Tried GV'ing again today.
4 guys sat on the only spawn blatting everyone that spawned within a second of their arrival.
I tried returning fire and hit one tank hidden hull down but didnt destroy it and got killed a second later by one of his 4 mates.
Tried driving off immediately, no good there either, dead immediately.
These guys are sat there with a stick in one hand and I can imagine what else in the other.
There is no vestige of skill involved whatsoever, the target is pre-ranged, the crosshairs pre-sighted precisely where the enemy tank appears and you simply squeeze the trigger. How utterly, desperately dull and boring it seems, and when there is a group such as today, all ranged on the spawn point you might get 4 rounds hitting almost simultaneously, and yet guys still spawn every few seconds to their imminent demise.
Well, I for one am done with GV'ing until random spawn points appear or the game becomes populated by people who seek a challenge that stretches them further than pulling a trigger as a result of a target appearing dead centre of their sights.
Someone said earlier that had I been a newby pilot I would have had the same reaction, I disagree, the finest GV driver in the game, if there is such a thing, could simply not have done more than I did to try and play the GV game today.
And yet the whines about bombt%%$ing continue.