Author Topic: Player and plane roster...  (Read 30666 times)

Offline Dragon Tamer

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Re: Player and plane roster...
« Reply #210 on: March 12, 2015, 04:44:45 PM »
I totally see your point.

But a competition to satisfy the question this thread asked (IMO) will not get out of the planning stages. Having separate brackets for different air frames offers the ability for players to compete against opponent of similar skill levels without directly segregating them based on their ability.

Lol Ok, Any more rebuttals will hopefully be addressed in my write up.

 Kruel we should definitely get together with others on TS or something and try to get this together.


Glzz, am I going to have to modify that special gif to fit you into it?  :noid

Offline TonyJoey

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Re: Player and plane roster...
« Reply #211 on: March 12, 2015, 05:54:39 PM »
Using dueling to determine who is "best" in a particular ride is a bit misguided. Dueling same-planes is almost entirely a matter of ACM knowledge and execution, with the actual characteristics of the plane and one's knowledge of those characteristics, at least in my opinion, not having a large impact on the fight. One anecdotal example was in one of BaldEagl's first dueling tournaments, where in the final round Grizz beat me in the 51, and I beat him in the K4. Yet, in an MA environment I would feel 10x more comfortable in a 51 than a K4, and vice versa for Grizz.

Offline Ripley

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Re: Player and plane roster...
« Reply #212 on: March 12, 2015, 06:02:14 PM »
I am the best at not being in a cockpit in a long time span, that will change soon ;)

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Offline Kruel

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Re: Player and plane roster...
« Reply #213 on: March 12, 2015, 06:04:15 PM »
Using dueling to determine who is "best" in a particular ride is a bit misguided. Dueling same-planes is almost entirely a matter of ACM knowledge and execution, with the actual characteristics of the plane and one's knowledge of those characteristics, at least in my opinion, not having a large impact on the fight. One anecdotal example was in one of BaldEagl's first dueling tournaments, where in the final round Grizz beat me in the 51, and I beat him in the K4. Yet, in an MA environment I would feel 10x more comfortable in a 51 than a K4, and vice versa for Grizz.

Maybe we can cap it off with the winners of each plane set all facing off against each other in the ride of their choice?

I agree it almost boils down to who has better ACM knowledge but if you put two equal pilots together, whom ever knows the ride more is likely to win, I think your situation is not very common at all

Offline DrBone1

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Re: Player and plane roster...
« Reply #214 on: March 12, 2015, 06:05:21 PM »
hmmm...  have you ever tried to get into the muppets?   how many times did you try to get in?  how did that work out for you?  wait, I can see by your obsession, that it didn't work out well for you did it???   awww...  maybe next try... err never.  :aok
That's funny considering Myself along with DrSpek were in the Muppets for maybe a week or 2  before we left.
Also if I am not mistaken Grizz was practically begging me to join back in 2010 or maybe 2011 and I respectively declined.

At that time Nobody in the Muppets had anything to offer me besides Grizz and I got a lot of training with him even while being in different squads.

I have found a much more suitable group that can compete on a much higher level.  :aok
=The Damned=
I see DrBone has found a new Sith apprentice. Good, good, let the hate flow through you.  :devil
Move up, move over, or move aside.  Simple kombat 101.

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Re: Player and plane roster...
« Reply #215 on: March 12, 2015, 06:14:56 PM »
I don't think you're being honest... or, you are being intentional... maybe trying to get a rise?  maybe there is something else going on... maybe you're not qualified to even make this little statement you just made.. maybe you haven't fought all on ink's list...  but something is amiss with you making this statement...

edit: btw out of all those people in the lists provided so far there have been only 3 people who could beat me in any kind of a 1v1 setup and consistently win every time and again they were Kazaa,Bruv and Grizz, I have been here long enough to know who is who and what they are capable of.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 06:18:30 PM by DrBone1 »
=The Damned=
I see DrBone has found a new Sith apprentice. Good, good, let the hate flow through you.  :devil
Move up, move over, or move aside.  Simple kombat 101.

Offline JunkyII

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Re: Player and plane roster...
« Reply #216 on: March 12, 2015, 06:19:18 PM »
didn't we get some duels in the MA with each other maybe a year ago or so?  maybe you in a 109 me in a hog... maybe we both in hogs... I seem to remember us meeting otd off of a base and getting some good fights in...
I wasn't active a year or so ago. Had about 11 months off. The time I recall you called me out for flying a KI84, then we met otd ki84 vs your claimed you would win but when you didn't you said I was being timid flying in the vertical.

If you would like to do more 1v1s I'm always down, most times when I ask on 200 for goes unanswered, which is fine. For me it's not about being the best, I don't think I could ever get there because I don't log enough hours, it's just about a good fight.
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Offline JunkyII

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Re: Player and plane roster...
« Reply #217 on: March 12, 2015, 06:24:00 PM »
Just to show you all I'm not bias or just going for a rise...Way said Razor for mossie...I disagree, Razor is a efficient killer and E fighter but I would not say he is the best in a mossie.
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Offline morfiend

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Re: Player and plane roster...
« Reply #218 on: March 12, 2015, 06:25:09 PM »

  I would give an honourable mention to Ded a lot..... :devil

   There are a couple of others but most these guys dont need or care if they are mentioned in any list.


Offline Guppy35

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Re: Player and plane roster...
« Reply #219 on: March 12, 2015, 06:39:38 PM »
Interesting how this thread that seemed to start off well in terms of the question asked has ended up being a cartoon joystick measuring contest.  I guess it was inevitable.

So in hopes that it will help. You are all cartoon pilot gods that us mortal cartoon pilots worship from afar in the hopes that someday we too will be able to compete for the title of the biggest joystick in the arena :aok

Funny part is in all the years of cartoon flying not one of you has actually killed me.  Does that make me immortal too?  :)

I do hope when you are all done pixelating each other that the last cartoon pilot standing will bless us with the announcement of his rise to the top of the cartoon mountain so that we can acknowledge his greatness. :salute
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline GhostCDB

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Re: Player and plane roster...
« Reply #220 on: March 12, 2015, 06:50:31 PM »
I am better than Tongs in a Ki61, where do I claim my "Ki61 L33T pilot" sticker.
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Re: Player and plane roster...
« Reply #221 on: March 12, 2015, 06:54:57 PM »
@ Sky Rock, why do you hold AoM so high? Like what about AoM in 2015 is so great?
2007-2009 AoM was something to brag about but have you checked your squad roster lately? Early stages of dementia maybe?

You really make it seem like people are jumping through hoops to gain access to the muppets. I mean with the current bunch I don't see how hard it could be to simply change your name and land a few kills and get an invite. Maybe I am on the outside looking in.
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Offline SkyRock

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Re: Player and plane roster...
« Reply #222 on: March 12, 2015, 07:05:46 PM »
Using dueling to determine who is "best" in a particular ride is a bit misguided. Dueling same-planes is almost entirely a matter of ACM knowledge and execution, with the actual characteristics of the plane and one's knowledge of those characteristics, at least in my opinion, not having a large impact on the fight. One anecdotal example was in one of BaldEagl's first dueling tournaments, where in the final round Grizz beat me in the 51, and I beat him in the K4. Yet, in an MA environment I would feel 10x more comfortable in a 51 than a K4, and vice versa for Grizz.
+1  :aok

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline SPKmes

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Re: Player and plane roster...
« Reply #223 on: March 12, 2015, 07:09:48 PM »
Holy fackin hell man!!!!   do you guys have to grab your nuts an roar every time one of these comes up..... I'm amazed at how twisted an opening thread gets these days... it's like Chinese whispers with toddlers

Offline SkyRock

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Re: Player and plane roster...
« Reply #224 on: March 12, 2015, 07:10:59 PM »
That's funny considering Myself along with DrSpek were in the Muppets for maybe a week or 2  before we left.
Also if I am not mistaken Grizz was practically begging me to join back in 2010 or maybe 2011 and I respectively declined.

At that time Nobody in the Muppets had anything to offer me besides Grizz and I got a lot of training with him even while being in different squads.
I think you're full of it... seriously, I like you, have had some really good fights with you... get along with you quite well... I think you're one of the better sticks in the game... but you're participation in whatever this obsession thingy with the muppets is quite telling... and to be honest with you, lessens you. 

I have found a much more suitable group that can compete on a much higher level.   :aok
again...  a little full of it, eh?   just sayin...  :aok

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"