If something you see offends you, and wether or not that thing is there is beyond your control, dont look at it.
Why is the swastika, or German/Nazi orientated names any more offensive than the 'meatball' on Japanese planes? Or someone using the name of a Japanese ace? You cant tell me the Japs were a nice, humane, friendly bunch of blokes in WWII.
And what about the British roundel...hell, those blokes torched Dresden....and the star and bar of the US? They just nuked a couple of cities, nothin' unsociable about that.
The Russian star? yep, the Ruskies were incredibly decent to the people of the German territories they occupied.
My own countrymen regularly straffed survivers in liferafts after attacking Japanes shipping, no one is exactly 'innocent'.
Face it, by playing a world war two air combat simulation/game, we are in effect 'pretending' to involve ourselves in a situation where several million of Earth's young men did their damndest to kill one another, there aint a hell of a lot about ANY of it that ISNT offensive........but damn it's fun when it's securely locked away behind my monitor's glass.
To get righteously offended and all high and mighty about a name, due to it's connection to something that happened more than half a century ago, during a conflict that brought out the worste in all mankind, is, quite frankly, strange, if you ask me.
PS AKSwulfe......cool screenshot, you know what they say about a picture being worth a thousand words.
Personally, I myself, would have run farther away from the burning 100 octane fuel before I did the "Thank the Lord and do a Russian crouchy, kicky, dancy thingamy"