Author Topic: what is your biggest pet peeve???  (Read 5745 times)

Offline dkff49

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Re: what is your biggest pet peeve???
« Reply #60 on: February 05, 2010, 08:11:35 AM »
Dishonesty of any sort.

out right lying
twisting the truth for any reason
saying your going to do something then just changing your mind for no reason
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Offline mcboi

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Re: what is your biggest pet peeve???
« Reply #61 on: February 05, 2010, 08:14:29 AM »
wow GHI i always knew there was a reason i didnt like you now i know your canadian lmao  :rofl j/k anywho those are some sweet pictures man love the scenery never actually seen any "real" mountains in real life must be nice to gawk at. The only real mountain i ever saw was when i took a cruise to Isla Roatan, Honduras but it wasnt very big.

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Re: what is your biggest pet peeve???
« Reply #62 on: February 05, 2010, 08:21:18 AM »
You can hardly compare the Autobahn to the American highway system, the drivers and road are completely different.

THAT i think is why some(most) of our speed limits are set so low. they cater to the lowest common denominator........and......w you more than likely know, there is an abundance of incompetent drivers in the us. we have more than our fair share right here in jersey. like the ones that stop when merging the freeway. the ones that will not pull onto a road, till there is nothing moving. the ones that go into panic mode because there's a drop of rain on their windshield.
 thus, those of us that are quite capable, and take the time to learn the capabilities of our vehicles(i truly believe a good 90% of drivers have no clue what their vehicles can/can't do) get to suffer.

 then there's the traffic lights ya get stuck at, because you got stuck behind the slow guy.....
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: what is your biggest pet peeve???
« Reply #63 on: February 05, 2010, 09:36:22 AM »
I don't care how good of a driver you think you are, your car becomes more dangerous and harder to control the faster you go, there is no arguing that, no matter what you think you can 'handle'.

Absolutely, 100% false.
The basic fundamentals of car control do not appreciably change with speed unless speed is high enough for aerodynamics to overrule mechanical grip.  This isn't happening on any road car or weekend race car.

You can spin at 25mph or 125mph.  The speed makes no difference and the catalysts are the same. 

Your point of view is a perfect example of why we need *proper* drivers education in this country.  Speed, in and of itself, is not what is dangerous.  Rather, it is the speed differential between two objects that is dangerous.

Stay in the right lane, if you would, so we can avoid that physics lesson.  The law is in place for a reason.  Shame its not enforced.

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Re: what is your biggest pet peeve???
« Reply #64 on: February 05, 2010, 09:46:26 AM »

...  my bigest "pet peeve" are this creatures,on high grades ,snow covered sections of Trans canada highway, specially in the night.They don't care about my big 18 wheeler truck,  always around the highway this time of the year,  licking the deicing salt from roads.

(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

Beautiful Elk, of course they don't care about your 18 wheeler, just like we didn't care about them when we pushed the roads thru either. :D
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Offline AKHog

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Re: what is your biggest pet peeve???
« Reply #65 on: February 05, 2010, 10:44:53 AM »
Absolutely, 100% false.
The basic fundamentals of car control do not appreciably change with speed unless speed is high enough for aerodynamics to overrule mechanical grip.  This isn't happening on any road car or weekend race car.

You can spin at 25mph or 125mph.  The speed makes no difference and the catalysts are the same.  

There is really no point in arguing with someone who doesn't understand basic physics, so I'm not going to. If you really believe what you wrote I suggest you go read some books.

BTW, I'm not a little old lady who never drives fast. I raced autocross for years in BMW 2002s and even did some rally racing when I lived in the south west. I know a thing or two about driving fast. There is a place and a time, and its not when you are on the road with other people, period.

Also my dad was a highway patrolman for the Texas DPS, and I helped my uncle with the volunteer fire fighters, so I've seen plenty of car accidents. In the area of Texas I'm from (big open roads), 2nd only to drunk driving, the largest cause of fatalities on the road was people speeding and loosing control of their car.

The real problem is people don't have respect for what a vehicle can do. Try being a first responder to some of these crashes, where you come up to half a body, laying on the cold asphalt grasping for air and begging for you to help, but all you can do is watch them die. THEN tell me speeding is harmless.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 11:25:39 AM by AKHog »
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Re: what is your biggest pet peeve???
« Reply #66 on: February 05, 2010, 11:11:46 AM »
part of my trip home is back roads. part is on the freeway. i don't need to do math, when i can look at my watch, seeing i'm home 20 minutes earlier than i am when i'm at the speed limit. where i did mis-state myself there, is that i(as mentioned earlier)cruise between 70 and 80mph. that late at night, i keep it to 70....most of the way on the freeway,  the posted limit is 55. some of the back roads are posted at 35, with no homes, no driveways, no blind i'm generally between 45and 55 on these roads.

So now that you have been proven wrong with the most basic math, you are backpedaling. Very typical. But you are still full of 'it'.

Lets take your latest 'story'. You say you go 70 in a 55 part of the way, and an average of 50 in a 35 part of the way. Lets assume 75% is highway and 25% is back roads on your 30 mile drive (22.5 and 7.5 miles respectively).

Scenario A: you drive the speed limit. It takes you 24:32 to drive the highway and 12:51 for the back roads, total 37:23.

Scenario B: you speed according to what you said above. It takes you 19:17 on the highway, and 9 on the back road, total 28:17.

Difference: 9 minutes 16 seconds, still less than half of what you claim.

Also if you claim you drive an average of 15mph over, that means at some times you must drive much faster than that to make up for the times you are forced to drive slower than 15 over or even *gasp* at the speed limit. That means to save 9 minutes you must average 15 over and probably go up to 25 or more over at some points in the drive.

Also since you now admit you drive on back roads for part of the drive there is no doubt time spent at stop lights and signs. This means the little time you save speeding is even less of a percentage of the total time you spend driving.

i don't need to do math, when i can look at my watch,

Sorry but this literally made me laugh out loud, "I don't need no math". :lol: Well if you don't 'need' math then it sounds like you could at least use a new watch.

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Re: what is your biggest pet peeve???
« Reply #67 on: February 05, 2010, 11:14:22 AM »
People who drive UNDER the speed limit and then do not move over to the shoulder for faster traffic to get around them are by far one of the biggest hazards on the road.
This argument is just illogical. Its not the people going slow that cause accidents, it's the impatient people behind them trying to 'make a move', speed, and break the law that cause them.

It's this attitude that the road is mine and YOU are in the way that causes most accidents. Just remember, in the USA driving is not a right, it's a privilege, and just like other privileges, it can easily be taken away.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 11:44:22 AM by AKHog »
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Offline AKHog

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Re: what is your biggest pet peeve???
« Reply #68 on: February 05, 2010, 11:30:15 AM »
BTW the last person that illegally passed me (aggressively) while I was doing the limit (ok maybe 2-3 under), I called the sheriff and reported them as suspected DUI. 5 miles down the road I passed them while they were pulled over doing the road side Olympics. Guess who made it to work on time ;).
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Re: what is your biggest pet peeve???
« Reply #69 on: February 05, 2010, 11:41:04 AM »
So now that you have been proven wrong with the most basic math, you are backpedaling. Very typical. But you are still full of 'it'.

Lets take your latest 'story'. You say you go 70 in a 55 part of the way, and an average of 50 in a 35 part of the way. Lets assume 75% is highway and 25% is back roads on your 30 mile drive (22.5 and 7.5 miles respectively).

Scenario A: you drive the speed limit. It takes you 24:32 to drive the highway and 12:51 for the back roads, total 37:23.

Scenario B: you speed according to what you said above. It takes you 19:17 on the highway, and 9 on the back road, total 28:17.

Difference: 9 minutes 16 seconds, still less than half of what you claim.

Also if you claim you drive an average of 15mph over, that means at some times you must drive much faster than that to make up for the times you are forced to drive slower than 15 over or even *gasp* at the speed limit. That means to save 9 minutes you must average 15 over and probably go up to 25 or more over at some points in the drive.

Also since you now admit you drive on back roads for part of the drive there is no doubt time spent at stop lights and signs. This means the little time you save speeding is even less of a percentage of the total time you spend driving.

Sorry but this literally made me laugh out loud, "I don't need no math". :lol: Well if you don't 'need' math then it sounds like you could at least use a new watch.

i love people like you.

 you assume i have to backpedal for anything.

 when i get home at about 2am driving at the lower speeds, and suddenly, and mysteriously manage to get home at 1:40am driving at the higher speeds......well........i dunno what to tell ya.,

 try taking into account traffic lights, traffic itself(what little there is at those hours), etc.

well, i dunno about needing a new watch either. it seems to agree with the clock in my cellphone, my gs, and in the dash of my van. think they're all wrong too? :D

trying to figure everything out your way works perfectly with no variables.........

and the faster driving helps me NOT get caught at some(most) of the traffic lights. this is a little different on rt 30 though.....they're timed for 40 i do 40, although the limit is 45....and in so doing, and not having to stop, that saves me a couple more minutes.  :aok
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 11:43:44 AM by CAP1 »
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: what is your biggest pet peeve???
« Reply #70 on: February 05, 2010, 11:50:38 AM »
you assume i have to backpedal for anything.

There is no point in arguing with you. You say one thing but the facts that you provided (and then changed) show something entirely different.

Oh well, in reality like most people you will probably continue speeding and getting away with it, and never realize the increased level of risk you were exposing yourself and others (unwillingly) to, compared to the relatively insignificant time savings.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 11:56:00 AM by AKHog »
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Re: what is your biggest pet peeve???
« Reply #71 on: February 05, 2010, 11:56:07 AM »
There is no point in arguing. You say one thing but the facts that you provided (and then changed) yourself prove something entirely different.

Oh well, in reality like most you will probably continue speeding and getting away with it, and never realize the increased level of risk you were exposing  yourself and others (unwillingly) to.

the accident where i landed on the roof. i was doing 45mph in a 50mph "pitted" by a dude that mis-judged his clearence as he lane changed.....

 the accident where i got hit head on......i was doin 35mph in a 35 zone.  lady was doing about the same, or a little less...i don't know really.

 those were the 2 worst accidents i've been in. the others, were all at or below the posted limits, and all the other drivers faults, with the exception of one.
 funny thing, i wasn't speeding in any of them........yet, i've never had an accident due to my speeding.

 it's not the speed of the drivers that causes accidents, but rather the drivers ability to handle the speed they're doing. most can't.

 hell.....most are too incompetent to even think to turn off the key whren their gas pedal sticks.........
ingame 1LTCAP
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Offline Wingnutt

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Re: what is your biggest pet peeve???
« Reply #72 on: February 05, 2010, 12:08:50 PM »
This argument is just illogical. Its not the people going slow that cause accidents, it's the impatient people behind them trying to 'make a move', speed, and break the law that cause them.

It's this attitude that the road is mine and YOU are in the way that causes most accidents. Just remember, in the USA driving is not a right, it's a privilege, and just like other privileges, it can easily be taken away.

Nonsense, people are on the road because they have to get somewhere, not because they feel like driving.

If YOU (by driving slow) force them to travel less than the posted speed, and will not allow them to pass, YOU are the problem, they are not trying to break the law, they are trying to abide by and and get where they are going in a timely manner.. YOU, being arrogant and inconsiderate, decide that you want to drive slower than the posted speed, and also decide not to take into consideration the other drivers who DO wish to travel at the posted speed, so YOU force them to have 2 choices, stay stuck behind you, or face the hazard of trying to pass you..  neither is desireable, but YOU have put them in this situation.

all YOU have to do, is move over for about 10 seconds, and let them pass.. that's it..  but your an arrogant inconsiderate driver, so you just ignore everyone else on YOUR road and let the traffic stack up behind you.

Bottom line, the person passing you is doing nothing wrong, you move ove they go around you and continue on their way, no effect on you whatsoever.   but NOOOOOO instead you just sit there with them stuck behind you, because you are somehow BETTER than they are, and if you wanna drive slow, will thats just tough cookies for everyone else on the road.. not your problem..  amazinhunk.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 12:17:53 PM by Wingnutt »

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Re: what is your biggest pet peeve???
« Reply #73 on: February 05, 2010, 12:09:27 PM »
 On topic:  Pet Peeve, things to annoy me, are two things:  People who "race" me, I don't want to race anyone but it seems like since I drive a nice car-ish (Scion tC) people (male teens) insist on trying to out-run me.  I never play the game sine I know better...we have cops everywhere in this city.  But there are people who drive little "supped-up" cars around here who think everyone needs to race them so they can "win" and get an ego boost or something.  Sad thing is if I wanted to be stupid and race I would likely win, the idiots don't even have good cars.  I do speed (max of 5mph over unless I'm on country-roads) and accelerate fast-ish, but still...
 The other thing is people who get right on my tail at a light when we're on a hill.  I drive a manual so I am going to, naturally, drift back some before going forwards and when then sit 3" off my tail it's very disconcerting (right word?).
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Re: what is your biggest pet peeve???
« Reply #74 on: February 05, 2010, 12:13:41 PM »
the accident where blah blah blah

Yes, very typical argument based on a small cross section of data. Read my comment above about people arguing to NOT wear a seat belt because of a few accidents. Your argument like theirs is illogical and incorrect, speeding causes more accidents and every real scientific study out there backs that up.

it's not the speed of the drivers that causes accidents, but rather the drivers ability to handle the speed they're doing. most can't.
Completely illogical again, your two statements contradict eachother. Of course its the drivers ability to handle the speed that is the problem, but thats because the vehicle becomes more difficult to control with increased speed. Why do you think professional race car drivers crash? Do you think there would be as many crashes in races if they had 55 mph limiters on the cars?

Meh, guess I'm just waisting my time with this one.  :bolt:

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