you know,after reading much of this,especially from Tralfazz,whom I do respect,actually saying that NOE's ANYWHERE is bad form makes me wonder where he was when he was running his missions,many NOE...So you have moved on Tral,thats cool,but why talk trash about those who still do the NOE's weather to a base with alot of people around or not??And then trash talk about the way they do them..
FWIW,it is usually not in a missions best interest to go WAYYYYYYYYYY back,north,south,east,and or west to capture some lonely base where someone will not be watching..Because what happens is,if the base does get captured,it will usually get decimated by the other countrys who's it was..So it really is a waste of time..One has to make sure that something is around to support a base capture,otherwise it is all for nought.
I just cannot believe that people actually get upset about missions.My word,tral wants the mission planner on the clipboard done away with,and probably so do some others and why???
Cause we want to have fun OUR way and not your way???Please guys,get over it already..
Remember "NATURE ABHORS A VACUUM"...As soon as someone stops running missions,and decides to get on the "FURBALL BANDWAGON"someone else will pop up in their place to fill the void...But I dont think it means that since you dont do it anymore,that you NOW have the right to try and de-mean someone into stopping what you now consider pase',and are too good for..