Author Topic: And people think _'s are bad?  (Read 2212 times)

Offline wulfie

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And people think _'s are bad?
« Reply #90 on: October 04, 2002, 12:47:06 AM »
Shane, I've never had a problem with you in AH - either in the MA or on the BBS, so I am going to try and remain polite and 'educational'.

First off, I assume your comment about 'heroes' is implying that I am defending the reputation of the Waffen-SS with regards to 'war crimes', 'battlefield attrocities', etc. This is not the case.

Arlo's comment was plain stupid. The major units of the Waffen-SS were 'elite' combat units among other things. Selection was very rigorous, as was training. These facts alone show Arlo to either be deliberately lying or clueless with regards to the topic at hand. Waffen-SS units had very high 'espirit de corps'/'fighting morale'/etc. Such units are not composed of persons who 'would gladly be posted to the rear to man concentration camps if given the chance'. It is a known fact that Waffen-SS units maintained their cohesion and fighting spirit in situations where Allied units fell apart and surrendered or were destroyed. Hardly the actions of men who 'would jump at the chance to be placed in the rear guarding a concentration camp'.

Re: Malmedy;

Did you know that Peiper and all of his junior officers, senior NCOs, etc. were cleared of all charges relating to 'the Malmedy Massacre'?

I'd suggest you read the appendices of the book 'Hitler's Last Gamble' regarding this topic. There is an entire section dealing with 'the Malmedy Massacre', KG Peiper, etc.

To sum up - Peiper and his men were cleared, largely based on the testimony of U.S. Army Officers that stated:

1. Peiper could not have been present, as the U.S. Army Officers testifying were engaged with Peiper and his KG some 20 km further down the road at the time of the massacre.

2. The testifying U.S. Army Officers were later captured by Peiper. After Peiper was cut off, and under heavy artillery attack, he ordered all U.S. POWs into the best protected basements available, alongside the German wounded, and without guards. The U.S. Army Officers were asked to give their word of honor that the German wounded and medical personnel not be attacked, interfered with, etc. Hardly the act of a 'ruthless murderer'.

As for what happened at Malmedy, because U.S. Army personnel were shot, after surrendering - read the book (excellent book on the 2d Ardennes Offensive) and the appendices.

Re: Waffen-SS battlefield attrocities;

I'd say 90% or more were commited vs. partisans, resistance fighters, etc. This doesn't make it okay, but truth be told the Waffen-SS, like most other combat units, treated partisans and freedom fighters much different than surrendering uniformed soldiers. Remember that partisans and such had a habit of torturing and mutilating the soldiers they captured.

As for Waffen-SS battlefield attrocities vs. surrendering Russian soldiers - largely a myth. I'm sure it happened a few times, but every Nation's soldiers killed surrendering soldiers more than once. If the Waffen-SS were known as murderers as opposed to damn tough opponents, I highly doubt that the Ukraine would have approved a memorial, located in the Ukraine, to 200 members of the 5. SS Pz. Division who died fighting as the rearguard during the battles of the Cherkassy pocket. There's still lots of living Russian WW2 veterans in the Ukraine - they had no problem with the memorial. This memorial was approved about 4 years ago if memory serves.

The Canadians and the Waffen-SS both commited some execution of POWs in a battle over an airfield in Normandy, but even the Canadian veterans interviewed about this freely admitted that this was because the fighting was so intense and the objective was so crucial that there was simply no time to take prisoners.

After 1941, the vast majority of Waffen SS personnel never saw Germany itself until after the war. Refits were conducted in the 'Low Countries'. 1., 2., 5., 9., and 10. SS Pz. saw Germany via train - on the way to other fronts mainly. The one exception was Pz. crews picking up new AFVs in Germany, or being trained for new AFVs.

In 1941, some wounded Waffen-SS were assigned to concentration camps while they recovered from wounds. This practice was stopped by the end of 1941 because it had a severe effect on the morale of said soldiers.

Good soldiers do not make good executioners of innocent people. The two are not compatible. There are certain traits required of good soldiers - no matter how evil their leader - that cannot abide the execution of innocents.

I think one of the big problems is that too many people cannot get their brain around the fact that at the squad level, good soldiers, in 'elite' units, are basically the same regardless of Nationality. They are tough, they are challenge oriented, etc. They wouldn't volunteer for such a unit if they weren't.

How do I know so much about the Waffen-SS?

I was born in Germany and adopted by a member of the U.S. Army. Until the age of 4 or so, my 'baby sitters' were my biological German grandparents. One of my biological Grandfathers was a German Army Pz. crewman. Wounded in 1940 in France and sent home. During the massive rebuilding of Waffen-SS Pz. units in 1942 and 1943 he was 'assigned' to a Waffen-SS Pz. unit. He didn't go kicking and screaming. By 1943 'Waffen-SS' = 'elite unit with better AFVs and better weapons' to most members of the German armed forces.

The statement about all of the Waffen-SS being 'political' shows a lack of education on the subject as well.

The Waffen-SS was lacking in good officers. Many German Army officers joined the Waffen-SS for the sole reason that they lacked the 'heritage' (i.e., they weren't a 'von Somethingorother') to have a good chance of making a high rank in the German Army in the late early '30s and late '40s. The Waffen-SS was a chance to be judged on leading ability alone, as opposed to leading ability and 'noble heritage'. This was the sole reason the head of the Waffen-SS, Paul Hausser, left the German Army.

In short - to everyone reading this thread - read some books on the subject. Books dedicated to the subject. There are no small # of unbiased books available, that detail every attrocity as well as every battle. In 1945 leaders in the U.S. and British armies openly commented on the high degree of skill and bravery shown by the Waffen-SS, the German Army, etc. in the brutal winter fighting and the battles of maneuver vs. a Russian opponent with a vast numerical superiority. These were professional oppinions of professional opponents. Contrary to some very uneducated opinions in this thread, battlefield attrocities by the Waffen-SS were not the norm. Large #s of Allied soldiers lived to tell about surrendering to the Waffen-SS.

Large #s of Waffen-SS volunteers came from Scandanavia, following the German propoganda 'battle cry' of the 1940s - 'Protect Civilized Europe from the Communist Asiatic Hordes'. Those Scandanavians didn't volunteer for a chance to execute women and children. I find it funny that people who attempt to understand the motivations of the enemy never bother to study what the political climate of the enemy's homeland was.

For a good look at the Eastern front from the 'man on the ground' level, I'd suggest 'The Forgotten Soldier'.

As far as the SS and the Waffen-SS goes, 'Hitler's Instrument of Terror' is a fairly thorough and unbiased book. It outlines the organization of the SS in great detail. I highly recommend it. It also goes into great detail about the personnel changes in the various departments of the SS as the war progressed. For example, the SD was largely composed of former Abwehr personnel after 1943, as most experienced German intelligence officers had strong suspicions that Canaris was betraying Germany by 1943. So they 'laterally transferred' to the SD.

People need to come to terms with the fact that the main difference between Dick Bong and Erich Hartmann, and Rommel and Patton, is basically where they were born.

If Chuck Yeager were born in Germany he would have died flying  a Bf 109 over NWE in 1944 most likely.

You won't find me in an AH 'SS Pz. Unit' just like you won't find me in an AH 'JG'. Just personal preference for me. I'm in the military and AH is a game. Enough said. But I have no problem with (most)people who choose to be in 'historical units'. If some kid is in a 'Guards Armored Regiment' driving in T-34/85s it's not my mission in life to tell him that the Soviet military was the armed forces of Stalin, who killed alot of innocent Russians. Stupid argument, right? Your average Russian T-34 gunner was fighting to save Russia from the Nazis.

Well, a kid who lives in Germany would say your average Waffen-SS PzGr was fighting to save Germany from the Russians. Both points have some merit. Sure, Germany did attack Russia. Germany was one of the 'bad guys' of WW2. Most of the Germans and Japanese who died fighting the Allies in WW2 had no say in if the war started, or who was attacked. It's hard to comprehend for some (and this doesn't make them inferior in any way whatsoever in my book), but good people have fought bravely for stupid and/or evil causes for almost the entire history of the human race. That the cause is stupid and/or evil does not make the 'schmuck on the ground' evil or invalidate his bravery. It is tragic though - that most of the people who get killed in wartime are often the least deserving of their fate.

If you reply to me, please keep it civil. Don't call me a 'nazi' (Another stupid accusation often seen - it's the equivalent of calling someone in the U.S. in the '40s and '50s a 'Union Worker', and considering them to be evil because Jimmy Hoffa won a Presidential Election and turned out to be a genocidal maniac). I've seen mass graves in real life. I've read interrogation transcripts that are roughly 10 years old at most. I know the difference between soldiers and executioners.


Offline wulfie

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« Reply #91 on: October 04, 2002, 12:56:39 AM »

Regarding the Oath you just quoted: You do realize that that Oath was required of all members of the German armed forces after the start of WW2?

You also realize that any member of the Waffen SS who joined the Waffen SS after 1941 or so was not subjected to the same political indoctrination, standards (Aryan nonsense, etc.) as those who joined before the war?

I'm not arguing that attrocities were commited, or that the organization 'served an evil master'. But don't you think you are making some pretty unfounded generalizations?

I mean, if you are right - why weren't all members of the Waffen-SS tried and executed after the war?


Offline Grizzly

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« Reply #92 on: October 04, 2002, 12:59:59 AM »
"To get righteously offended and all high and mighty about a name, due to it's connection to something that happened more than half a century ago, during a conflict that brought out the worste in all mankind, is, quite frankly, strange, if you ask me."

Strange to be offended after all this time?  You think it unreasonable to be offended by the works of Adolf Hitler just because 60 years have passed? I find it more strange that one would describe this as merely being offended. More appropriately it should be hate, nausia, loath or incence. To see some claim that Hitler and the Nazis are portrayed in a negative light because the winners got to write history is disgusting.

I also take issue with your premise that WW2 brought out the worste (sic) in all mankind. When I consider what the Brits went through to sustain themselves against the Nazis, what the French underground did to thwart the german occupation forces, and what our greatest generation did to preserve freedom was more accurately the best in all mankind.

The Waffen were selected, trained and indoctrinated for assignments the regular forces could not be expected, nor trusted to do. They systematically slaughtered innocent non-combatants, not as a reaction to the horrors of war, but as a matter of policy and official orders... atrocities that most rank and file german soldiers could hardly be forced to do.

Regardless of who wrote history, the evils of Hitler and the Nazis is a reality no less horrendous now than it was then. There may be a fuzzy line between what is acceptable to recreate from the Nazis during the war, but symbolism reflecting the inner core operations of the Nazi party are certainly way beyond the fuzz.

And, lest you little Nazi appologtists and Hitler wannabes think you are on idealistic firm ground, you better be of pure blooded aryan ancestry, else your idol, der Furor, would as soon see you in a death camp, death march or doing slave labor for the betterment of the master race.

Wiggle around all you wish, there are limits to what decent mankind can be expected to tolerate, and this is the only reason jerks like SSWaffen, Pnus, and ffokcuf chose those names. I think their deepest desires should be fulfilled and their AH accounts be summarily terminated.

Offline Turbot

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Offline wulfie

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« Reply #94 on: October 04, 2002, 01:08:06 AM »

You are confusing Waffen-SS Divisions (as in entire Divisions, assigned to the Wehrmacht high command for use in standard combat operations) with 'special extermination units' (the German name escapes me at this time).

These 'special' units were comprised of SS personnel, members of the German police, etc. They followed the armed forces and rounded up all 'undesirables' (educated persons, people with incorrect 'lineage', etc.) and either murdered them or arranged for their transport to concentration camps.

Calm down a little dude. No one is defending Hitler or the murder of anyone. Sure, there were certainly some 'die hard Aryan/SS/Nazi fanatics' in the Waffen-SS. But most of these persons joined the SS before WW2, as members joining a political organization. The fact is that the Waffen-SS grew by a factor of 500 or more between 1938 and 1942. The majority of the guys in the Waffen-SS divisions were entirely different from Himmler and the other bastards in terms of motivations, etc.


Offline Sandman

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« Reply #95 on: October 04, 2002, 01:09:59 AM »
Originally posted by wulfie
Shane, I've never had a problem with you in AH - either in the MA or on the BBS, so I am going to try and remain polite and 'educational'.

First off, I assume your comment about 'heroes' is implying that I am defending the reputation of the Waffen-SS with regards to 'war crimes', 'battlefield attrocities', etc. This is not the case.



Now this is the most intelligent post in this entire thread. Thanx Wulfie.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #96 on: October 04, 2002, 01:14:26 AM »
Originally posted by wulfie

Regarding the Oath you just quoted: You do realize that that Oath was required of all members of the German armed forces after the start of WW2?

You also realize that any member of the Waffen SS who joined the Waffen SS after 1941 or so was not subjected to the same political indoctrination, standards (Aryan nonsense, etc.) as those who joined before the war?

I'm not arguing that attrocities were commited, or that the organization 'served an evil master'. But don't you think you are making some pretty unfounded generalizations?

I mean, if you are right - why weren't all members of the Waffen-SS tried and executed after the war?


 Well .... if this is a witch hunt then ....

 I guess that leaves the question of whether SSwaffen is a good witch or a bad witch. Of course waffen could claim one and be the other if it's a smart witch.

 Neh ... burn `er! Burn the witch!

Offline J_A_B

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« Reply #97 on: October 04, 2002, 01:15:01 AM »
So I guess you guys would be fine with it if the local Wal-Mart had a Nazi flag flying outside?  You'd go in and shop and see nothing wrong with it at all?

I think not.

HTC is facing exactly the same situation, a stupid jerkwad proudly displaying the name of what was, in creation, the Nazi special forces.  (NOT just the German army, it was NOT under the same final command although they frequently fought on the same battlefields).

"You also realize that any member of the Waffen SS who joined the Waffen SS after 1941 or so was not subjected to the same political indoctrination, standards (Aryan nonsense, etc.) as those who joined before the war? "

And this somehow changes what it was created for, what it STOOD for?  That's like saying a Nazi flag is meaningless today because there is no more Nazi Germany.

Sorry, I don't buy it.   The swastika, the SS (including the Waffen SS), their "eagle" symbol, the Nazi salute, they're all hate symbools which don't belong in a computer game.   It's a shame that the guy flying that hateful name in AH can hide behind the Internet without fear or real-life repercussions.

Get rid of it HTC.   You've done it before for lesser issues, do it now.


Offline Sandman

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« Reply #98 on: October 04, 2002, 01:20:05 AM »
Originally posted by J_A_B
So I guess you guys would be fine with it if the local Wal-Mart had a Nazi flag flying outside?  You'd go in and shop and see nothing wrong with it at all?


Next, you'll be telling us that Wal-Mart is a good thing. :rolleyes:

Offline Hussein

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« Reply #99 on: October 04, 2002, 01:21:38 AM »
You're a German soldier on the Russian front 1945 about to surrender. You can choose between a regular German army uniform and an SS uniform. What do you pick and why?

If I was about to surrender on RUSSIAN front, I'd choose to put a bullet in my brain instead of getting tortured by them. No matter what uniform at that stage.

Getting sent to the gulags was a faith far worse than death.

And what goes with Waffen SS, it was just another military unit. It was a kind of elite unit within german army and it consisted of not only germans but other nationalities, too.

Waffen SS had nothing to do with the political SS which did intelligence and generally cloak&dagger stuff. They were responsible of torturing people etc. stuff.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #100 on: October 04, 2002, 01:22:38 AM »
Originally posted by Sandman_SBM

Next, you'll be telling us that Wal-Mart is a good thing. :rolleyes:

 I'm sure you prefer K-mart. Definately K-mart. :rolleyes:

Offline Sandman

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« Reply #101 on: October 04, 2002, 01:24:27 AM »
Originally posted by Arlo

 I'm sure you prefer K-mart. Definately K-mart. :rolleyes:

Where the "K" stands for kwaulity. :D

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« Reply #102 on: October 04, 2002, 01:27:57 AM »
LOL! Truly excellent, Sandy! I liked that. Sheesh ... way past time for bed. Night all and here's to a better tommorrow.

Offline wulfie

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« Reply #103 on: October 04, 2002, 01:31:30 AM »

If you are offended by the 'Waffen-SS' title because of what it stood for...

The LW, the Germany Army, the Waffen-SS, the Kriegsmarine - they were all fighting for the same leader, and for the same cause.

I think the argument here is that Waffen-SS formations were combat formations, in general fighting enemy armed forces. By Waffen-SS I mean Waffen-SS divisions. You can't find a WW2 war game that doesn't have them in the OOB. You can't simulate WW2 ground combat without their presence, as they were almost always 'in the thick of the fighting'.

The concentration camps were run by a department of the SS which was entirely separate from the Waffen-SS. Almost no crossover of personnel.

Think of it from an effectiveness standpoint: using highly trained and physically fit soldiers to run a concentration camp would have been a total misallocation of resources. By 1942, the Waffen-SS made up for roughly 30-40% of the total German armored and mechanized forces on the Eastern front, and these Waffen-SS formations were under the control of the German Army (with regards to where they were fighting, etc.). There is no way a German Field Marshal would waste armored and mechanized formations by having them conduct 'ethnic cleansing'. This is why the Russians didn't execute every single Waffen-SS soldier they captured (they did kill, or allow the former prisoners to kill, every German they caught in and around the concentration camps they liberated).

The Russians knew that the Waffen-SS in general weren't associated with the camps - they knew the location of the Waffen-SS units from 1941 onward for almost every month of the war, because those units were locked in combat with the Russians almost constantly.

I'm not arguing that you shouldn't be offended by some glorification of Hitler and/or Hitler's Germany and what it stood for.

But in some part this is a simulation of WW2 - and the Waffen-SS were present at almost every major possible turning point in Europe and on the Eastern Front during WW2.

I think that everyone who's commented would agree with the reason for your being offended, but what I'm trying to say is that you need to look at it in the context of a historical simulation. A Waffen-SS Pz IVH in a WW2 simulation isn't the same as some dumb fat white supremacist with a swastika teeshirt chanting 'burn the Jews' in the eyes of almost everyone playing AH.


Offline J_A_B

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« Reply #104 on: October 04, 2002, 01:48:12 AM »
"You can't simulate WW2 ground combat without their presence, as they were almost always 'in the thick of the fighting'. "

In case you haven't noticed, AH is simulating a war between the Bishops and Knights and Rooks.   Plus it simulates the air portion just fine without any Swastikas or other in-game hate symbols AFAIK, until crap like this pops up.

I wish you'd stop for a moment and think about what you're saying.  "The Waffen SS wasn't anything bad, they were just their elite special forces".  Remember that the Waffen SS wasn't under the same final command as the rest of their army, and until the manpower situation dictated otherwise, it was volunteer only.  Remember that it was, quite literally, created as the Nazi special forces.  

It is a hate symbol.  Period.  The fact that they were involved in a lot of battles doesn't change that basic fact.  

Most people can live with "luftwaffe".  Heck, there's a Luftwaffe today.  Different situation completely.   The LW wasn't created for the "true believers".  End of story.