Author Topic: Land Grabbing  (Read 5330 times)

Offline Cooley

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #45 on: January 26, 2009, 10:45:06 AM »
I think most players like doing a bit of everything. some peeps on the BB's just like to classify players as this or that,

btw...NOE missions can produce great fights, I constantly scan the map and watch for bases flashing without dar bar.
 IMO, One of the most exciting aspects of the game is the NOE scramble defense
Cooleyof 367th

Offline waystin2

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #46 on: January 26, 2009, 11:14:28 AM »
To answer Grizz's original question, here is an example of my reasoning for taking a base.  Last night in LW Orange the Knights had two fields on Rooklandia's coast.  I want to say it was A96?  & P99?.  There was two full sectors of Rook dar, one over 96, one directly south and obviously heading to 96 in the north.  There was 3/4's to a full friendly dar in 96's sector.  I upped with squaddies from 96 and was never able to get above 2000 feet or more than 6k from the field.  Not a fun fight.  96 was more or less capped and was on the verge of a vulchfest.  There were just too many Rook planes to deal with.  This does not include the GV's that were also actively attacking 96.  After myself, squaddies and other friendlies had been shot down multiple times with little or nothing to show for it, the Pigs decided as a group to take the Rook base to the south to give the Knights a little breathing room at 96.  First thing we did was run a fighter sweep from a Knight Island in the north a sector and a half away.  We came in to 96 around 15k, and began forcing the Rooks down lower, and further south towards their airfield.  FUN FIGHT! We immediately followed up with multiple bomber boxes and escorts from the same field we launched the sweep from.  The Rooks obviously saw the Dar, and had alot of planes waiting for us.  We lost at least 50% of our bombers and escorts, and only a few actually made it to the Rook field.  FUN FIGHT!   Not to be discouraged (we are a Pig headed lot, LOL).  We upped again in bombers and escorts and came in much higher.  We still had Rook planes waiting for us, but we only lost about 20% of our bombers on this go round.  FUN FIGHT! We delivered alot of ordnance onto the Rook base and shut it down.  We tried to take the base, but in the end the supply lines were too drawn out and we were unable to complete the task.  FUN FIGHT! Hopefully somewhere in this you will see my reasoning for wanting to take this base.

FUN FIGHT! <-----subliminal message

CO for the Pigs On The Wing
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Offline texasmom

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #47 on: January 26, 2009, 01:38:57 PM »
I really like to capture a base. It's not much fun if it's snuck when nobody's around to defend it though.  If there's TONS of people defending and it's still captured, those are my favorite captures. :)

BTW, all those little M8's yesterday evening rolling through was really fun & very funny to see. :aok
<S> Easy8
<S> Mac

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #48 on: January 26, 2009, 01:42:18 PM »
I really like to capture a base. It's not much fun if it's snuck when nobody's around to defend it though.  If there's TONS of people defending and it's still captured, those are my favorite captures. :)

BTW, all those little M8's yesterday evening rolling through was really fun & very funny to see. :aok

i know what you mean here......when i get in on one of the gv battles, the absolute most rewarding capture is when ya manage to sneak your troops past the defenders.......and i've seen it done on occassion.
ingame 1LTCAP
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Offline grizz441

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #49 on: January 26, 2009, 03:17:20 PM »
To answer Grizz's original question, here is an example of my reasoning for taking a base.  Last night in LW Orange the Knights had two fields on Rooklandia's coast.  I want to say it was A96?  & P99?.  There was two full sectors of Rook dar, one over 96, one directly south and obviously heading to 96 in the north.  There was 3/4's to a full friendly dar in 96's sector.  I upped with squaddies from 96 and was never able to get above 2000 feet or more than 6k from the field.  Not a fun fight.  96 was more or less capped and was on the verge of a vulchfest.  There were just too many Rook planes to deal with.  This does not include the GV's that were also actively attacking 96.  After myself, squaddies and other friendlies had been shot down multiple times with little or nothing to show for it, the Pigs decided as a group to take the Rook base to the south to give the Knights a little breathing room at 96.  First thing we did was run a fighter sweep from a Knight Island in the north a sector and a half away.  We came in to 96 around 15k, and began forcing the Rooks down lower, and further south towards their airfield.  FUN FIGHT! We immediately followed up with multiple bomber boxes and escorts from the same field we launched the sweep from.  The Rooks obviously saw the Dar, and had alot of planes waiting for us.  We lost at least 50% of our bombers and escorts, and only a few actually made it to the Rook field.  FUN FIGHT!   Not to be discouraged (we are a Pig headed lot, LOL).  We upped again in bombers and escorts and came in much higher.  We still had Rook planes waiting for us, but we only lost about 20% of our bombers on this go round.  FUN FIGHT! We delivered alot of ordnance onto the Rook base and shut it down.  We tried to take the base, but in the end the supply lines were too drawn out and we were unable to complete the task.  FUN FIGHT! Hopefully somewhere in this you will see my reasoning for wanting to take this base.

FUN FIGHT! <-----subliminal message


Sounds like a good time!  Couple things.  I absolutely understand that sometimes the map will dictate a form of game play.  Sometimes you want to play and the best option is to bomb or GV something.  Your actions last night promoted and created good fun fights for everybody.  This is why the game is built this way.  The map and the overall WTW theme is to promote the fight; GV and Aerial combat.  I think some people get lost in the WTW at all costs strategy.  If you want to WTW then you may be inclined to attack the bases with the least amount of resistance, which is the most effective way to WTW.  This is where the theme of the game gets lost. or suicide attacks on bases.

I don't know how the terms furballers, a good fight, ACM, all got garbled up into meaning the same thing.  I prefer a fair fight but I'll take what I can get.  I actually dislike a mindless furball, I'd rather stay on the outskirts of one and hope another pilot will see me out there and come and fight me.  Being in a furball really doesn't mean you know how to fight which might explain some misconceptions on the style of gameplay.

Offline BigPlay

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #50 on: January 26, 2009, 03:33:06 PM »
i think land grabbers are just like the furballers. that;s what they enjoy. they like to go capture bases. it may or may not matter to them if they win the war or not.

 for us furballers, landgrabbers are good. some of the absolute best white knuckle hair raising roller coaster ride adrennilan pumping fights happen when a base is just about dead. they come up in droves to defend, and the fight generally stays a few miles off the base...........

 for the guys that like to pick, landgrabbers are good, because they create the furballs that they can pick from.
 for the bnz'rs, same thing.

 it all ties in together, and makes this game what it is.

All coming from a squaddie of one of the biggest land grabbing squads in them there midwar. They are extremely well organized dropping all hangers, ord, radars with their sea of endless lances doing this all the first pass. Mind you with one of the games best top cover man  waiting for anybody to even dare to lift off before said hangers are neutralized everything but the outhouses are killed . Did I mention the 20 wirbels that are simultaneously taking the town down with 40 supplies out so if you do take out a turret no problem theres more where that came from. Even if you do get past the top cover and manage to get on someones 6  it's only short lived because they will just drag you over the sprinklers, yes sprinklers because with 20 wirbles under you it looks like someone turned the sprinklers on. If anyone does make it out of the Gv hanger or spawn in with a Gv ( if those hangers haven't been dropped as well) the left over bombs from the lancs will soon be coming down on you. They dive bomb lancs like nobodies business.

Like I said they are very well organized and work together better than any other squad I have seen any arena. The problem I see with that form of playing style is none of the participants with exception of a couple ever get any better. They feed off of one another's strength's so much that they end up being a one dimensional player. It's exposed when there are only 5-6 of them on and are trying to capture a base, but none can dogfight worth a hill of beans so one enemy fighter can stop the whole base take, or when they force a guy who can't gv to gv because he's been flying the goon for the last 2 years and you kill his Tiger with a T-34. Or his job was killing the radars at all the surrounding bases and now he's  forced into bombing because they need a guy to bomb and he cant even figure the gun stations out so he gets all 3 of his buffs killed without even pinging the fighter that shot him  down. That's of course is their business. Everybody is entitled to play the game as they want. One exception to that is when they start the chest thumpin about how awesome they are because they reset the map for the last 25 tours. It just puts a smile on my face because I know that the very next day when they don't have the security of their squaddies to help them overcome their glaring one dimension playing ability they just end up spinning their wheels and dying a lot. I'm not a base taker, I once was when I started playing this game but got tired of getting shot down by everyone except the buildings I was shooting at .So I decide to move on. Now I guess I have become a base defender , thanks to Caps squad.

Offline oTRALFZo

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #51 on: January 26, 2009, 03:37:20 PM »
I did not bother to read each and every reply, but...
I run an occasional mission, NOE or otherwise, to capture a base. The result is that<<<<A FIGHT ENSUES>>>> to <<<GET IT BACK>>>. (Did I mention "fight"?)
Your missions were the best bye far Egg. :aok.
The best was climbing out with about 30 jugs 2-3 sectors away. Everyone is assigned a duty and everyone counted on everyone to pull through.  What a sight when you start diving below the clouds to see a swarm of red cons climbing for alt Those type missions are both fun for attackers and defenders. Even if you take the base or not its a win/win situation for all.
****Let the beatings begin***

in game name: Tralfaz

Offline skullman

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #52 on: January 26, 2009, 03:46:31 PM »
I have seen many times I take a gv to a field not to capture but start a fight and it ends up being a huge fight with land and air assets invoved.
been there destroyed that

Offline RedTop

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #53 on: January 26, 2009, 04:15:01 PM »
I have a question for land grabbers and my intent isn't to judge your game play but merely understand your motives for it.  I'm just curious what motivates you to capture bases and try to win the war.  On these gigantic maps you can barely put a dent into any sides actual base numbers.  And after your efforts, you log off and go to sleep.  When you log back on the next day usually the map is entirely different than how you left it.  I'm also curious how many "War Victories" are actually achieved monthly on the large maps and if getting booted from an arena is really an award that makes it worth doing.

I've done the land grab thing before and it was definitely fun but I lost interest in it realllly quick because I finally just asked myself, why am I trying to capture this base?  What is this really going to accomplish?  What's the point?  If it's a way to create teamwork between you and your friends I can understand wanting to create that sense of teamwork because it makes the game more fun, but I've learned for me personally, there are much better ways to teamwork and have it be incredibly more satisfying.  Maybe some die hard land grabbers could explain their motives so I can better understand.

I didn't read this whole I am sure it's prolly gotten to a furballer vs. landgrabber argument...


Just a small story for ya that may help...

Furballing is what I like doing...defending mainly....But I'll do the attack fighter sweep or the occasional buff escort....

Yesterday since some in our squad do enjoy a base taking adventure some , we decided to attack 187. We all but had it and ended up losing the goon. So , we looked around....made a plan...and took a base on the bish mainland...97 I think it was or maybe 98....anyway...from there we took the port next to it.

What happened after that was a HUGE fight...that after about 4 hours was still going on. GV's had a place to fight one another. Fighters had a spot and the buffs kept coming and coming. They'd shut down GV's and fighters would be all over...GV's would get back up and the buffs would kill the FH's....this went on for hours.

Now I am CO of a fighter squad...After those 2 takes of bases...everyone was cool...thier appetites satified and back to fighting we went.

Land grabbin can help a furballer.....I don't think that furballers help the land garbbin as much...IMHO.  Each has a role....Its when the land grabbers want to spoil what is a prefectly good fight , where nop land grab has been tried by either side , that you run into contention.

On these large maps....Base taking for any side could be fine....and fun had by them. Just leave a good furball alone.
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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #54 on: January 26, 2009, 04:15:37 PM »
I have a question for land grabbers and my intent isn't to judge your game play but merely understand your motives for it.  I'm just curious what motivates you to capture bases and try to win the war.  On these gigantic maps you can barely put a dent into any sides actual base numbers.  And after your efforts, you log off and go to sleep.  When you log back on the next day usually the map is entirely different than how you left it.  I'm also curious how many "War Victories" are actually achieved monthly on the large maps and if getting booted from an arena is really an award that makes it worth doing.

I've done the land grab thing before and it was definitely fun but I lost interest in it realllly quick because I finally just asked myself, why am I trying to capture this base?  What is this really going to accomplish?  What's the point?  If it's a way to create teamwork between you and your friends I can understand wanting to create that sense of teamwork because it makes the game more fun, but I've learned for me personally, there are much better ways to teamwork and have it be incredibly more satisfying.  Maybe some die hard land grabbers could explain their motives so I can better understand.

The challenge of assembling, organizing and
holding a group of guys together to achieve
a common goal.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2009, 04:17:19 PM by 96Delta »

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Offline waystin2

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #55 on: January 26, 2009, 04:33:39 PM »
Sounds like a good time!  Couple things.  I absolutely understand that sometimes the map will dictate a form of game play.  Sometimes you want to play and the best option is to bomb or GV something.  Your actions last night promoted and created good fun fights for everybody.  This is why the game is built this way.  The map and the overall WTW theme is to promote the fight; GV and Aerial combat.  I think some people get lost in the WTW at all costs strategy.  If you want to WTW then you may be inclined to attack the bases with the least amount of resistance, which is the most effective way to WTW.  This is where the theme of the game gets lost. or suicide attacks on bases.

I don't know how the terms furballers, a good fight, ACM, all got garbled up into meaning the same thing.  I prefer a fair fight but I'll take what I can get.  I actually dislike a mindless furball, I'd rather stay on the outskirts of one and hope another pilot will see me out there and come and fight me.  Being in a furball really doesn't mean you know how to fight which might explain some misconceptions on the style of gameplay.

Hello Grizz,

I appreciate you seeing my side of things, and some of the decision making involved.  The first thing I do upon login is check how many players that the Bishop/Rook have and how many bases each holds.  I pull the Pigs together and go after the country with the most bases/highest number of players(kind of a mix of the two).  Then I find the biggest concentration of the chosen target country and send the Pigs into battle.  It is all about the fight, not necessarily just the dogfight. 

PS-Before I forget..I upped a Spit 9 a few days ago and ran into 4 or 5 Muppets.  I ended up getting shot down by Kappa, but it went on for 4-5 minutes.  Lots of dodging, twisting & turning.  It was a hoot!  Thank you AOM!  FUN FIGHT!

CO for the Pigs On The Wing
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Offline grizz441

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #56 on: January 26, 2009, 05:12:45 PM »
Hello Grizz,

I appreciate you seeing my side of things, and some of the decision making involved.  The first thing I do upon login is check how many players that the Bishop/Rook have and how many bases each holds.  I pull the Pigs together and go after the country with the most bases/highest number of players(kind of a mix of the two).  Then I find the biggest concentration of the chosen target country and send the Pigs into battle.  It is all about the fight, not necessarily just the dogfight. 

PS-Before I forget..I upped a Spit 9 a few days ago and ran into 4 or 5 Muppets.  I ended up getting shot down by Kappa, but it went on for 4-5 minutes.  Lots of dodging, twisting & turning.  It was a hoot!  Thank you AOM!  FUN FIGHT!


You obviously are part of a huge squad, but as long as you guys use your numbers in a positive way for the health of the arena like you mentioned, then that's fantastic.  If you're constantly fighting on the low side country, you will be fighting along side AoM frequently.

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #57 on: January 26, 2009, 05:17:22 PM »
you know,after reading much of this,especially from Tralfazz,whom I do respect,actually saying that NOE's ANYWHERE is bad form makes me wonder where he was when he was running his missions,many NOE...So you have moved on Tral,thats cool,but why talk trash about those who still do the NOE's weather to a base with alot of people around or not??And then trash talk about the way they do them..

FWIW,it is usually not in a missions best interest to go WAYYYYYYYYYY back,north,south,east,and or west to capture some lonely base where someone will not be watching..Because what happens is,if the base does get captured,it will usually get decimated by the other countrys who's it was..So it really is a waste of time..One has to make sure that something is around to support a base capture,otherwise it is all for nought.

 I just cannot believe that people actually get upset about missions.My word,tral wants the mission planner on the clipboard done away with,and probably so do some others and why???

 Cause we want to have fun OUR way and not your way???Please guys,get over it already..

 Remember "NATURE ABHORS A VACUUM"...As soon as someone stops running missions,and decides to get on the "FURBALL BANDWAGON"someone else will pop up in their place to fill the void...But I dont think it means that since you dont do it anymore,that you NOW have the right to try and de-mean someone into stopping what you now consider pase',and are too good for..

                                            Falcon23 :salute


Offline TwentyFo

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #58 on: January 26, 2009, 06:23:54 PM »
you know,after reading much of this,especially from Tralfazz,whom I do respect,actually saying that NOE's ANYWHERE is bad form makes me wonder where he was when he was running his missions,many NOE...So you have moved on Tral,thats cool,but why talk trash about those who still do the NOE's weather to a base with alot of people around or not??And then trash talk about the way they do them..

FWIW,it is usually not in a missions best interest to go WAYYYYYYYYYY back,north,south,east,and or west to capture some lonely base where someone will not be watching..Because what happens is,if the base does get captured,it will usually get decimated by the other countrys who's it was..So it really is a waste of time..One has to make sure that something is around to support a base capture,otherwise it is all for nought.

 I just cannot believe that people actually get upset about missions.My word,tral wants the mission planner on the clipboard done away with,and probably so do some others and why???

 Cause we want to have fun OUR way and not your way???Please guys,get over it already..

 Remember "NATURE ABHORS A VACUUM"...As soon as someone stops running missions,and decides to get on the "FURBALL BANDWAGON"someone else will pop up in their place to fill the void...But I dont think it means that since you dont do it anymore,that you NOW have the right to try and de-mean someone into stopping what you now consider pase',and are too good for..

                                            Falcon23 :salute

Why single Tral out?

He has only posted twice in this thread.

I think you're the one that needs to get over it already.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2009, 06:26:18 PM by TwentyFo »

Offline falcon23

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Re: Land Grabbing
« Reply #59 on: January 26, 2009, 06:32:39 PM »
I am over it,,I dont post about why people furball,and then say how lame it is,and I dont come in and say certain parts of the game should be done away with just because It does not suit my needs anymore..