"Sorry to hear Reading is not you strong suite."
I get by. Is grammer yours?
"If it where you might have noticed that YOU nave been noted for breaking one of the rules you noted."
Nope - I haven't. I'd like you to bring in this Wiz person you keep talking about... and have him decribe this alleged incident. Forgive me for forgetting what exactly it is I'm being accused of.
"but heck, you don't care anyway."
As a matter of fact I do. I *enjoy* my time in the TA. I want to *continue* to enjoy my time in the TA. It's a great atmosphere. Why do ya feel the need to stink it up so bad?
"As for Icons, I had no idea one could switch it to a plane type. I'm a Newbie moron!"
Er... that was *supposed* to be funny right? Actually, yes - alt-I toggles 'tween names/plane type/off. I'm a moron for not knowing that you didn't read the readily available and extensive help files included with this sim? So I'm supposed to be flying around trying to read yer mind, lookin' for gaping holes in yer knowledge on accounta the fact that you were too lazy to help yourself?
"And moveing to new fields, cool. Your at the hanger telling all the newbies how to do that
Heh. "All newbies please form a line here - we are going to explore the fabulous new world of changing fields". Ya know what? Yer just.... ah nevermind. Anyways, no. Newbies, unlike yerself, are really quite easy to distinguish. How so, you may ask. Because they usually aren't so full of piss that they actually ask questions of people. They are polite. They are there because they need help. Trainers descend on these guys like flies, and next thing ya know - they are back the next day with 1000x the knowledge you managed to dig up in the one and a half weeks of attitude.
"And Av8tr is right in there ready to get his vengence on this newbie by harrassing same. And all these folks are buddies with Hmble. Sounds like a cool click to me which I guess
also reflects well on the first items in this discussion."
Yer just mumbling at this point - did u have one? Sorry, I seemed to have missed it... I have an excuse though. I am a MORON.

"Actually Nash, since your not the real thinkin type, allow me to spell it out for you."
That would be just dandy WW, please, I think at this point I really *do* need you to spell it out for me.
"If you tick off the newbies, they don't come back. Hence, no players, hense no one to play with, hence HTC looses a fist full of cash and no AH."
Hmm... this reminds me of a few places I've worked at. There'd be the odd person or two who would take any opportunity to complain, point fingers, and generally just cast a pall over an otherwise great place to be a part of. That wasn't exactly good for business. Messes with the moral. Turns the place into a drag.
Sure - "ticking off the newbies" isn't a good thing. When it comes to my personal conduct, my conscience is completely clear. I'll dispute your claims to the contrary and I will *continue* to dispute them. When it comes to other people's conduct, I have to be honest with ya man... I must be wearing blinders cuz I just aint *seeing* these horrible acts of which you speak.
It's unfortunate though. How easy it could have been for your experience to be so much different than it appears it now is. Man, when I was a newbie, it was probably the best period of time in my whole flight-sim uhm... career (insert more appropriate word here). You probably aren't gonna listen to this advice, but here it is anyways.
Try to cease alla this nonsense. Come at this thing again with a fresh set of eyes, a fresh set of ears. Try to renew your passion for what brought you to Aces High in the first place. Marvel at the masters, annoy them with your questions. Share the things you're learning with people at the same level as you. Make a mental note to improve on your weaknesses. Relish a well executed manuever that would have been impossible only a week before. Set goals, and meet them. Ask, ask, ask. Read. Ask again.
Ask any old hats 'round here what the most rewarding time has been, and they'll tell you it's when they were newbies. The sad thing is... ya can never go back. I *miss* being a newbie. Please, WW, stop this garbage and relish this time.
"Sorry Nash, more of that readin stuff and big words too!"
Enough. Please.