball? Perhaps a group of them were working to “CAP” the field and/or eliminate the fighter threat so that they could hit an adjacent field without fear of enemy fighters coming in from somewhere else.

Regardless, you’re getting mad at folks for playing the game the way it was obviously designed to be played.

Now, let me say that I never accused the furballers of ruining anything. In fact, I don’t think any of the strat players have been crying about furballers “ruining the game for everyone else”. The crying and fussing seems to only be coming from one side of the debate. But, using your logic, I could answer your question “Can you give me an example of a situation in which one "furballer" easily ruined the strategic enjoyment of many?”


A group of friends decide to up a few formations of bombers to go hit a strat target. They’re all having a jolly time. Then, during their climb-out, they get jumped by a bandit from a nearby furball. The bandit shoots a number of them down and generally ruins the experience of the bomber pilots.

Is this not, essentially, the same thing?

In both situations, you’ve got a “bad guy” who is completely within his rights, playing the game the way he wants to. It just so happens that his way of playing the game doesn’t mesh with the way the other folks want to play the game.

In your example, the furballers now have to up from a different field. In my example, the bombers have to up from a different field and/or restart their whole time-consuming climb-out porcess.

In your example, the furballers were presumably having a good time playing the game the way they wanted to, until a bad apple came along. In my example, the bombers were having a good time, until a bad apple came along.

In your example, one of the fighters could’ve potentially shot down the bomber. In my example, one of the bombers could’ve potentially shot down the fighter.

In your example, the furballers could’ve posted a fighter at a high altitude to prevent the bomber from penetrating. In my example, the bombers could’ve had fighter escorts to prevent the enemy attack.

Yes, there are some differences in your scenario vs mine, but the gist of it is – someone doesn’t “play along” with the others, and so the group must alter their playing style.

Or, as has already been pointed out, what about the lone fighter who shoots down the goon after a perfectly executed mission? I guess you could say that he’s just doing what fighters do… but then, the bomber in your scenario was just doing what bombers do.

Of course, this is pretty useless to debate, since I’m guessing most strat players accept the fact that they’re going to run into furballers who are going to force them to alter their playing style. It seems to be the furballers who refuse to alter their style.

If the fighters want to only fight, can they not go into the DA? If the bombers want to only bomb, can they not go into the TA? Yet, everyone continues to play in the MA…

Anyhow, I appreciate the helpful response of those folks who actually tried to answer my initial questions. Thanks all.

Offline dedalos

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #65 on: January 27, 2006, 03:13:36 PM »
Originally posted by slimey_J

In the second example, you’re assuming a whole lot. You’re essentially speaking for every single pilot that was involved in the furball. How do we know that every pilot involved in the fight was just there for the furball? Perhaps a group of them were working to “CAP” the field and/or eliminate the fighter threat so that they could hit an adjacent field without fear of enemy fighters coming in from somewhere else.

If that was the case, they would come in high, fly over the furbal, and auger on the FHs.  There is no way in hell they would ever be found in a fight between fields.
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline SuperDud

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #66 on: January 27, 2006, 04:11:51 PM »
This arguement goes back many moons. Back to the days of Air Warriors and War Birds. Back then, it was about the fight. People wanting to fight other people in fighters. Granted bombing and war winning was still around but almost everyone knew how to fight. I'd say roughly 75% of the guys flying back then were "furballers". As time went by AH came out. In the beginning it was much like AW and WB before it, it was still about the fight. Over those years though for various reason the old guard slowly started leaving and also HTC had great success bringing in more and more costumers. A shift slowly started to occur and  winning the war became the main objective. I think this shift was caused by the 2 previous stated reasons. Without the "vets" around and the overwhelming influx of new comers, there was no one to pass on the knowledge and the history of the game(s). I think many of us "furballers" see this and it's sad to see. From my veiw point the days of the mindless fun are gone. Now it's all about winning a war that won't end with mob strategy. The guys that just want to fight are now the outsiders that are told to go away even though most of them have been playing this game and others long before most of the new breed even heard of AH.

The only real thing I'll put on a specific persons is this:
Slimey, you never hear the war winners cry about furballer is because as Slap said, we can't mess up "your" fun. We just want to fight. The only time we will see us interact with the war winners is if our chess peice is down to a few bases and we don't have a choice to get away from it.

Saxman here's a direct qoute from you:
How about the many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many times I or other capture guys have been calling for added fighter support taking a base and everyone was too busy in the not-going-anywhere furball raging in some back-field out of the way off the front area to lend a hand? A lot of captures are busted simply because the enemy has too much air superiority

This statement right here is exactly what sets us off. Why should we be forced to come help in something we don't want to do? If this helps, just pretend we're not even there. And wrap your mind around this one... who do you think we are fighting at our "mindless" furball? The bad guy! WE ARE HELPING. We are tying up people in a different location who would otherwise just follow us down to where ever it is you want us and it would all be for not anyways.

Sax I was new once too. I sucked in a fighter(still not that good) and once I came to realize learning to be a good fighter wasn't easy I quickly got discouraged and joined the mission/bomber guys. Luckily for me I kept going into the TA for lessons and met one of the "old school" players. From then on I flew and crashed and died a lot, but I had a lot of fun doing it and now I find bombing and such very boring. If you'd like, I'll teach you some fighter stuff. Just let me know.
++Blue Knights++

Offline SlapShot

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #67 on: January 27, 2006, 04:28:50 PM »
Originally posted by Saxman
How about the many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many times I or other capture guys have been calling for added fighter support taking a base and everyone was too busy in the not-going-anywhere furball raging in some back-field out of the way off the front area to lend a hand? A lot of captures are busted simply because the enemy has too much air superiority--as I said, in a short time I've been on a LOT of captures where just ONE bandit screwed the pooch by bagging the Goon or shooting up a couple troops. Even ONE extra fighter can make a big difference.

And btw, those buff pilots who roll in to a target "just because" aren't the rule. Most of the guys I usually fly with are FAR more systematic. If they up buffs, then they're doing it to contribute directly to the capture, not just to make things go "Boom."

Don't base your view of a whole class of players on the actions of a few dweebs.

As for the CV, I'm trying to remember a time I've EVER seen guys on the main saying to leave an enemy carrier alone. About every fight I've been in where a CV was present everyone and their mother was calling for alt-monkey buffs to turn it into driftwood.

He asked for examples of personal experiences ... I gave them ... I never said that ALL of the bomber boyz are like that ... did I ? ... I didn't think so.

As far as your experiences with CV fights ... I guess you haven't been around long enough.

Who the hell are you to decide what is best for my $14.99 ... I pay the money ... I decide where and how I want to fly ... WITHOUT causing others grief.

If you can't muster up enough guys to complete a capture ... then I guess you not really organized as you need to be ... or you need to join a squad that can supply the numbers needed ... or fly joint ops with another squad ... or get more squaddies. You don't need us ... and trying to force us is where the hatred comes from.

Think about it ... we don't care who wins the war ... or captures.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline x0847Marine

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #68 on: January 27, 2006, 04:40:58 PM »
Originally posted by LYNX

Now the answere to your big question about how long it stays down.  NO ONE FREAKIN KNOWS :rofl    

Exactly. I use to practice bombing on strats having no idea what good, if any, my efforts were doing. So I asked, "Hey, am I helping out?", the answer was always "Uhhhhhh huhuhuh you said 'strat' huhuhhehe"

Seems like 'behind the scenes' the game engine is making some sense out of all that nutty strat data... but HT is hiding that information from us.

It always struk me as totally fake that bases just regenerated even if the team ignored them.

Offline mars01

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #69 on: January 27, 2006, 04:45:27 PM »
Wow... you were "laughing the whole time" you were typing in this relatively sub-par thread... and you give me 1.0 for brains...?

Umm what are you saying, people who laugh don't have brains.  Man what are you twelve and just don't have any yet?

Offline SlapShot

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #70 on: January 27, 2006, 04:49:16 PM »
I have a hard time agreeing with the point in the first example, though. Every single time I’ve heard communications about an enemy fleet, the first thing most folks try to do is sink the carrier. That seems to be the overriding goal of most attack pilots that I have encountered in that situation. So, it seems a bit disingenuous to expect someone to do otherwise when sinking the carrier is considered standard operating procedures.

You asked ... I told you the truth ... yes ... 99.99 percent of the time, people are begging to sink the CV ... but there have been numerous instances, since I have started playing (4 years ago), where they were asked to back off and it was summarily ignored.

In the second example, you’re assuming a whole lot. You’re essentially speaking for every single pilot that was involved in the furball. How do we know that every pilot involved in the fight was just there for the furball? Perhaps a group of them were working to “CAP” the field and/or eliminate the fighter threat so that they could hit an adjacent field without fear of enemy fighters coming in from somewhere else.

Don't change my story and ask how ? ... I told you that the fight was raging BETWEEN the bases ... no capture was imminent at all, and there was no time during the melee that one side pushed the other back over their field where a CAP could be used. Again, you asked and I told you the truth.

Regardless, you’re getting mad at folks for playing the game the way it was obviously designed to be played.

Wrong ... thats the way YOU want to play the game ... not me and a whole lot of other people ... this is what causes the problem ... YOU telling me what I should and should not do ... and if I don't do it your way ... well ... your gonna bomb the FHs to hell and back and make sure that I can't fly and fight anymore ... sounds childish ?

A group of friends decide to up a few formations of bombers to go hit a strat target. They’re all having a jolly time. Then, during their climb-out, they get jumped by a bandit from a nearby furball. The bandit shoots a number of them down and generally ruins the experience of the bomber pilots.

Is this not, essentially, the same thing?

Not even close ... what they were attacked by was not a "furballer" ... they were attacked by the Cherry pickin vulchers that hang ABOVE the furball waiting to pick someone who is occupied ... furballers would not be at the alt that those bombers would be at ... unless they were 5K or below.

Nice try ... but "No Soup for you !!!" on that one.

Nice try all together tho ... does a furballer come into your field and take out the BHs ? .... the ord ? ... no they don't ... why ? ... because in reality, they don't give a rats arse if you bomb the whole map into oblivion ... just leave the field that the furball is feeding alone ... how many other bases, towns, VHs, strats are there to level ? Plenty is the answer.

One more aspect ... if you left the field that was feeding the furball alone ... you could still "WIN THE WAR" without ever having to try to take that field ... neat concept ... but no ... thats not the way they think.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline Saxman

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #71 on: January 27, 2006, 06:06:37 PM »
If you guys are just in it for the fight what's the harm in taking it to a base where the capture guys need the assistance once in a while? And whoever said anything about ORDERING? I don't know about anyone else, but I don't order, I ASK for help. And I'm not saying the furballers HAVE to help, it'd just be nice to put out a call for some of you all and actually see some guys come in from time to time.

And that's the problem with coordinating: Very frequently when someone asks for help at a base no one responds. You can't really fault guys for not being able to coordinate when no one is interested, or are too busy on other offensives and defenses.

I know my fighter skills need improving. But they are. I've gone from about a .3 to just short of a .80 k/d ratio in fighters since I joined up, and I'm pretty exclusively in the Corsair, which isn't an easy bird to learn on. While occaisonally I may jabbo, I don't really do much bombing. Primarily I'm with the scant fighter cover that manages to be scratched up.

For a minute I'm going to put away my "newbie" name tag and speak as someone who's been around the 'Net and seen arguments like these flare up  EVERYWHERE: I think EVERYONE in this thread needs to take a step back, take a deep breath, and REALLY read what's going on, here. There's no need for any of the furballers to be tossing out insults like they have, and the same thing goes for the strat/tac supporters. It WAS the furballers who derailed the thread first, posting how strat ruins the game, which had NOTHING to do with the original question. But the strat/tac side hasn't helped much, either and just escalated it. BOTH sides have their points, but are also taking it WAY too personally.

Do strat/tac guys do things to throw off the casual furball? Yes, it DOES happen. BUT IT MAY NOT ALWAYS BE INTENTIONAL. Many times I've asked what's happening in a given sector or base and received no response from ANYONE. It's hard to tell whether it's a genuine offensive that's been stalled between the bases by heavy enemy cap or just "mindless" fun if no one picks up the squawk.

On the same token, the strat/tac guys on LEGIT capture missions aren't going to KNOWINGLY blow through a furball just because. And I'm not saying that you HAVE to help. Like I said above, it'd be nice to every now and then see a response from people willing to put aside the static furball for a bit and lend some fighter cover on a push. Ignore the "Generals," at least consider the guys who ask nicely.
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

Offline wolf05

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #72 on: January 27, 2006, 07:24:27 PM »
WOW... I can see that the forum has not changed at all, lol. Kudos to Slimey and that 25 fellow. At least you two made sense.

Offline SuperDud

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #73 on: January 27, 2006, 07:43:41 PM »
Hey wolf, you use to play AW with the same name?
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Offline SlapShot

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« Reply #74 on: January 27, 2006, 07:50:13 PM »
On the same token, the strat/tac guys on LEGIT capture missions aren't going to KNOWINGLY blow through a furball just because. And I'm not saying that you HAVE to help. Like I said above, it'd be nice to every now and then see a response from people willing to put aside the static furball for a bit and lend some fighter cover on a push. Ignore the "Generals," at least consider the guys who ask nicely.

Legit capture missions stay far away from a furball ... it's the last thing they want to run into ... my gripe is the griefer bombers who relish in busting someone elses bubble ... just cause they can.

I spend %95 of my time DEFENDING bases. I see a base blinking with no other friendlies around and I am the first off the runway. That is the first place, and the most likey place, one can find at least a fight or two these days ... and at the same time, prevent a capture by those who think that maybe they were gonna get a free pass on this capture.

I have followed the "push" ... only to get to the base and have some yahoos pork everything in sight and then have to lineup and fight for vulch scraps ... no thank you.

98% of the time, those that go with the idea of "capturing" aren't really there for the capture ... they are there for the vulch so they can pad their score and hope that they will be noticed with a low ranking and be thought of as ... "leet". Can't tell you how many times I have been at a base with at least 10-15 guys flying cap ... fighting for the vulch and when asked if there was a goon coming ... no answer ... or ... you hear on local vox ... "Goon 2 minutes out, is the town down ?" ... I fly to the town ... it's completely up ... why ? ... cause it serves no purpose to leave the vulch line ... you don't get "atta boyz" for blowing up buildings after you land.

I did the strat capture thing full time for over 2 years with the MAW and 1 of those years as the CO of the 3rd MAW wing ... I know all too well everything there is to know about taking bases, and if I had a buck for every base we took ... I would be close to retiring. I laugh at the base capture attempts that I see now.

There was no better squad in all of Aces High better at taking bases than the MAW ... they had it down to a science and I learned it all. There were a couple that were close ... Arabian Knights (flew Bish then) and the USMC (they flew Knights as did the MAW).

I got tired of shooting and blowing up things that didn't move and were ALWAYS in the same spot EVERY SINGLE TIME I showed up at a field. And, when I did meet some opposition (dogfight) ... I got my bellybutton handed to me. Oh ... I could blow things up probably better than most ... I could fly 200ft AGL and "toss" a bomb at the VH and take it down ... but I couldn't fight my way out of a paper bag. I then decided to learn how to fight ... and found that each fight is NEVER the same ... dogfighting is an infinitely random act and dance ... and I like that.

Bottom line ... been there ... done that ... got all of the T-Shirts.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2006, 07:52:50 PM by SlapShot »
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."