Author Topic: Question to Finns  (Read 25172 times)

Offline Raven_2

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Question to Finns
« Reply #255 on: March 14, 2005, 08:25:55 AM »
I found it! You lie Toad, lie to all of us. Here the citate from Savenkov speech:

Савенков отметил, что российская сторона не признала и не признает факта "геноцида польского народа", передает "Интерфакс".

"В ходе предварительного следствия по инициативе польской стороны проверялась версия о геноциде, и мое твердое убеждение - говорить об этом правовом явлении нет никаких оснований", - заявил Савенков на пресс-конференции. "Нет и не было геноцида польского народа в тех действиях, которые исследованы в рамках этого дела", - сказал Савенков.

Савенков сообщил точные данные о количестве интернированных и расстрелянных польских офицеров и гражданских лиц.

"По данным, полученным в ходе расследования, в том числе и от украинских, белорусских и польских коллег, всего на территории бывшего СССР содержались 14542 человека. Установлена гибель 1803, из которых 22 идентифицированы", - сказал Савенков.

Он уточнил при этом, что на территории современной России содержалось 10710 граждан Польши, а на территории Украины - 3832.

Original (in Russian, of couse) is here:

Translate this  (you doesn`t trust Boroda or my translations, I suppose) and you see, that all off your words abot Katyn and Savenkov are completly lie.

Savenkov decline fact of genocide of poles by soviet troops. There were only 14.542 Poland PoWs in USSR. 1803 of them died. 22 was identified.

Shame to you.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2005, 08:28:58 AM by Raven_2 »

Offline Suave

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Question to Finns
« Reply #256 on: March 14, 2005, 08:34:40 AM »
Cool! We've got TWO Borodabots now !

Offline Angus

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« Reply #257 on: March 14, 2005, 08:36:26 AM »
Still problems over Katyn?
Come on, this is ridiculous. What was it Putin apologized about after the second grave area was discovered near Smolensk?
It was very interesting to carry out the flight trials at Rechlin with the Spitfire and the Hurricane. Both types are very simple to fly compared to our aircraft, and childishly easy to take-off and land. (Werner Mölders)

Offline Raven_2

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Question to Finns
« Reply #258 on: March 14, 2005, 08:42:36 AM »
To all of you, who talk about Ribentrop-Molotov pact:

What you think about Czechoslovakia destiny?

to Suave

>>>>Cool! We've got TWO Borodabots now !

There is *original article* with Savenkov words. It`s an intervue that Savenkov gave to the journalists. Toad lied when post, that Savenkov agree genocide Katyn. Toad lied when said, that Savenkov talk about 24.000 deaths.

When someone point to you that your words isn`t true you don`t try to argue it, you just running away. Yes, Suave?

to Angus

>>What was it Putin apologized about after the second grave area was discovered near Smolensk?

Well, thats funny, but googling for Путин+Катынь (Putin+Katyn) I found nothing simmiliar in russian internet part...  Drop a link, please?
« Last Edit: March 14, 2005, 09:16:45 AM by Raven_2 »

Offline Boroda

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Question to Finns
« Reply #259 on: March 14, 2005, 08:46:20 AM »
Originally posted by Toad

The peace-lovink pipples of North Korea invaded South Korea to raise Truman's popularity!

You guys are SO funny!

As I said, the difference between you and us is that you cannot admit some of the things you did and you will never apologize. You always have some Bullshirt excuse.... the Finns get to see it real clearly in this thread.

I have to apologize here for occupation of Belgium. I kindly wait for the list of atrocities Russian army committed there.

Bloody Russians! The only country they didn't invade was probably Switzerland! Oh, sorry, they did!!!

Originally posted by Toad
If only those Master Race Finns had not attacked the poor peace lovink pipples of the Soviet Union and tried to drive all the way to the sea of Okhotsk with their giant Finnish war machine!


You are almost right. Some looneys in Finland discussed "Great Finland" in the 40s, at least to the White Sea, and even to Urals! Fortunately it was only a minority...

Offline Angus

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« Reply #260 on: March 14, 2005, 09:31:37 AM »
Oh, and this:
"To all of you, who talk about Ribentrop-Molotov pact:

What you think about Czechoslovakia destiny? "

Since the only alternative would have been war, which it eventually did, it's hard to say. Looking back with what we know today it's easy to deem this as a futile attempt to keep the peace, but it was however an attempt to keep the peace.

It is however dwarved by the other pact, which kept on supplying the Nazi war machine untill that brown dog bit the red hand that was feeding it :D

German fighters in the BoB were often flying on USSR gas, and the German navy needed oil to you see.....
It was very interesting to carry out the flight trials at Rechlin with the Spitfire and the Hurricane. Both types are very simple to fly compared to our aircraft, and childishly easy to take-off and land. (Werner Mölders)

Offline Raven_2

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Question to Finns
« Reply #261 on: March 14, 2005, 09:47:29 AM »
to Angus


The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, also known as the Hitler-Stalin pact or Nazi-Soviet pact, was a non-aggression treaty between Germany and Russia, or more precisely between the Soviet Union and the Third Reich. It was signed in Moscow on August 23, 1939, by the Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov and the German foreign minister Joachim von Ribbentrop. The non-aggression treaty lasted until Operation Barbarossa of June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union.

>>The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact <...> was a non-aggression treaty between Germany and Russia

>>Since the only alternative would have been war, which it eventually did, it's hard to say.

So, see any difference?

Offline Toad

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« Reply #262 on: March 14, 2005, 10:23:38 AM »
Originally posted by Raven_2
to Toad

"international embargo imposed following the invasion of Kuwait". If there was no USA-Iraq conflict than all of this people stay lived. Read more carefully.

You need comprehension. It wasn't the US that threw Saddam out of Kuwait. It was just about the entire civilized WORLD. Which is probably why the Russians weren't there.

Review the list of nations that had forces involved in Gulf War 1:

Kuwait and United Nations (United States, Saudi Arabia, Great Britain, France, The Netherlands, Egypt, Syria, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Israel (suffered attacks), Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Canada, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Honduras, Italy, Niger, Romania, South Korea


Savenkov said only that thet were not genocide if you read carefully. Numbers are from journalists head. History books (and NKVD archives) contain number 4.500.

Yeah, he said it wasn't "genocide". It was, however, murder. What else can you call shooting bound POW's in the head with a Makarov?

Russia says WW2 executions of Poles not genocide

Soviet propagandists blamed the killings on the Germans, however, and only in 1990 did President Mikhail Gorbachev admit that the Soviet NKVD secret police had been responsible.

Russian investigations into the case dragged on for over a decade, ending inconclusively last year. Savenkov put the final Katyn death toll at 14,540.

Poland has decided to open its own probe, but says it has been hampered by delays in handing over case documents, two-thirds of which Russia has refused to declassify.

Look, Savenkov admits to the murder of 14,540; the Poles... with documentation of those who were taken by the NKVD and never seen again.. put it at 24,000+.  Russian refuses to hand over 2/3 of the records. Got something to hide, maybe? It's probably worse than the Poles think.

You'd be alot better off if you'd just admit the NKVD murdered the Poles instead of the continual denial of the obvious.

Yeah. Sorry. I mean USA territory, not country. So there wasn`t USA who killed the indians. It was other civilized people from Europe.

Here's another simple fact for you to chew on. Since 1776, the US government and it's policies are responsible for some deaths of Native Americans. There were far less than 2 million Native Americans in what is now the entire territorial US at that time.

Compared to deaths caused in the Ukraine by Stalin and his policies, Native American deaths would be in the single digit percentage range.

Sure, there is no medics in reservation... It`s like don`t give them food and than say "They die from starving, not by our hands".

LOL. Keep showing your ignorance of US history. MOST of the Native Americans that died of disease died long before the US even instituted reservations. They died while they were still free people.

The Mandan prospered and grew powerful up to 1772.  Their remaining history is summed up in their own tradition as related to Lewis and Clark and Maximilian. Formerly they lived happily and prosperously in nine large villages on the Missouri near the mouth of the Heart River. Six or seven of these villages were on the west side and two or three were on the east side of the river.  

For a great many years they lived there when one day the smallpox came to those on the east side of the river. The survivors then proceeded up the river some forty miles where they settled in one large village.   After the smallpox reduced the villages on the west to five, the five went up to where the others were, in the neighborhood of some Arikara, and settle in two villages.  

A great many Mandan had died and they were no longer strong and fearless. They made an alliance with the Arikara against the Sioux. All this happened before 1796 and is chronicled in Henry and Schoolcraft.  Lewis and Clark found the two villages one on each side and about fifteen miles below the Knife River. Both villages consisted of forty to fifty lodges and united could raise about three hundred and fifty men.

You see, smallpox came to the Mandan long before their territory was part of the US, before Lewis and Clark even explored the Missouri.

You just don't have a clue.


Sure, I accept. 4.500, not 24000, PoWs were murdered in Katyn by NKVD. But YOU still refuse even > 300.000 sensless deaths in Hirosima, not to mention millions of deths in Korea and Vietnam.

Not all the POW's were murdered at Katyn. 24,000+ corpses in one place would be a problem even for the NKVD.

7 April 2000  
Russian President-elect Vladimir Putin telephoned President Kwaњniewski mid-week to inform him of the discovery of a mass grave thought to contain the bodies of Poles murdered by Soviet forces during the Second World War. Putin invited Polish authorities and other interested parties to participate in an investigation into this recent discovery, but no other details (or numbers) were released. The grave was found near Smolensk, close to Katyn, where some 4000 Polish officers lay.

Between 15,000 and 21,000 were executed in April and May of 1940, following the Soviet invasion, but most of the bodies have never been recovered. The Katyn massacre, as the event is known, has long served as a symbol of Soviet crimes against Poland.

Hiroshima and Nagsaki were WARTIME acts against an enemy that had not surrendered. Pretty hard to compare to murder of bound POW's by the NKVD.

Further, did you read about the attempt to stop Hirohito from surrendiering by elements of the Japanese army? Did you educate yourself yet? They WERE NOT going to surrender unless invaded...until they atom bombs were dropped... and the Army plotted to continue fighting even then.

Educate yourself man!

Korea: You claim US "aggression". You again show your ignorance. What client state of the Soviet Union invaded South Korea on June 25, 1950 ? This invasion was condemned by the UN and UN forces resisted it, not just the US.

List of UN forces:

Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom comprised the British Commonwealth Forces. Belgium, Luxembourg, Colombia, Ethiopia, France, Greece, the Netherlands, the Philippines and Thailand had battalion-sized units attached to U.S. Army divisions; Turkey deployed an infantry brigade.

Which side did the Soviet Union fight on? Who invaded? Who were the aggressors?

See... this stuff, where you pretend the SOVIETS weren't supporting the actual aggressors, where you blame the other side for "aggression" in the face of clearly documented historical fact makes you guys look really stupid and very funny.

Lie to yourself all you like; don't expect the rest of the world to believe the lies though.

My Lai (My Lie :-)) - 300 deaths. There were > 2.000.000 civilians killed in Vietnam cause of USA agression. You accept THIS?

USA aggression? Did the USA invade North Vietnam? Or did NVA troops invade South Vietnam? Which side did the Soviets support?

Oh, that's right.. the Soviets supported the invaders, the aggressors AGAIN.

As for civilian casualties, some sources give 2 million and others give far less, around 1 million. What NO source does is say the US is responsible for all civilian deaths. Your good friends the VC and NVA killed more civilians in the South than the US by a good margin.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Toad

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Question to Finns
« Reply #263 on: March 14, 2005, 10:28:02 AM »
Originally posted by Raven_2
>>Since the only alternative would have been war, which it eventually did, it's hard to say.

So, see any difference?

Yes, but it's not surprising that you do not.

See, after the Munich Pact the Allied countries of Europe DID NOT stab Poland in the back and attack her when the Germans did. Also, the Allied countries of Europe had no secret treaty with the Nazis to divide Poland amongst themselves after conquering her.

OTOH, the USSR DID Poland in the back and attacked her when the Germans did. The USSR also DID have a secret treaty with the Nazis to divide Poland between themselves after conquering her.

Can you see the difference now? Of course not! That's why you guys are so funny! :rofl
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Offline Boroda

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Question to Finns
« Reply #264 on: March 14, 2005, 10:43:13 AM »
Toad, "allied" countries sold poor Czechs, and USSR was the ONLY country that offered assistance. Poland stabbed Czechs in the back in 1938, allied with Hitler and took a significant part of Czechoslovakia.

Also I advise you to finaly read something about USSR-UK-France talks in Moscow in August 1939. So-called "allies" failed to come to an agreement with USSR against Hitler, and that was the main reason for non-aggression pact. It was obvious that "allies" will not do anything to help Poland against Hitler.

I even gave you links on Amazon to some books written by Western authors, it's all futile, you entered one-way radio mode again :(

Tell me please, after "allies" arrogantly refused from allience with USSR - what, in your opinion, we had to do? Declare war on Hitler and watch countries that gave guarantees to Poland watch Russians die gor their obligations? If you were Stalin - what could be your actions?

Offline Fishu

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Question to Finns
« Reply #265 on: March 14, 2005, 11:01:44 AM »
Originally posted by Raven_2
to Angus

>>The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact <...> was a non-aggression treaty between Germany and Russia

>>Since the only alternative would have been war, which it eventually did, it's hard to say.

So, see any difference?

...and then we again get to the point where the evil finnish in alliance with germans are not so allied with germans:

"Article I. In the event of a territorial and political rearrangement in the areas belonging to the Baltic States (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), the northern boundary of Lithuania shall represent the boundary of the spheres of influence of Germany and U.S.S.R. In this connection the interest of Lithuania in the Vilna area is recognized by each party."

Offline Boroda

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« Reply #266 on: March 14, 2005, 11:12:01 AM »
Originally posted by Fishu
...and then we again get to the point where the evil finnish in alliance with germans are not so allied with germans:

"Article I. In the event of a territorial and political rearrangement in the areas belonging to the Baltic States (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), the northern boundary of Lithuania shall represent the boundary of the spheres of influence of Germany and U.S.S.R. In this connection the interest of Lithuania in the Vilna area is recognized by each party."

This stuff you quote contradicts itself. Vilnus was not a part of Lithuania in 1939. Northern border of Lithuania - did you buy yourself a map as I advised you?...

This "secret protocols" stuff is funny. Noone ever saw originals.

Anyway - I see nothing criminal in the quote above. It means only that Germans will not interfere north of northern border of Lithuania, and USSR doesn't interfere south of it. But, wait a minute - it did! Oh those bloody Russians! They sign something and never follow the agreements! So evil!:lol

Offline Toad

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« Reply #267 on: March 14, 2005, 11:15:29 AM »
Originally posted by Boroda
Toad, "allied" countries sold poor Czechs, and USSR was the ONLY country that offered assistance. Poland stabbed Czechs in the back in 1938, allied with Hitler and took a significant part of Czechoslovakia.

Not EXACTLY what history records, is it?

The day before the meeting between Hitler and Chamberlain was held, Maxim Litvinoff, the Soviet Union's Foreign Minister, addressed the League of Nations in Geneva. Litvinoff accused Britain and France of avoiding a problematical war today in return for a larger war later.

He declared that the Soviet Union's "War Department is ready immediately to participate in a conference with representatives of the French and Czechoslovakian War Departments to discuss measures appropriate to the moment." Russia, it seemed was ready to meet her obligations with the Czech government.

This is admirable; to the Soviet Union for standing. OTOH, did not the SU do just that in the end? Did they not ally with Germany to avoid "a problematical war today in return for a larger war later"?  So they reached the same conclusion as the League, Britain and France; hardly anyone's "finest hour", was it?

Now Poland, unlike the SU, did not invade Czechoslovakia, attack her troops and murder the POW's. Poland did indeed grab a piece of the pie when Czechoslovakia was divided up amongst the wolves. Certainly not an admirable thing, but also certainly not open warfare and murder either.

On Thursday, September 29, the four powers, Germany, England, France and Italy met in Munich to decide the fate of Czechoslovakia. After about eight hours, an agreement was signed. The joint paper in effect still stated that Germany would take over the Sudetenland, but more slowly.

On October 1, German troops would come in to occupy the most German areas. Then each day additional movements would take place under jurisdiction of the four powers who would determine just how much territory was to be ceded. The less German areas would hold a plebiscite to determine if they want to stay a part of the Reich. Additional settlements were made over claims from Hungary and Poland.

Also I advise you to finaly read something about USSR-UK-France talks in Moscow in August 1939. So-called "allies" failed to come to an agreement with USSR against Hitler,

Let's examine this historically as well. The talks, USSR-UK-France , began in Moscow on 12 August. Marshal Kliment Voroshilov, told the delegates that unless Soviet troops were permitted to enter Polish territory it was physically impossible for the Soviet Union to assist Poland and it would be useless to continue discussions.
This point was never resolved before the Anglo-French-Soviet negotiations were negotiations were adjourned indefinitely on 21 August -- after the Soviet government had decided to sign the non-aggression pact with Germany. So the talks broke down over pre-deploying Soviet troops in Poland.

Now, the SU and Nazi Germany were talking in August as well.

Schulenburg saw Molotov on 16 August and, as instructed, read to him Ribbentropp’s message. He reported to Berlin the same night that Molotov had heard "With great interest the information I had been instructed to convey. . . ..He was interested in the question of how the German Government were disposed towards the idea of concluding a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union".

So 5 days after the USSR-UK-France talks started, Molotov was talking a deal with the Nazis. Ribbentropp and his delegation arrived in Moscow on 23 August, and the non-aggression pact was signed later the same day. Including the sweet deal for the USSR and the Nazis to split Poland between them.

Looks to me like the SU was playing both sides and took the best deal. The Allies wouldn't let them put Soviet troops in Poland... the Germans INVITED them to do so.

Tell me please, after "allies" arrogantly refused from allience with USSR - what, in your opinion, we had to do?

Who refused? The deal was done except Stalin wanted his armies in Poland. There was no problem with an alliance except this one. What would the SU have said if France and Britain wanted to put 250,000 men in the USSR?

What you could have done is NOT make an agreement to divide Poland with the Nazis. You could still have a non-aggression pact with the Nazis. You did not have to add the secret protocol:

The 'secret additional protocol' declared:

"1. In the event of a territorial and political transformation in the territories belonging to the Baltic States (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) the northern frontier of Lithuania shall represent the frontier of the spheres of interest both of Germany and the USSR. . .
2. In the event of a territorial and political transformation of the territories belonging to the Polish State, the spheres of interest both of Germany and the USSR shall be bounded approximately by the line of the rivers Narew, Vistula and San".

THAT'S what was so dishonorable about the deal with the Nazis. Not the non-aggression pact per se.

And then, of course, there came the murder of the Polish army officers and intelligentsia.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Raven_2

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Question to Finns
« Reply #268 on: March 14, 2005, 11:22:23 AM »
to Toad

>>Keep showing your ignorance of US history.

And what about mexiacans and color-skinned people? Check my post on racism in USA above.

>> It was just about the entire civilized WORLD. Which is probably why the Russians weren't there.

AND WHAT? I said, that this operation was a cause of 1.500.000 deaths. And ypu say "But there not only USA, others as well". And what? That mean that USA has nothing to do with starved to death people in Iraq? Blame "all others except USA" for this it`s like blame Ruminia for all that german nazi did.

Yeah, and now Shock and Awe is "just just about the entire civilized WORLD" again, and thats why Deutsh and France are not there, yes?

>>It was, however, murder.

It`s your imagination, Savenkov didn`t say this. Again, you can tranlate article by yourself, there a lot of translators in internet.

>>Look, Savenkov admits to the murder of 14,540;


Savenkov decline fact of genocide of poles by soviet troops. There were only 14.542 Poland PoWs in USSR. 1803 of them died. 22 was identified.

Check it by yourself if you want.

>>Putin invited Polish authorities and other interested parties to participate in an investigation into this recent discovery

>>Got something to hide, maybe?

Then Putin invition is illogical.

>>Hiroshima and Nagsaki were WARTIME acts against an enemy that had not surrendered.

And nazi burn ukrainian people (that wasn`t surrender) on wartime too. They did the right thing?

Again, there were only 20.1500 soldiers and 379.850 civilians in Hirosima and Nagasaki. Why then you didn`t drop nuclear bomb on Bahdad?

>>Korea: You claim US "aggression". You again show your ignorance. What client state of the Soviet Union invaded South Korea on June 25, 1950 ?

USA forces was in Korea since 1945, if you don`t know.

>>Which side did the Soviet Union fight on? Who invaded? Who were the aggressors?

USA, till 1945.

>>in the face of clearly documented historical fact

Drop a link, please. If these documents exist not only in your mind.

>>Lie to yourself all you like; don't expect the rest of the world to believe the lies though.

8-) I can say you the same.

>>USA aggression? Did the USA invade North Vietnam?

USA kill at least 65.000 civilians due to bombarding.

>> Your good friends the VC and NVA killed more civilians in the South than the US by a good margin.

So, you don`t reject that USA actualy kill civilians in Vietnam, yes?

About Korea and Vietnam. Read this:

This is a bull****? But why authors of this "bul****" have their support from University of Houston, Institute of American History, Chicago Historical Society and others ( Answer, please.

And this

and this was write by Robin Miller, american writer. This is also total bull****? Say it.

>>See, after the Munich Pact the Allied countries of Europe DID NOT stab Poland in the back

Sure, they stab Czechoslovakia.

>> Also, the Allied countries of Europe had no secret treaty with the Nazis

Sure, treaty about CZ and others were open, there were no secrecy, it`s a normal to give one country to faschist without even ask for czech opinion on that. It`s like the civilized world almost work.

>>OTOH, the USSR DID Poland in the back and attacked her when the Germans did. The USSR also DID have a secret treaty with the Nazis to divide Poland between themselves after conquering her.

And German occupy CZ, by Munchen agreement. And burn a one or two thousands of people, I suppose.

>>Can you see the difference now? Of course not!

You right. There were whole Erope treachery of CZ. There were conspiracy of dividing Poland. Moraly it`s the same things.

Offline Angus

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« Reply #269 on: March 14, 2005, 11:36:08 AM »
>>The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact <...> was a non-aggression treaty between Germany and Russia

>>Since the only alternative would have been war, which it eventually did, it's hard to say.

So, see any difference?"

Yes, the USSR was not at gunpoint to make a non-agression pact with Nazi Germany, nor was the USSR forced to make business with Nazi Germany. However it was a tougher one in the other case. As we know, the line was drawn properly with Poland. Didn't stop Hitler that time anyway.
But, for roughly a year and a half, the Nazi warmachine was nicely fed by USSR materials, that remains as a fact.

Oh, BTW...
I remember a similar post where the same matters were discussed. I remember some of the USSR guys refused the Katyn incident, refused that there had ever been a pact, and deemed it necessary to deal with the navally mobilizing and threatening Finns!!
A Deja Vu, or did some folks not learn anything.

Just like those holocaust denialists, - always back with the same gibberish.
It was very interesting to carry out the flight trials at Rechlin with the Spitfire and the Hurricane. Both types are very simple to fly compared to our aircraft, and childishly easy to take-off and land. (Werner Mölders)