Author Topic: And people think _'s are bad?  (Read 2204 times)

Offline lazs2

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And people think _'s are bad?
« Reply #45 on: October 03, 2002, 08:53:20 AM »
oedipus... when did I take a shot at your handle?   I merely asked you to say hi to mom for me.

Offline hblair

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« Reply #46 on: October 03, 2002, 09:12:18 AM »
Anybody remember the last time this waffen guy caused a big long thread in here? Seems like that one was over a hundred replies.

Offline Amboss

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« Reply #47 on: October 03, 2002, 09:24:55 AM »
Seen the positive way, all the guys getting worked up over this handle will get a warm, fuzzy feeling when it says on their screen...

You shot down SSWaffen!

I mean, where else do you get to bash them SS bastards!?



Offline culero

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« Reply #48 on: October 03, 2002, 09:28:38 AM »
Originally posted by popeye
We're playing a game with the objective of "killing" our opponents, and we get offended by a player's choice for his game identity.....

When I was at Air Warrior, this exact topic came up, and my initial reaction was exactly the same as yours, popeye. It makes eminent good sense, on a logical and unemotional level. I objected to policy there that prohibited this type of in-game ID (any with Nazi associations), both because of what you expressed here, and the "free speech" issue.

However, during the ensuing discussions, I was convinced to change my opinion by listening to players from Germany and other parts of Europe. Just as blitz pointed out in this thread, Nazi associations and symbols are viewed with MUCH more seriousness than here in the USA. People there, for their own reasons, even see fit to make this kind of thing illegal. By an overwhelming majority, German players expressed to me the desire to have these things banned. Many other Europeans said they felt the same.

It was out of my respect for the feelings of the German and other European members of the game community that I changed my mind. Sometimes you have to balance one desire against another. I decided that my feelings about "free speech" and "a game atmosphere that involves killing" weren't as important as the profound bad feelings Nazi associations created in the heart of a large group of fellow players.

Not that it mattered much what me or anyone else thought, moggy was in charge and he delighted in stomping on anything Nazi ;)

culero (not saying AH has to mimic AW, just saying)
“Before we're done with them, the Japanese language will be spoken only in Hell!” - Adm. William F. "Bull" Halsey

Offline Shiva

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And people think _'s are bad?
« Reply #49 on: October 03, 2002, 09:33:34 AM »
JB73 that is not a swastika on the G2.

Swastika, hakenkreuz, fylfot, crux gammata, crux dissimulata, cross cramponee, croix gammee, wan, tetraskelion, gammadion, Jaina cross, pramantha -- what's in a name?

What if someone chooses a "KGB" or a "CIA" as a part of his handle? Would it be any different?

NKVD. Let's at least stay in period.

I'd assume they would act on this name due to the *extremely* negative connotations. Of course if they don't, a few well placed screen-shots of said name would speed things up.

What -- lurk around him until you can get screenshots of him jaboing the church in one of the towns, and then use that in an inflammatory argument to get his handle changed?

SSviking got a new friend in the game.

If you're assuming that 'SSviking' refers to the Finnish volunteer SS division, it was referred to as 'Wiking', not 'Viking'.

This is a game. Not a forumn for attention starved twits or bad taste political grandstanding.

I agree. Political grandstanding should be disallowed.

Same with idiotic handles like "gonorhea"

So your position is that political grandstanding should be disallowed, unless it's you grandstanding to get rid of something you don't want to see? And then you hurriedly run and try to defend your handle, even though someone could easily be just as offended by your choice of handle.

If you have the right to demand that someone else change their handle because it offends you, then anyone has the right to demand that you change your handle because it offends [/u]them[/u]. You can't have it both ways. Either accept the premise that everyone's got the inalienable right to be a fsckwit and pick a handle that annoys other people, or take your marbles and play somewhere else.

Offline Tumor

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« Reply #50 on: October 03, 2002, 10:25:19 AM »
Originally posted by straffo
so you would be happy to see "Osama" of the  "TwinTowerKillers" ?

disgusting :(

ROFL!!  Funny coming from a guy who has no problem calling someone ELSE Osama....
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Offline Hornet

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« Reply #51 on: October 03, 2002, 10:26:31 AM »
In the meantime realise that no one has an "inalienable right" to anything for simply subscribing to AH - except those defined by HTC. This is not a public street corner, it's a private business.

game. set. match. All the free speech rah-rah stuff is just BS.

Offline straffo

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« Reply #52 on: October 03, 2002, 10:27:36 AM »
Originally posted by Tumor

ROFL!!  Funny coming from a guy who has no problem calling someone ELSE Osama....


Offline GRDuckett

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« Reply #53 on: October 03, 2002, 10:57:55 AM »
Originally posted by Sandman_SBM

Aces High has Panzers. The Waffen SS had a Panzer division.

Are you getting it yet?

  Point taken.  I still dont like it.

Offline GRDuckett

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« Reply #54 on: October 03, 2002, 11:09:36 AM »
Originally posted by Hussein

Come on, I know americans love censorship and closing thier eyes from obvious.. But it doesn't change the history nor does it change the future. People just get offended WAY too easy.

  Wow...The statements on this BB sometimes astound me.

  You must be using the "force" to be able to make such "accurate" generalizations about an entire nation of people.  Say hi to yoda for me.:rolleyes:

  Last time I looked the US was one of a few nations that allow total freedom of press.

  Im sure there is no such sensorship in bagdad.


Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #55 on: October 03, 2002, 11:12:21 AM »
SS, Waffen SS, LuftWaffe, Hitler's Boy scouts (aka Hitler's Youth)...

All the same. Some swept up in it for the good of the country, some for their own agenda, and some to be the best lil' Hitler they could be.

I could go through the SS, Waffen SS, LuftWaffe and Hitler's Youths and find just as many people who loved Hitler and would of died for him as I would for the guys who just thought it was the right thing to do in their country.

Trying to justify the 1930s-1945 LuftWaffe as more innocent than any of the aforementioned groups is simply revisionist.

Those that fought for love of their country and defense of their homeland were a dime a dozen in the LuftWaffe, especially if they were on the offensive in the initial years.

Remember that before you try to sing the tune that one of Hitler's military groups was somehow more innocent or better to "play pretend" with.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #56 on: October 03, 2002, 11:34:59 AM »
Gotta love all this rushing to the defense of idiots stuff here.

 "Oh oh! The SS used conscripts!"

 Yeah yeah. Germany used conscripts everywhere when things got despirate in their final year. But the SS was originally comprised of the more fanatical elements (all volunteers) that took an oath ... not to Germany ... but to Hitler. Their fanaticism made them the perfect unquestioning executionists. Those that were in the field were there only by circumstance. They could just as easily have been posted to run death camps or perform the more personal executions for Hitler in his presense. And would have ... without question. The fact that there were foriegn volunteers doesn't cast them in a good light. :rolleyes:

 "Oh oh! The Waffen SS are sooo misunderstood and vilified!"

 Yeah yeah. The Allies "wrote history" so it's obviously wrong. Had the Nazis won it would have been oh so much more accurate under their totalitarian regime. :rolleyes:

 "Oh oh! SSViking is a ship! He named himself after a ship!"

 Yeah yeah. He had a boner for that ship name. :rolleyes:

 "Oh oh! Freedom of speech! We all have the right to be offensive as we want in public and nobody or nothing can stop us!"

 Yeah yeah. Goosestep in our next 4th of July parade here sporting an SS uniform and spouting obscenities. You better hope you're arrested before you get your adolescent butts kicked in by 85 yr old vets who still got some fight left in em. Bet there wouldn't be a single witness. :D

 Oh ... and Oeddy is a momma's boy! :p  *chuckle*
« Last Edit: October 03, 2002, 07:18:54 PM by Arlo »

Offline Puck

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« Reply #57 on: October 03, 2002, 11:37:54 AM »
I know, let's get offended when people claim to be Catholic because of the atrocities commited by Catholics during the crusades!  That's it!  The NAME "Catholic" should be banned, because their actions were so offensive...

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Offline Arlo

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« Reply #58 on: October 03, 2002, 11:44:51 AM »
"Oh oh! Ze Catholics vere vorse!"

 Gotta love it! :rolleyes:

Offline muckmaw

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« Reply #59 on: October 03, 2002, 11:46:47 AM »
This is Hi-tech's house. This is Hi-tech's decision.

I doubt he will let it stand, but it's still his choice.

Freedom of Speech does not apply here. You can say anything you want on my street, but as soon as you walk into my house, if I don't like what you have to say, you're getting booted out.

On a side note, whoever this SSWaffen is, we're playing right into his hands. Chances are he took this handle to get a reaction.

Congratulations; mission accomplished.

Some people don't care whether they get negative attention, or positive, just as long as they get some attention.

As for my feelings, I feel this handle should be disallowed. I point to the many posts beforehand that say if this is allowed, why not have handles like IluvKKK, etc.