Author Topic: Hangars and Ack Reupping  (Read 5560 times)

Offline Saurdaukar

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Re: Hangars and Ack Reupping
« Reply #105 on: November 13, 2009, 08:46:23 AM »
Wow.  Did you miss your medications sir?  Awful lot of virtual anger built up there.  Have you made your point in this thread, if there is one?  I will continue to wait for some substance out of you Mazz, but it seems to me that you are a very little man with a whole lot of nothing important to say.

Yes Waystin.  Spot on.  Ive missed my meds and have posted nothing of substance.

Ive made no attempt, whatsoever, to engage your fearless leader in any sort of intelligent discourse.

Twitchy, I dont know you from Adam.  Hell... by name, I only know two or three guys from your squad.  As such, Im going to give it to you straight, here; totally unbiased and without malice.

First and foremost, you need to understand AoM.  From your posting history, it is clear that you dont.  We're really not a motley gang of teenage misfits rolling around the internet in cartoon airplanes, thinking we're hot feces and thus, real life winners!

In reality, I dont think youll find a group of guys who take the game *less* seriously than we do... aside from maybe the 80th or the BK's.  Honestly, we just like to have fun.  Fun is different for every person and, thus, every group of which like-minded individuals are comprised.

For us, fun is furballing.  I think Grizz's description of furballing is a great one.  Its a sector filled with aircraft and multiple, constant engagements.  Thats why most of us started playing in the first place. 

For others, fun is taking bases.  Now, I have my own opinion on that - its boring.  But, you know what?  Im not going to tell you how to play the game.  If you like taking bases, take them.  Live and let live.

Unfortunately, where friction appears to exist is in that pesky "live and let live" area.  There seem to be a small number of (very large) squads who revel in the activity of ending furballs via base-porking and/or taking.  The motivation for this is usually, in my experience, one of two options.

On one hand, you have the people who simply enjoy making the game less fun for others.  These people are easy to identify and are generally annoying.  No additional description is necessary.

On the other hand, you have people who, with their inflated egos, think that those players sporting green icons are "costing our side the war!"  I have been playing AH for some time now and have witnessed, on countless occasions, a player leading a large squad or motley horde into TT for an hour or two to take all of the airfields, thus closing TT to all but one country and, as a result, effectively ending any fight there. 

The idea in the minds of those individuals is that people "furballing" are hurting the "war" effort.  With TT closed (for example), those players are now forced to fight on the "front lines."  Those players log.

This is contrary to that "live and let live" policy above and, for purposes of understanding, it is contrary to the *point* of the game as understood by those of us who came up through AW and/or WB.

The concept of a "war" which must be won is, honestly, appealing on many levels.  It gives meaning to the overall atmosphere of the game.  However, its not the "point" of these games, as originally designed.  This is, perhaps, why you have seen HTC go to great lengths to make bases more and more difficult to capture.

For many of us, the point of the game *is* the fight.  When I log on and I see a sector filled with a green dar bar and a red dar bar - with radar icons dead set in the middle of each field - THATS a formula for enjoyment.  I know I can up a bird and find a relatively even numbered fight at some altitude below orbit.  I also know that similar players will be drawn to such a fight so I can expect some old friends to be there; people I know I'll get a good fight from.

Having explained what fun is to different people and who we, as a squad really are, we then move on to this apparent "rivalry" (significant emphasis on quotation marks) you perceive between AoM and your group.

In your post above, you state that you care not what we think.  However, a brief scan of your group's BBS reveals an alarming number of threads dedicated to AoM.  Why?  Dunno.  Usually its some business about how SkyRock sucks afterall because he was dumb enough to dive into twelve of you and only shot down four before buying the farm.  Sometimes its about how SunsFan is an "elitest" who looks down upon new players (which is near 180 degrees from accurate).

Point being, as they say, "lighten up Francis." 

There are members of your squad who "get it."  Waystin is a good guy, Junky, Krup... hell Krups one of the better sticks in the game in my opinion.  These guys, they know we're not serious.  We're just having a good time.

You, on the other hand, seem to take this very seriously and I think that's a shame.  Our squads have nothing in common.  We play completely differently, we have a completely different squad set up and we don't shout "COOKIES!" on public channels when kills are landed.

Ill bet $100 that you guys can take ten bases before we can take one.  I'll also bet $100 that there isn't a single Muppet who wouldn't wipe the floor with two of your guys at the same time.  We each have different goals in the game and, as a result, have developed different skill sets.

But so what?

Its a game.

As brazen as we may be in our speech, there is always a smile behind it.  I dont think anyone from AoM has ever *really* insulted one of you.  By contrast, in your post above, alone, I see you spitting venom.  Halloween costumes, crying to mom, skirts, etc, etc, whatever else is up there.


Again.  Its a game.

Chill out... relax.  Sit in your chair, pour yourself a pint, light a smoke and go have fun.

All we ask in return is that you dont show up to our party and kick the keg with fifteen NOE Lancasters.

Is that *really* too much to ask?

You could have typed that little snippet right there, and saved yourself half an hour of conjecture lol.
If it sounds like I take stuff too seriously, then clean your ears out man lol, I just posted a picture of Wham for crying out loud.  :lol

Here's a multiple choice response, pick whichever you like.

A. As soon as you quit expecting anyone else on a video game to care about what you think.
B. As soon as you quit worrying about other players' tactics in that video game.
D. Yawn...
D. As soon as your expectations of 'fun' begin to culminate in and from a special sense of community that comes from minding your own business.

Yeah, for once we agree. In the spirit of P.T. Barnum, however, sensationalism is highly effective, sometimes it takes a shocking visual metaphor to illustrate and drive home the anti-hetero position taken by a haughty noob muppet when lauding themselves and their mediocre ACM.

Muppets always were a good squad, but wow, where'd you guys pick up sunsfan and some of these other Aleks? You guys used to be respectable.  :lol

Now see... what is the point of this post?  Youve addressed nothing of significance.  Youve not offered a response to my honest and thoughtful post and, aside from (laughably) suggesting that Sunsfan is some sort of detriment to our squad, havent even sought to accomplish anything.

Perhaps the problem is that you simply like to be heard?

That would place you into Option #2, as defined in my initial post.

Ironically enough, the very (and erroneous) reason you claim to despise Muppets - ego - is the very same reason you are motivated to write in this thread.

While that certainly explains the vast majority of your actions to which I have been witness, I remain hopeful that you can turn over a new leaf, so to speak.

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Re: Hangars and Ack Reupping
« Reply #106 on: November 13, 2009, 08:50:56 AM »
Mazz<---owns twitchy! :aok

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Re: Hangars and Ack Reupping
« Reply #107 on: November 13, 2009, 09:04:45 AM »
Mazz<---owns twitchy! :aok

nothin to brag about

my 15 year old daughter would own him. :rofl

Offline RufusLeaking

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Re: Hangars and Ack Reupping
« Reply #108 on: November 13, 2009, 10:13:07 AM »
And while I'm at, what if the troops we drop at the map room could be mannable, and carried guns, and explosives to take down a hangar or slap to the bottom of a spawn camping Tiger and we could run around with bayonets and machine guns and stick one another while fighting for the map room? I'm telling you guys, if Hitech acheived the same kind level of ground war that say WWII Online had, and still managed to keep it Aces High somehow, he could rule the universe with it.
What you describe is very cool in theory. The concept crashes when the details are considered.

Apart from the issues of space and time, where a plane can transit the space of a typical CoD map in seconds, one would run into the issue of ratios.  How many ground pounders per aviators?  It would be thousands to one. 

Other dilemmas include how to provide terrain detail appropriate for man to man combat, how to respawn the masses, damage models on a personal level, etc.

Aces High is a good balance.  The land and sea forces are presented well and appropriately as mainly targets for aircraft.
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Re: Hangars and Ack Reupping
« Reply #109 on: November 13, 2009, 11:50:46 AM »
Yes Waystin.  Spot on.  Ive missed my meds and have posted nothing of substance.
Ive made no attempt, whatsoever, to engage your fearless leader in any sort of intelligent discourse.
Quite Right Sir, you're also annoying, and you're ceaseless and self serving condescentions are rivaled only by your inability to cope with your unhealthy fascination with me. I'm flattered, but my ankle is starting to get sore, so run along now, and find something constructive to do like hang yourself.
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Hangars and Ack Reupping
« Reply #110 on: November 13, 2009, 11:54:54 AM »
Seems about 1 million folks lost their live accounts for cheating.
80th FS "Headhunters"

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Re: Hangars and Ack Reupping
« Reply #111 on: November 13, 2009, 12:09:30 PM »
You are. Your initial request was for things to stay down longer because, after losing your goon on the first attempt, stuff started re-upping before a second goon, launched after the demise of the first, got there.
That is all about allowing multiple attempts without having to keep defenses suppressed. That is, indeed, avoiding resistance; even if there was resistance during your initial assault.
You are asking for a change to the game to make up for bad luck, poor planning, or poor execution. There is no doubt a base can be taken with the current settings. Because you failed to do so is no reason to change those settings.
No I'm not, and most of us never have, we're all here for fighting or we'd be playing tetris. Like I said before it's a crap stereotype, furballers have created this because they are too damned lazy or self involved to defend a base or run supplies. We do take bases with the current settings, but what good does taking the hangars down do anybody if they just pop back up in ten minutes? Apparently you didn't read my entire post or you're missing the point, RESUPPLY the base to get those hangars back up, if your supply lines are undefended or if you're too busy score hoin to be bothered with this aspect of the game, then you deserve to loose that base, and ulitmately the war. When a field is supressed, up from another field and hurry over there to defend it, or 'gasp', resupply it.
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Hangars and Ack Reupping
« Reply #112 on: November 13, 2009, 12:10:37 PM »
Seems about 1 million folks lost their live accounts for cheating.

Not for cheating.  They were banned for modding their Xbox so they could either player pirated/copied games or games from another region.  What is funny is eBay has seen a dramatic increase of Xbox's being listed within the last 4 days.

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Re: Hangars and Ack Reupping
« Reply #113 on: November 13, 2009, 12:12:44 PM »
No I'm not, and most of us never have, we're all here for fighting or we'd be playing tetris. Like I said before it's a crap stereotype, furballers have created this because they are too damned lazy or self involved to defend a base or run supplies. We do take bases with the current settings, but what good does taking the hangars down do anybody if they just pop back up in ten minutes? Apparently you didn't read my entire post or you're missing the point, RESUPPLY the base to get those hangars back up, if your supply lines are undefended or if you're too busy score hoin to be bothered with this aspect of the game, then you deserve to loose that base, and ulitmately the war. When a field is supressed, up from another field and hurry over there to defend it, or 'gasp', resupply it.

i'm a furballer.

i will defend a base when necessary. i've run many a supply run. i've run troops. i've brought em in a c-47.

 i've bnz'd, i've bombed, i've shelled things from boats, i've gv'd.

 the only people trying to create stereotypes are people like you.
ingame 1LTCAP
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Offline twitchy

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Re: Hangars and Ack Reupping
« Reply #114 on: November 13, 2009, 12:30:34 PM »
i'm a furballer.
Well congratulations!  :aok
Of course you are, what choice do we have?  :huh
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Offline Shuffler

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Re: Hangars and Ack Reupping
« Reply #115 on: November 13, 2009, 12:32:49 PM »
Not for cheating.  They were banned for modding their Xbox so they could either player pirated/copied games or games from another region.  What is funny is eBay has seen a dramatic increase of Xbox's being listed within the last 4 days.

I'd consider that cheating :)
80th FS "Headhunters"

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Offline DrDea

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Re: Hangars and Ack Reupping
« Reply #116 on: November 13, 2009, 12:56:43 PM »
 Sheesh. While knits and rooks fought overhead last night,we took the base out from under BOTH of them. Very little planning needed,just a few GV's to drop the town and in rolled an M3 and a goon. Sometimes a skilled understanding of the situation between a handful of people is all ya need. And sometimes ya just get lucky.
 Your mission failed due to poor planning or just dumb luck. Your goon prob got nailed while everyone fought over who killed the convoy :rofl
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Offline waystin2

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Re: Hangars and Ack Reupping
« Reply #117 on: November 13, 2009, 01:04:09 PM »
I'd consider that cheating :)

Actually I would call it stealing...
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Re: Hangars and Ack Reupping
« Reply #118 on: November 13, 2009, 01:07:41 PM »
Sheesh. While knits and rooks fought overhead last night,we took the base out from under BOTH of them. Very little planning needed,just a few GV's to drop the town and in rolled an M3 and a goon. Sometimes a skilled understanding of the situation between a handful of people is all ya need. And sometimes ya just get lucky.
 Your mission failed due to poor planning or just dumb luck. Your goon prob got nailed while everyone fought over who killed the convoy :rofl

Actually we're pretty proficient at taking bases, Pigs always have been, but that doesn't make a ten miunte reup time anymore realistic when there's no supplies getting to the field.
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Re: Hangars and Ack Reupping
« Reply #119 on: November 13, 2009, 01:11:28 PM »
 SO if your proficient at it then you know what it takes. Just because this one didnt work out is no reason to come to the forums and say "it aint fair" Theres enough land grabbing going on as it is. Some do it as NOE runs,some as designed missions. Pick your poison. But the hangers and ack are down long enough to require a concerted effort and thats the way it should be.
The Flying Circus.Were just like you.Only prettier.

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