Author Topic: And people think _'s are bad?  (Read 2198 times)

Offline Kweassa

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And people think _'s are bad?
« Reply #30 on: October 03, 2002, 03:09:46 AM »
* snickers in cynicism * :rolleyes:

 What if someone chooses a "KGB" or a "CIA" as a part of his handle? Would it be any different?


 but yes, as a rule, any handle which can create an offending aura between users around the world, or affiliated with politically sensitive material, or associated with controversial historic events, should be prohibited as a part of a handle.

« Last Edit: October 03, 2002, 03:15:00 AM by Kweassa »

Offline sling322

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And people think _'s are bad?
« Reply #31 on: October 03, 2002, 04:03:51 AM »
How about this one for a real winner....look in the roster in between MrFixIt and Mtwd8st.

Offline Tilt

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And people think _'s are bad?
« Reply #32 on: October 03, 2002, 04:17:54 AM »
Originally posted by J_A_B
"It's no different than the Luftwaffe."

The SS and in particular the Waffen SS was the child of Himmler just as the Luftwaffe was the child of Goering........

Hitlers "henchmen" were always jealous of each others power and wanted to create units within the armed forces loyal to them Himmler developed the Waffen SS for this purpose....whilst working within the chain of command  of the whermacht their loyalties were not to the whermacht .

Latterly Goebbels too created his own fighting units with his Police battalions...... these units were directly responsible for the annialation of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians across Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and (in particular) the Ukraine..... they were mercilessly hunted by Red Army units and Partisans during the retreat of 44/45.

In fact the most outstanding atrocity of the Waffen SS occurred in France where a whole village was massacred on the suspision that it harboured resistance fighters. The Waffen SS enjoyed the best of provisions and resources/logistics often getting material originally bound for heavily pressed units elsewhere on the front. There is no doubt however that they were an elite group of fighters who played a decisive and often pivitol role in many eastern fron battles.

We draw very subtle distinctions here between what is and is not brought to our game from the original history...............

Drawing some sort of imaginary line to say that every thing over it is inherently evil and every thing before it is inherently good is a great misnomer.............

However it will be true that what is acceptable to some will not be to others....................

....................... as long as the politics and atrocities of Nazi Europe are remembered and guarded against elsewhere I see no reason to bring them into this game...either as chat on channel 1 or as a method of deciding who can have what handle.............
Ludere Vincere

Offline Dowding (Work)

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And people think _'s are bad?
« Reply #33 on: October 03, 2002, 04:41:22 AM »
Now that germany lost the war, everything nazi related has become a tabu...

You sound almost disappointed.

Offline Ratbo

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And people think _'s are bad?
« Reply #34 on: October 03, 2002, 04:44:08 AM »
I'd assume they would act on this name due to the *extremely* negative connotations. Of course if they don't, a few well placed screen-shots of said name would speed things up. :)

There's a line here.  People can pretend to be virtual German Pilots or Axis pilots. There's no need for virtual Nazi's. BIG difference.


Originally posted by J_A_B
If a racist or bigoted name crops up in AH, then it IS HTC's duty to eliminate it.  They're MADE it their duty.   And, while I disagree with their decision in regards to censorship, they've been consistent enough in application that I have little doubt this issue will soon be taken care of.  That was the original purpose of this thread--to inform them.   HTC has little choice but to act....inaction on THIS issue when they've acted on so many other issues would be equal to them saying they WANT this sort of name in AH.

Offline blitz

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And people think _'s are bad?
« Reply #35 on: October 03, 2002, 05:30:03 AM »
Well, Germans are offended by the callsign "Waffen SS" and many other people in Europe are too.

Maybe Americans would feel the same  if "Waffen SS" units would have visited the USA in WW2.

What about some idiot uses "Osama Bin Laden" as callsign next, in combination with "TwinTowerKillers" as squadname?


Offline gatso

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And people think _'s are bad?
« Reply #36 on: October 03, 2002, 05:46:09 AM »
Originally posted by Straffo
"SSviking got a new friend in the game."

You assume that it refers to the SS Viking Division.

The S.S. Viking was also a ship that blew up off the coast of Newfoundland in 1931.  I'm sure that this is not the only case of a ship being called 'Viking'


Offline straffo

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« Reply #37 on: October 03, 2002, 06:03:40 AM »
There is a player named SSViking ...

It was especially noticable because he kept yelling on radio because no one was giving 6 calls nor help ...

Choosing a offensive(*) handle is a bad idea IMO

And I've seen some of his numerous death without any concern...

(*) for some of us

Offline Hussein

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And people think _'s are bad?
« Reply #38 on: October 03, 2002, 06:03:55 AM »
Everything points out to Saddam being the next bad boy in history..

Does that mean that I'm not allowed to use this nick anymore?

Come on, I know americans love censorship and closing thier eyes from obvious.. But it doesn't change the history nor does it change the future. People just get offended WAY too easy.

Offline Vuokko

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And people think _'s are bad?
« Reply #39 on: October 03, 2002, 06:11:08 AM »
Originally posted by JB73

back to topic .. here is a pic i just did of the 109G-2 in AH....

personally all i fly is the Dora but this in in AH

Here is info from LLv34's web pages about blue swastika:

The Story of FAF symbols
Let's make something clear right now. First to avoid misunderstandings: Swastika is an ancient Aryan and Buddhist mystic symbol. Its was adopted by FAF years before the Nazis even exist and so it has nothing to do with them. And that's it!

The Swastika symbol

The first symbol was born when swedish von Rosen donated Thulin typ D to Finlands white army in 1918. (In Finlands early years there was cruel national war where were goverments white army against revolutional red army). The Swastika was the symbol of Mr von Rosen and it was adopted to FAF. At the end of the second world war had world became allergic to swastika and it had to replaced.

The roundel symbol

After the swastika had became symbol of bad, not due to FAF, it was replaced with roundel symbol 1944-1945. Ever since its been in use, but its reduced quite much to get better "invisibility" for the planes.
Lentotaitoahan minulla ei koskaan ole ollut - vaan eipä sitä taida AH'n kaltasissa airquakeissa paljoa tarvitakaan. On toi reaktionopeus ollu aina aika heikko.

Offline Jekyll

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« Reply #40 on: October 03, 2002, 06:37:57 AM »
And here is another one for you to rant about JAB :)

I always knew there was something funny about that Skipper!
« Last Edit: October 03, 2002, 06:41:35 AM by Jekyll »


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« Reply #41 on: October 03, 2002, 06:49:37 AM »
Names like that remind me of playing DOD with a bunch of 12 year old foul mouthed WaffenSS obersturmfuhrers, but at least over there they will try to balance the numbers and prevent gangbangs.  (Bish numbers whine!) :D    

Honestly I think its stupid and distatesteful to have such a name in this game even though I recognize the clear distinction between the Waffen SS and other branches of the SS political organization.  Frankly fighting in the east overall they acted no better or worse than any other ground unit on either side - they just happened to bring that east front attitude to the western fighting and thats how they got the infamous reputation from allies.

Offline Duedel

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And people think _'s are bad?
« Reply #42 on: October 03, 2002, 07:44:43 AM »
The name WaffenSS is disgusting! If not for u, for me any many other people it is. It is totally unimportent if ur offended by this name or not, I AM!!!
I'm interested in the technical issues of this game. I'm interested in the historical background but there's only one truth and this is: Nazism was and is the worst that existed and exists.
It's often a tightrope walk to love LW planes and honor even german pilots but no one can honor any group of nazi lover SS NO ONE!
And no one should be allowed to take a handle like this. It's the same with the GERMAN swastikas (not the finish, plz dont compare them).
As i said before its totaly irrelevant if u are OK with this handle or not. I cant accept this and I really like HTC to disallow such things.

Offline popeye

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And people think _'s are bad?
« Reply #43 on: October 03, 2002, 08:24:47 AM »
We're playing a game with the objective of "killing" our opponents, and we get offended by a player's choice for his game identity.....

Where is Major Kong?!?

Offline straffo

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And people think _'s are bad?
« Reply #44 on: October 03, 2002, 08:33:04 AM »
so you would be happy to see "Osama" of the  "TwinTowerKillers" ?

disgusting :(