What really gets me is when I'm driving down the road, minding my own business, and some person who thinks they own the highway system comes up behind me and rides my ass.
You see, I'm a fairly organized person who takes
responsibility for my time and am not always running late to my next appointment. Sometimes I may drive 5 or 10
under the limit, because its safer, uses less gas, and in general is just more relaxing.
I've been involved in 2 serious car crashes that each almost killed me, neither was my fault. My worst nightmare is dying in a car crash, a big hot twisting heap of metal skidding along asphalt. And the thing that pisses me off the most is someone putting MY life in danger because their inability to plan their day and manage their time.
If you start doing some math you'll finding speeding just 5-10mph is simply not worth it. It doesn't save very much time at all over short distances, it uses significantly more gas, and it puts you and everyone else on the road at an increased level of danger.
So yea.... SLOW DOWN! When I see people coming up from behind fast and ride my ass, guess what I do. Slow down even more