Aces High Bulletin Board

General Forums => Aces High General Discussion => Topic started by: syko on March 05, 2009, 11:52:33 AM

Title: Oink !
Post by: syko on March 05, 2009, 11:52:33 AM
So after nine years of playing Aces High as C.O. with Pigs On The Wing there has become an issue about us oinking.
Some of you think its funny and some of you wonder what is the oinking about and some just hate and despise the oinking. I think giving my squaddies a salute or wtg pig style oink is ok. What makes it so offending that people are going out of thier way to try and disband our squad and or band the oinking. Last time i heard this is america and we have a right to freedom of speech. I understand the cussing implacations but oinking
seriously? You hate it so much you whine and bug skuzzy. (you know who you are.)

Ok go!! time for you all to rip me apart just out of spite. quote all my words and disect them
thats what I've come to expect here thats why I don't come here.
Nows you chance for you to convince me how and why the oink is bad. "Oink"
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: CAP1 on March 05, 2009, 11:58:32 AM
So after nine years of playing Aces High as C.O. with Pigs On The Wing there has become an issue about us oinking.
Some of you think its funny and some of you wonder what is the oinking about and some just hate and despise the oinking. I think giving my squaddies a salute or wtg pig style oink is ok. What makes it so offending that people are going out of thier way to try and disband our squad and or band the oinking. Last time i heard this is america and we have a right to freedom of speech. I understand the cussing implacations but oinking
seriously? You hate it so much you whine and bug skuzzy. (you know who you are.)

Ok go!! time for you all to rip me apart just out of spite. quote all my words and disect them
thats what I've come to expect here thats why I don't come here.
Nows you chance for you to convince me how and why the oink is bad. "Oink"

i don't fly lw.....but i see no problem whatsoever with you guys "oinking". i can't fathom why anyone would really. there is no way that that can be construed offensive in any way shape or form.....and it's your guys way of acknowledging each other. let those complaining go pound sand.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: kilo2 on March 05, 2009, 12:02:05 PM
POTW dont stop oink just cause others dont like it. Its not that bad its kinda lame, but hey, to each his own. Iam tired of seeing this in threads its more annoying than seeing it on 200 every once in a while.  :salute
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Lusche on March 05, 2009, 12:02:47 PM
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: dunnrite on March 05, 2009, 12:02:53 PM
I would much rather seeing--



Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Steve on March 05, 2009, 12:04:07 PM
So after nine years of playing Aces High as C.O. with Pigs On The Wing there has become an issue about us oinking.
Some of you think its funny and some of you wonder what is the oinking about and some just hate and despise the oinking. I think giving my squaddies a salute or wtg pig style oink is ok. What makes it so offending that people are going out of thier way to try and disband our squad and or band the oinking. Last time i heard this is america and we have a right to freedom of speech. I understand the cussing implacations but oinking
seriously? You hate it so much you whine and bug skuzzy. (you know who you are.)

Ok go!! time for you all to rip me apart just out of spite. quote all my words and disect them
thats what I've come to expect here thats why I don't come here.
Nows you chance for you to convince me how and why the oink is bad. "Oink"

Dude, stop sniffing glue.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 05, 2009, 12:10:03 PM
Syko...They are just selfish, ignorant bullies.

They are all just jealous that the POTW are having fun.
Some people, especially the elite fart heads who think they are god's gift to AH2, are just selfish and pathetic and have to spoil other peoples fun. Ignore them, they are immature and most probably neglected as children...or abused. who knows.

Never stop oinking. Never let these A-holes command your fun, or tell you what is right and wrong. As a long term knight I for one can say that Oinking has never once annoyed me and the POTW are a great squad to have on your team. All the retards who keep complaining about you oinking are country switching mercanaries, I strongly suggest to them that they stop flying on nits if they cant handle a little oinking.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Chalenge on March 05, 2009, 12:11:05 PM
I would rather the minimum kills needed to see the message was raised to avoid these arguments but then someone would argue you were gaming the game.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: ROX on March 05, 2009, 12:24:08 PM
Don't stop a long standing squad tradition just because there are those who look down their condecending noses and want to tell you how you play your $15 bucks. 

If they are too lazy to squelch you it's their problem, not yours.

Oink!  :salute

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SlapShot on March 05, 2009, 12:27:11 PM
So after nine years of playing Aces High as C.O. with Pigs On The Wing there has become an issue about us oinking.
Some of you think its funny and some of you wonder what is the oinking about and some just hate and despise the oinking. I think giving my squaddies a salute or wtg pig style oink is ok. What makes it so offending that people are going out of thier way to try and disband our squad and or band the oinking. Last time i heard this is america and we have a right to freedom of speech. I understand the cussing implacations but oinking
seriously? You hate it so much you whine and bug skuzzy. (you know who you are.)

Ok go!! time for you all to rip me apart just out of spite. quote all my words and disect them
thats what I've come to expect here thats why I don't come here.
Nows you chance for you to convince me how and why the oink is bad. "Oink"

I have played for 7+ years on Aces High and up until this year, I have never seen repeated "oinks" by POTW squad mates on country channel like I do now ... so this phenomenon is not steeped in history.

Nobody is really saying it's wrong in the literal sense ... more so, the question is why ? ... why do all the POTW need to "oink" on country channel each time one of their squaddies lands kills in the buffer ? It basically boils down to "LOOK AT US !!!" ... It may be just me, but self-promotion is "empty". Like I said in the other post ... let your countrymen give the WTGs on country channel if they feel a POTW pilot deserves it. Personally, anything less than 4 kills does not even register on my "WTG" scale, but I have seen the multiple "oinks" on country channel for landing 2 kills ... hardly an accomplishment to spam the country channel with POTW "oinks".

For the 7+ years that I have played, and all the squads that I have flown with, the squad backslapping has always been contained either on the "squad text" and/or the "squad vox". When I flew with the MAW, on squad nights, we would have over 60+ squaddies on and I can't remember 1 time that when a MAW squaddie landed kills, we all felt the need to give a WTGs on country channel ... the reason was it wouldn't be right to spam the country channel in consideration to all the others in the country plus we let our actions gain the respect of the country and not self-promotion.

Believe it or not, but sometimes there are important messages broadcast on country channel and when the channel is spammed with useless text, that information is lost ... unless of course you always fly around with the text buffer in full display.

Hopefully you don't take this post as a "rip", because that was not the intention ... interpret it as "advice".
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Vudak on March 05, 2009, 12:28:08 PM
Syko...They are just selfish, ignorant bullies.

They are all just jealous that the POTW are having fun.
Some people, especially the elite fart heads who think they are god's gift to AH2, are just selfish and pathetic and have to spoil other peoples fun. Ignore them, they are immature and most probably neglected as children...or abused. who knows.

Never stop oinking. Never let these A-holes command your fun, or tell you what is right and wrong. As a long term knight I for one can say that Oinking has never once annoyed me and the POTW are a great squad to have on your team. All the retards who keep complaining about you oinking are country switching mercanaries, I strongly suggest to them that they stop flying on nits if they cant handle a little oinking.

I think there are some people with legitimate concerns.  A few "oinks" aren't going to do much to a text bar, but when you have very many, some necessary information can be lost...  Like I said in another thread, it's kind of like the new player who doesn't know anything about the game, except how to use vox.  (Not implying POTW are new players -- just that their oinking can have the same effect on communication breakdown for others).

I can see why the POTW would get offended by people making a big deal out of a few of them, but if you guys manage to have a dozen + on for a squad night or something, I'd hope you'd tone it down or use your squad channel voluntarily.  That'd be very nice of you.

Two sides and all...  Just because one side doesn't use so much, er, "tact," to express themselves, doesn't mean they don't have a legitimate point buried in there somewhere.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SlapShot on March 05, 2009, 12:29:47 PM
Syko...They are just selfish, ignorant bullies.

They are all just jealous that the POTW are having fun.
Some people, especially the elite fart heads who think they are god's gift to AH2, are just selfish and pathetic and have to spoil other peoples fun. Ignore them, they are immature and most probably neglected as children...or abused. who knows.

Never stop oinking. Never let these A-holes command your fun, or tell you what is right and wrong. As a long term knight I for one can say that Oinking has never once annoyed me and the POTW are a great squad to have on your team. All the retards who keep complaining about you oinking are country switching mercanaries, I strongly suggest to them that they stop flying on nits if they cant handle a little oinking.

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Xargos on March 05, 2009, 12:40:15 PM
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: CHAPPY on March 05, 2009, 12:44:15 PM
Dont fly Knight then you wont have to see the OINK.

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 05, 2009, 12:45:51 PM
I can see why the POTW would get offended by people making a big deal out of a few of them, but if you guys manage to have a dozen + on for a squad night or something, I'd hope you'd tone it down or use your squad channel voluntarily.  That'd be very nice of you.


other than that its easy to squelch people if you need to.

Vital infomation? Dont make me laugh sir! I'm sure the world will keep spinning no matter if we know about the goon parked near P42 or not, or that A236 is de-acked.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: skullman on March 05, 2009, 12:52:40 PM
As far as new guys trying to get info all I see is smartaleck remarks an altf4.We need to give the newbs sound advice and help them.I know they should go to training arena first but I have personally told guys things they didnt know and them not being newbs.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: RumbleB on March 05, 2009, 01:02:52 PM

other than that its easy to squelch people if you need to.

Vital infomation? Dont make me laugh sir! I'm sure the world will keep spinning no matter if we know about the goon parked near P42 or not, or that A236 is de-acked.

Yes, such as RumbleB of The Few has landed 2 kills in a LA-7 !
If they spam oink then this important information will be lost. I want the glory of landing 2 lala kills as well dammit.
By oink spams it takes away my glory and the hard work I put in!!!

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Vudak on March 05, 2009, 01:13:51 PM

other than that its easy to squelch people if you need to.

Vital infomation? Dont make me laugh sir! I'm sure the world will keep spinning no matter if we know about the goon parked near P42 or not, or that A236 is de-acked.

Well, vital info for other people  :lol

You're right, I don't think there's anything WE would need, on a regular basis anyway.  But I'm sure some of the base taking / mission-type squads could use it, though. 

As far as squelching...  I'm an optimist, but I'd kind of like to think most POTW are people I'd like to get to know in-game, and I can't do much of that by squelching the whole group! :)

Anyway, my point here is there seems to be some wiggle room for compromise...  If both sides are willing. 
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: WMLute on March 05, 2009, 01:16:37 PM
I personally feel this "oink" controversy has gotten a bit out of hand. 

To me it is just another pot for a certain squad to stir and sow seeds of dissention and cause a ruckus which they seem to get off on. 

Much adieu about nothing IMHO.

Should the Pigs tone it down when they have a lot of squaddies on? 

Probably as a courtesy to the other Knits they should.

Is it that big of a deal? 

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Kazaa on March 05, 2009, 01:18:44 PM
I personally see nothing wrong with the "Onik", it's a nice change from the WTG. :aok

BTW this isn't AMERICA butter YEAH, It's the internetz.

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 05, 2009, 01:19:44 PM

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: lyric1 on March 05, 2009, 01:21:19 PM
Sums it just about up.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: TEXAS20 on March 05, 2009, 01:22:29 PM
OINK! wtg pigs!  :salute
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 05, 2009, 01:25:56 PM
Sums it just about up.

A pigboy's dreams are dashed when he is tragically slaughtered by the baconmaster.

I dont know why but i found this very disturbing indeed. WHO is this baconmaster, and where can i find him?
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: waystin2 on March 05, 2009, 01:37:21 PM
The Oinks shall be heard forever!
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SlapShot on March 05, 2009, 01:40:27 PM

other than that its easy to squelch people if you need to.

Vital infomation? Dont make me laugh sir! I'm sure the world will keep spinning no matter if we know about the goon parked near P42 or not, or that A236 is de-acked.

As Vudak has pointed out, for me, there isn't any real important information on any channel, but for others, that may well not be the case, and when I play this game, I try to keep other player's considerations in scope.

This may seem small potatoes Bat, but it is a part of the "larger picture/problem" ... and that is "consideration" for others ... and true to form, the slumfest that the LW arenas have become will no doubt continue to be slumfests because it's the ... "it's all about me or my small microcosm"  attitude ... and the heck with all the other participants.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Saurdaukar on March 05, 2009, 01:47:29 PM
So after nine years of playing Aces High as C.O. with Pigs On The Wing there has become an issue about us oinking.
Some of you think its funny and some of you wonder what is the oinking about and some just hate and despise the oinking. I think giving my squaddies a salute or wtg pig style oink is ok. What makes it so offending that people are going out of thier way to try and disband our squad and or band the oinking. Last time i heard this is america and we have a right to freedom of speech. I understand the cussing implacations but oinking
seriously? You hate it so much you whine and bug skuzzy. (you know who you are.)

Ok go!! time for you all to rip me apart just out of spite. quote all my words and disect them
thats what I've come to expect here thats why I don't come here.
Nows you chance for you to convince me how and why the oink is bad. "Oink"

Why did this discussion need a new thread?

How hungry for attention is this group, exactly?
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: usvi on March 05, 2009, 01:48:22 PM
The Oinks shall be heard forever!

OINK! :salute
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Saurdaukar on March 05, 2009, 01:50:02 PM
OINK! :salute

You and what army of swine?  ;)
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: skullman on March 05, 2009, 01:53:32 PM
the horde the horde thats who
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Larry on March 05, 2009, 01:56:03 PM
If they are too lazy to squelch you it's their problem, not yours.

The problem it there are to many of them to squelch. When I fly (spy) nit I always start off by squelching the pigs because I know sooner or later one of them is going to land two kills in a spit16 and the text buffer is going to be spamed. Imagine if EVERY squad in AH did this. It wouldn't take long for HTC to step in and put and end to it. Squad WTGs should be kept on squad channel that's what its there for.

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: waystin2 on March 05, 2009, 01:56:12 PM
OINK! :salute

Now that is funny! :rofl
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: skullman on March 05, 2009, 02:25:25 PM
not all fly dweeb rides-I been limiting my ride list to learn them-I fly the kI-61,Spit 8 n 9,zeke,dhog an F6.I wouldnt call them dweeb rides.Gotta ride what the situation calls for.I love the 110 so I can detroy the . sesame street hideout.I chase the muppets so I can get a lil backseat time with miss piggy :D
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: oakranger on March 05, 2009, 02:39:04 PM
I think it is a good way to promoting your squad.

How do you do it,  Yee Haw, moooo, chirp chirp, beep, baaaa, hissss?????

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Steve on March 05, 2009, 02:45:43 PM
not all fly dweeb rides-I been limiting my ride list to learn them-I fly ,Spit 8 n 9,.I wouldnt call them dweeb rides.

 :lol    :aok
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: WMLute on March 05, 2009, 02:50:17 PM
As Vudak has pointed out, for me, there isn't any real important information on any channel, but for others, that may well not be the case, and when I play this game, I try to keep other player's considerations in scope.

This may seem small potatoes Bat, but it is a part of the "larger picture/problem" ... and that is "consideration" for others ... and true to form, the slumfest that the LW arenas have become will no doubt continue to be slumfests because it's the ... "it's all about me or my small microcosm"  attitude ... and the heck with all the other participants.


I agree with most if not all of that.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 05, 2009, 03:18:28 PM
As Vudak has pointed out, for me, there isn't any real important information on any channel, but for others, that may well not be the case, and when I play this game, I try to keep other player's considerations in scope.

This may seem small potatoes Bat, but it is a part of the "larger picture/problem" ... and that is "consideration" for others ... and true to form, the slumfest that the LW arenas have become will no doubt continue to be slumfests because it's the ... "it's all about me or my small microcosm"  attitude ... and the heck with all the other participants.

Fair point Slap, spoken well.  Obviously my first post in this thread was more than a little tounge in cheek.

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Bronk on March 05, 2009, 03:19:26 PM
Don't stop a long standing squad tradition just because there are those who look down their condecending noses and want to tell you how you play your $15 bucks. 

If they are too lazy to squelch you it's their problem, not yours.

Oink!  :salute

Rox compare it to how we used "squeeeeee" in the stompers.  It was mainly used squad channel as a <S> and as a greeting to all when entering an arena.  If one of our friends on another country saluted us with it on 200 then it was returned. Never did we spam 200 or country channel when  one of us landing kills with "squeeee". It was a squad thing and that is where it was for the most part kept.

That being said the consternation over "OINK" is quite amusing. I laugh at both it's overuse in the arena and people whining about it. It is an attempt at self promotion.... period.

I hope you take this in the spirit intended... a different opinion from a former squad member and a very old friend.

See you up <S>
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: KayBayRay on March 05, 2009, 03:21:29 PM
OINK !!!!  :aok

Hey you POTW better not stop !!!  

I and every generation of my ancestors since coming to this country have fought in every war this nation has waged so that you can have the right to OINK !!!!  

So OINK On  Brudda !!!!   :aok

And for those that have a problem with this...... I know where you can get a Cranialrectectemy reeeeel cheap !!!

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: j500ss on March 05, 2009, 03:23:23 PM
Mahne     Mahne  :rock


The Muppets will get  :aok
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SkyRock on March 05, 2009, 03:24:02 PM
OINK! :salute
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Scotch on March 05, 2009, 04:01:43 PM
Oh look another thread for Junky to meet his daily spam quota in.

The oinking is just the icing on the cake.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Murdr on March 05, 2009, 04:08:43 PM
I have played for 7+ years on Aces High and up until this year, I have never seen repeated "oinks" by POTW squad mates on country channel like I do now ... so this phenomenon is not steeped in history.

Same here, didn't see it until fall of 07.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Scotch on March 05, 2009, 04:15:55 PM
I'll also say that up until less than a year ago I had no problems with POTW. When they were a normal sized squad for all those years they were great. I flew with guys like JoLLy all the time (not under this name). I almost joined POTW.
Things changed when you were more concerned with filling 3 wings.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 05, 2009, 04:23:09 PM
I'll also say that up until less than a year ago I had no problems with POTW. When they were a normal sized squad for all those years they were great. I flew with guys like JoLLy all the time (not under this name). I almost joined POTW.
Things changed when you were more concerned with filling 3 wings.

You changed, not POTW.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Scotch on March 05, 2009, 04:24:08 PM
Eh no.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 05, 2009, 04:25:54 PM

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Lusche on March 05, 2009, 04:30:08 PM
Though I utterly hate to concur with a Muppet  :furious

... I think Scotch is a tiny bit more right than you ;)
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: stodd on March 05, 2009, 05:31:09 PM

You changed, not POTW.
Between now and last year the pigs have definetly changed. Seeing as how I used to be in the POTW I think I can safely say this.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: BillyD on March 05, 2009, 05:56:45 PM
           Man I miss flyin w/ Jolly.  :cry
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: stodd on March 05, 2009, 06:07:50 PM
           Man I miss flyin w/ Jolly.  :cry
Where did he go? Come to think of it I havent seen him in a while.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: RumbleB on March 05, 2009, 06:08:04 PM
I'm rook but couldn't help myself..
( (
Wow way to go on landing the 2 Lala kills!!!  :lol

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Scotch on March 05, 2009, 06:11:38 PM
I remember when Jolly posted that celebrity urban fishing thing he did and pissed everyone off for killing a pet fish. Hahaha
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Banshee7 on March 05, 2009, 06:17:17 PM
I'll also say that up until less than a year ago I had no problems with POTW. When they were a normal sized squad for all those years they were great. I flew with guys like JoLLy all the time (not under this name). I almost joined POTW.
Things changed when you were more concerned with filling 3 wings.

This post I agree with more than any other.  Same situation here.

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: skullman on March 05, 2009, 06:25:57 PM
I still get a kick outa that clip.I am a friend of Jolly.He is busy with his business and coast gaurd.He had computer and family issues but will return.His business is doing well and he is trying to make it a real sucess.

AS far as the squad we have not actively sought out new members but it is the other way around.I joined when there wasnt many and it has changed alot.We have some good sticks and I wish I could be that good.AS far as the oink,we will continue as there is a whole lot more garbage than an oink on text.Some is offensive and some is hilarious
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Scotch on March 05, 2009, 06:26:53 PM
I didn't know he was a coastie...
Where is jolly living/stationed?
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: skullman on March 05, 2009, 06:28:38 PM
he is in san diego area
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Scotch on March 05, 2009, 06:29:58 PM
cc, well, if I ever make it down that far for albacore, I'll be sure to call for 'Jolly' on the emergency vhf  :D :devil
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Anaxogoras on March 05, 2009, 06:30:38 PM
I heard Miss Piggy left them for POTW, and that's why they're all upset over the oinks. ;)
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Scotch on March 05, 2009, 06:34:53 PM
The oinking is only a minor issue to me in comparison to the hording.
Whether it be all on their own or in participation with "THE ALLIANCE!!" tm.

Ms Piggy's a used up fat old hag in the muppet world anyways.
I heard she was with the BK's last weekend.  :uhoh
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: bj229r on March 05, 2009, 06:36:38 PM
The problem it there are to many of them to squelch. When I fly (spy) nit I always start off by squelching the pigs because I know sooner or later one of them is going to land two kills in a spit16 and the text buffer is going to be spamed. Imagine if EVERY squad in AH did this. It wouldn't take long for HTC to step in and put and end to it. Squad WTGs should be kept on squad channel that's what its there for.

:rofl :rofl :rofl

(wishlist? ".squelch squad###"?)
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Larry on March 05, 2009, 06:47:57 PM
:rofl :rofl :rofl

(wishlist? ".squelch squad###"?)

That or unlimited .squelch slots.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 05, 2009, 11:45:54 PM
Though I utterly hate to concur with a Muppet  :furious

... I think Scotch is a tiny bit more right than you ;)

Ok i give in. It sounded like something really dramatic to say at the time..thanks for busrting my prime time TV show bubble. :furious

While POTW might have become more numerically obese and alot more vocal in the recent years I just cant see why them having fun is bothering people. Sure, we ask them to tone down the OINK thing and maybe they would have if we were not giving them so much attention over it.

As for scotch, clearly he has changed alot. He's gone from MA hooligan, through the 'im gunna learn dueling as i hate being owned in a fair fight' stage...and become a Muppet...and changed his name from the one he first had.

I never said it was a bad change in you, Scotch, but it was certainly one that altered your attitude towards the MA and the people who fly there exclusively for the 'war effort'.

take it or leave it.  :salute
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Guppy35 on March 06, 2009, 12:28:50 AM
So after nine years of playing Aces High as C.O. with Pigs On The Wing there has become an issue about us oinking.
Some of you think its funny and some of you wonder what is the oinking about and some just hate and despise the oinking. I think giving my squaddies a salute or wtg pig style oink is ok. What makes it so offending that people are going out of thier way to try and disband our squad and or band the oinking. Last time i heard this is america and we have a right to freedom of speech. I understand the cussing implacations but oinking
seriously? You hate it so much you whine and bug skuzzy. (you know who you are.)

Ok go!! time for you all to rip me apart just out of spite. quote all my words and disect them
thats what I've come to expect here thats why I don't come here.
Nows you chance for you to convince me how and why the oink is bad. "Oink"

Frankly I could care less about what you do oinking or not.

But don't throw out the old Freedom of Speech line.  It does not apply.  You are in HTC's world and you play by their rules.  It isn't a public place.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: texasmom on March 06, 2009, 12:29:14 AM
I think it's a nice gesture for y'all to oink at one another.  Probably could make the same congratulatory point on squad channel; if it were ever to get annoying I'd just ignore it.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Scotch on March 06, 2009, 01:17:13 AM
As for scotch, clearly he has changed alot. He's gone from MA hooligan, through the 'im gunna learn dueling as i hate being owned in a fair fight' stage...and become a Muppet...and changed his name from the one he first had.
I never said it was a bad change in you, Scotch, but it was certainly one that altered your attitude towards the MA and the people who fly there exclusively for the 'war effort'.

Bat, while you may just have noticed me recently, I have bbs accounts that predate yours by 5 years. I did go through an 'ego trip' but it was when I was a 16yo squeaker on MacAW. I pretty much lost any sort of ego when I was a trainer for Kesmai. While after an 7year on/off break to flying I had a lot of rust, I really haven't suddenly learned much or overcome some plateau. I'm pretty much the same as always. Been there, done that, have the t-shirt. I am interested in improving things and seeing the community police itself again. I will go to the extreme sometimes. Because hey, it's actually drawing attention to things and I'm seeing results. Even if they aren't on the bbs. And even if you don't agree with them.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 06, 2009, 01:38:13 AM
oooo 'ark at him now...trainer for kesmai, forum shades from the land before time. I never said i played longer than you, I said youve changed. I see it even since i knew you as scotch. That just my opinion. Once again lemme repeat that i didnt say it was a bad change. But what it all comes down to, my tater tossing compadre...what the krux of this matter is....what all this really tells us is....You're basically admiting that you adore 'SkyRock' and everything he stands for.
That's understandable he is a pretty damn cool guy. :rock

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Scotch on March 06, 2009, 01:41:33 AM
My views have always been the same. The arena and game play has just changed to a further level of contrast to those views. Mark and many, many, other people share the same views I do. I won't feel bad about that.

edit: And my last post was to refute your notion that I'm feeling "like a god" as you put it in the DA. Not to brag. That bores me. I have better things to brag about, like my job.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Steve on March 06, 2009, 01:57:56 AM
You're basically admiting that you adore 'SkyRock' and everything he stands for.

What exactly do you think he stands for?
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 06, 2009, 02:01:11 AM
Being a complete jerk to twenty people on the assuption that at least one will try and make themself a better virtual pilot because of it.

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Lusche on March 06, 2009, 06:34:35 AM
Ok i give in. It sounded like something really dramatic to say at the time..thanks for busrting my prime time TV show bubble. :furious

Pffft, TV sucks anyway.Your place is in AH, not in front of that dull tube  :)
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Ghosth on March 06, 2009, 07:33:56 AM
Each squadron develops their own personality, and style over time. The oinking is fine, its the channel they are doing it on that is causing the problem. Some squadrons announce "horrido" when they get a kill. But they don't do it on country channel. And they don't have 20 or more guys all OINKING at once spamming the channel.

Pull it back to squad text or vox and knock their sox off.
Its simply a matter of respect and consideration for everyone else to not spam country channel that way.
And how you handle this issue will decide for many if your squadron should be respected or not. Your choice.

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: hammer on March 06, 2009, 09:14:35 AM
.... Its simply a matter of respect and consideration for everyone else to not spam country channel that way.
And how you handle this issue will decide for many if your squadron should be respected or not. Your choice.

Many people mistake being known, even for bad behaviour, as the same as respect. It is not. Ghosth is right on.


Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: bongaroo on March 06, 2009, 09:35:44 AM
The cow says: Moo!  (  :lol )

Seriously, isn't the barnyard animal noise game for preschoolers?  Take your spam to squad channel.  Country channel isn't for you guys to self promote after a pig lucks out and lands 2 kills.

Between squads spaming and ROX congratulating the furballers for making them lose all their bases (oh noes!); it is fairly obvious why the knitwits are always the low number country.   :devil
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SkyRock on March 06, 2009, 09:42:50 AM
Being a complete jerk to twenty people on the assuption that at least one will try and make themself a better virtual pilot because of it.

You have no recent(within last year) evidence of what you accuse me of....if so, post it.  If I see nothing posted in the next 24 hours...I will expect a public apology! :aok
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: bongaroo on March 06, 2009, 09:43:39 AM
An ultimatum!  (did I spell that right? :D )
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SkyRock on March 06, 2009, 09:43:54 AM
Each squadron develops their own personality, and style over time. The oinking is fine, its the channel they are doing it on that is causing the problem. Some squadrons announce "horrido" when they get a kill. But they don't do it on country channel. And they don't have 20 or more guys all OINKING at once spamming the channel.

Pull it back to squad text or vox and knock their sox off.
Its simply a matter of respect and consideration for everyone else to not spam country channel that way.
And how you handle this issue will decide for many if your squadron should be respected or not. Your choice.

This is well put.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Steve on March 06, 2009, 09:44:06 AM
Many people mistake being known, even for bad behaviour, as the same as respect. It is not. Ghosth is right on.



You're a real mean person for suggesting this.  You are trying to get their squad disbanded and "band the oinking".  You are a bad man.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: FALCONWING on March 06, 2009, 09:57:34 AM
Each squadron develops their own personality, and style over time. The oinking is fine, its the channel they are doing it on that is causing the problem. Some squadrons announce "horrido" when they get a kill. But they don't do it on country channel. And they don't have 20 or more guys all OINKING at once spamming the channel.

Pull it back to squad text or vox and knock their sox off.
Its simply a matter of respect and consideration for everyone else to not spam country channel that way.
And how you handle this issue will decide for many if your squadron should be respected or not. Your choice.

Okay...your missing an important point here ghost.  If you read this thread and the other titled "muppets" you will quickly see that there are almost no knights who have a problem with this.  This is all being driven by a squad/club who feels it is in their domain to country hop (no problem there) AND then have the right to tell each country what is kosher.  I'm sure if I was a knight I would find it harmless and fun.  In bish land the Sick Pups have a similar tradition of typing "wtg <cpid> you sic pup you.  Other bish join in as well and it is fun.  Leaders like Ghi, Busher, Joker, Falcon23 etc often get 7-8 wtgs when they land kills.  LTARS get a lot of congrats.

If you attend sport games each teams fans have their own tradition of chant or cheer or song that makes them feel sure it annoys the crap out of some but it coms witht he territory.

So if the majority of the folks could care less or enjoy it as part of the virtual comradery...why do a vocal group of elitists feel they need to shut it down??? 

If it is against the rules turn them in to hitech and see what occurs...

Good grief...some folks need to look in the mirror and get a life :rofl

Otherwise people need to quit trying to bully folks into
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 06, 2009, 09:59:28 AM
You have no recent(within last year) evidence of what you accuse me of....if so, post it.  If I see nothing posted in the next 24 hours...I will expect a public apology! :aok

I appologise that you misunderstand my point. We have room for one Skyrock, but not a whole squad with the same overpowering message that only benifits 1 in 20. The weight of pure Skyrockishness could be a force that we as a community could not handle indefinitely...and currently not many people who have not got it are getting brick wall...Its really not changing anything.

Nobody is pleasant all the time, and not many people can manage to be nasty all of the time either. Life as anything other than an individual requires certain know this.

How about if muppets stop trying to make every body play a certain way then POTW would agree to oink mostly on squad channel. This sounds like a fair deal to me. Ah but then I would have to stop playing devil's advocate too. I realise by even thinking you might care about a logical reply to this thread that I myself am trying to change how you are doing things. So i admit that not only am i being a hypocrit, banging my head against a brick wall the same as you all and generally wearing out the lifespan of my keyboard and eyeballs in this attempt to communicate...I am also delightfully able to not give a stuff about any of it at the same time.

On second thoughts, keep at it.  :aok
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: texasmom on March 06, 2009, 10:07:15 AM
doh!  :)

see your sig! I guess I was a bully to the wrong person a few weeks ago! *grin*
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: scot12b on March 06, 2009, 10:08:45 AM
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SlapShot on March 06, 2009, 10:16:55 AM
I'm sure if I was a knight I would find it harmless and fun.

Then again ... you might not.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: uptown on March 06, 2009, 10:21:18 AM
WOW! I actually agree with Falconweenie this time. :eek:
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Steve on March 06, 2009, 10:32:48 AM
How about if muppets stop trying to make every body play a certain way

There are many non muppets who have posted in this thread, about feelign that "oink" is spam. It is convenient for your argument to ignore this, if disingenuous.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 06, 2009, 10:35:35 AM
Just like it is an advantage for you to quote and defy one little sentance in what, if read through and actualy listened to, is quite a profound and self damning post.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Steve on March 06, 2009, 10:47:06 AM
Just like it is an advantage for you to quote and defy one little sentance in what, if read through and actualy listened to, is quite a profound and self damning post.

This was your quote but more directed at falcon and Waystin. They have both tried to ignore the fact that many non muppets have voiced concern over their "Oink" and they also have falsely cast the muppets as a whole as feeling this way. There are several muppets, including myself, who could care less about the oinking.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 06, 2009, 11:06:26 AM
I agree with that, What you have to endure for being such a high profile, in your face and generally highly respected group of people. People notice muppets doing more because people notice muppet more in general.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Bucky73 on March 06, 2009, 11:08:51 AM
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Sol75 on March 06, 2009, 11:45:56 AM
Look guys,

BOTH sides have several very valid points.  But, this is an online GAME.  It seems far too many folks (on BOTH sides of this "argument") are forgetting this.  I could care less if you are a muppet, a puppet, or a ventriliquist, a pig, or a cow.  I have made many friends within POTW and the guys in the squad are good people just out to enjoy themselves.  The same goes for the people from the Muppets i have talked to, as well as many other squads.  Everyone is entitled to thier opinions, however, this bickering back and forth solves nothing.  Muppets cannot "force" Pigs to do anything, nor can the Pigs "force" the muppets or anyone else to see things thier way.  Take a step back, a deep breath, and remember, this is a GAME. We pay to have FUN.  Do the oinks really hurt anyone? think about it... no harm done by typing oink.  I respect the muppets, and hope I recieve the same respect in return.  We as individuals, and as organized squads, can learn something from each other person, and squad.  The Muppets are great sticks.  The Pigs have unreal Esprit De Corps (spelling?).  As I have always said, the day we quit learning, is the day we should be gone from this world.  (virtual or real, your pick  :devil )

<S> Muppets
<S> Pigs
<S> All friends and foes in AH

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: ROX on March 06, 2009, 12:13:39 PM
Thank you Falconwing, and you are right.

Guys who always fly knights have no problem with their squad tradition.  Since you don't fly knight, I can also tell you that some knights not in their squad also give them an oink on country text.

As for those whining about it the most: if you check the roster often, will find that they fly something other than knights 80% to 90% of the time = their opinions to most guys who always fly knights = 0.  Really.  Ask 'em.

Don't like it?  Don't fly knights. 


Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SkyRock on March 06, 2009, 12:28:06 PM
Thank you Falconwing, and you are right.

Guys who always fly knights have no problem with their squad tradition.  Since you don't fly knight, I can also tell you that some knights not in their squad also give them an oink on country text.

As for those whining about it the most: if you check the roster often, will find that they fly something other than knights 80% to 90% of the time = their opinions to most guys who always fly knights = 0.  Really.  Ask 'em.

Don't like it?  Don't fly knights. 


You don't like me calling spamming country ch with oinks, dorky?  don't come to the BBS.  Seriously, we can have an opinion...after all, this thread is about the opinion is that oinking on country channel is at best...nerdily self-flatulating, and at worst, undeniably twitishly self-flatulating(like saving your farts in a jar for you and your friends to smell later, yet labeling the jar as such and placing it in the offering plate at church)!   That is just my opinion...not the Muppets opinion...just mine... :devil
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Steve on March 06, 2009, 12:28:12 PM
Thank you Falconwing, and you are right.

Guys who always fly knights have no problem with their squad tradition.  


Ya because you speak for every knight.  rediculous.    :huh
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: edog1977 on March 06, 2009, 12:35:09 PM
Don't like it?  Don't fly knights.

Aren't you the person always wondering why the Knights are outnumbered?  I think you have your answer.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SkyRock on March 06, 2009, 01:00:53 PM
Aren't you the person always wondering why the nights are outnumbered?  I think you have your answer.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: hammer on March 06, 2009, 01:15:55 PM
...Guys who always fly knights have no problem with their squad tradition.  ...

Don't like it?  Don't fly knights. 

Which is one reason why, after having flown Knights exclusively for 6 months, I formed a squad based in rookland  :aok

We are rotating, though, because we have friends everywhere. We happen to be knights again this month and I can tell you the Oink is much more annoying after having been away from it for a while!


Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: scot12b on March 06, 2009, 01:25:26 PM
( :noid :rofl
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: grizz441 on March 06, 2009, 01:31:37 PM
Did you guys know that the player that lands the kills oinks first? 

Player A lands 2 kills in a Spit16 of Pigs on the Wing
Player A: oink!


I noticed this yesterday.   :huh
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Saurdaukar on March 06, 2009, 01:45:07 PM
Aren't you the person always wondering why the Knights are outnumbered?  I think you have your answer.

ROX gets pwnt by a n00b.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: G0ALY on March 06, 2009, 02:00:45 PM
There are times when you find yourself in need of a 'wingman' when the pretty sheep that you are after will not go out without her friend...(

Let them "Oink"… They deserve it!

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Saurdaukar on March 06, 2009, 02:03:06 PM
From the looks of them, I think a shower is even more deserved.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: moot on March 06, 2009, 06:51:43 PM
Okay...your missing an important point here ghost.  If you read this thread and the other titled "muppets" you will quickly see that there are almost no knights who have a problem with this.  This is all being driven by a squad/club who feels it is in their domain to country hop
Say what??
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: LLogann on March 06, 2009, 06:54:03 PM
Never seen an oink in my life.  Get over yourselves!   :rock
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 06, 2009, 07:58:09 PM
Say what??

he is talking about that club of jumped up uber-elite super players who are in a world above all the other mere mortals.. I think they call themself the Degenerate Forum Club or something. Its only a rumour of course. Supposedly they spend most of their time posting and very little time ctualy dogfighting. But hell they sure seem to know whats best for the other 3000 people who play AH2.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: moot on March 06, 2009, 08:38:08 PM
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: StokesAk on March 06, 2009, 08:53:12 PM
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Masherbrum on March 06, 2009, 10:37:55 PM
Some of you need to see a shrink.   
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 06, 2009, 10:47:47 PM


Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Delirium on March 06, 2009, 11:53:51 PM
Frankly, do what you want. Heck, why don't you just make macros so you can spam whatever you want after every kill, you can spam it on channel 2 and 200.

It would be considerate to minimize the useless text scrolling, but that is entirely up to you.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: texasmom on March 07, 2009, 12:10:48 AM
Falconwng & Bat, I was sorry to see that y'all would portray the DFC as an elitist bunch. Both of you are well respected by many people ~ and when either of you say something like that, it's likely that others will believe you.  I'd be sorry to see anyone believe that, since it's just not the case.

It's nice to be in a community with such wonderful diversity.  Along with that comes a little bit of locking horns every now & again, but it doesn't always need to be bitter on anyone's part.  It's too bad that nearly every thread results in contentiously sharp-shooting one another. I'm probably a little guilty of that from time to time as well.

I'm not suggesting a group hug or anything.  :)  I just think the poo flinging isn't always wonderful.

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Delirium on March 07, 2009, 12:25:12 AM
When I was in the DFC we used to make smores and sing Kumbaya around the fireside.

I got booted from the DFC, they catch you even once with a Rosie O'Donald blow up doll, a hamster, and a 64oz bottle of ketchup and they remove you forcefully. Those prudes!
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Roscoroo on March 07, 2009, 12:30:47 AM

he is talking about that club of jumped up uber-elite super players who are in a world above all the other mere mortals.. I think they call themself the Degenerate Forum Club or something. Its only a rumour of course. Supposedly they spend most of their time posting and very little time ctualy dogfighting. But hell they sure seem to know whats best for the other 3000 people who play AH2.

Someone needs a hug .
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 07, 2009, 01:05:04 AM
Falconwng & Bat, I was sorry to see that y'all would portray the DFC as an elitist bunch. Both of you are well respected by many people ~ and when either of you say something like that, it's likely that others will believe you.  I'd be sorry to see anyone believe that, since it's just not the case.

It's nice to be in a community with such wonderful diversity.  Along with that comes a little bit of locking horns every now & again, but it doesn't always need to be bitter on anyone's part.  It's too bad that nearly every thread results in contentiously sharp-shooting one another. I'm probably a little guilty of that from time to time as well.

I'm not suggesting a group hug or anything.  :)  I just think the poo flinging isn't always wonderful.

S! TxMom

Whilst i may have flung some dung at intervals, nothing in me has taken it seriously enough to dislike anyone over this. If any of the dung flung sticks then the questions needed to be raised. Most if not all the flung dung round here bounces off and goes around the roster a few times before anyone really gets offended. Even then we soon realise that situations like this are required in life, in moderation, if not to question ourselves then to make showing respect at other times more valuable.

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: JunkyII on March 07, 2009, 01:51:50 AM
Hey muppets, let me itroduce myself in person
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Carbine on March 07, 2009, 02:00:38 AM
 oink twice just to spite the complainers.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: JunkyII on March 07, 2009, 02:05:03 AM
Did you guys know that the player that lands the kills oinks first? 

Player A lands 2 kills in a Spit16 of Pigs on the Wing
Player A: oink!


I noticed this yesterday.   :huh
lol hes talking about me, change that to 3-4 kills in a ki84 or k4 then its right, also the reason behind this started about the same time i joined the sqaud. hate to say the name but vanscrew would always oink first and I started trying to beat him, then it just turned into alil game to see who can oink first. Im champ check out your screenies of people oinking im most likely first if im on.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: MajWoody on March 07, 2009, 02:57:18 AM     :D
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: JunkyII on March 07, 2009, 03:07:34 AM     :D
this video coming from a guy witht the bname major woody :D
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Ghosth on March 07, 2009, 08:07:26 AM
Sorry but I disagree.

If it were just the muppets you could tell them where to shove it and I'd agree.
If it were just the DFC, more or less the same thing in much more polite language.

But from where I stand its a growing group of people, and its a growing problem.

That sir should be enough incentive right there for you to take action if you truly care about your group.
Or not, your call.

You noticed I made no complaint, didn't add to the drama. I said what I believe and I'll stand behind it.
The stand your taking is just proving my point.

Okay...your missing an important point here ghost.  If you read this thread and the other titled "muppets" you will quickly see that there are almost no knights who have a problem with this.  This is all being driven by a squad/club who feels it is in their domain to country hop (no problem there) AND then have the right to tell each country what is kosher.  I'm sure if I was a knight I would find it harmless and fun.  In bish land the Sick Pups have a similar tradition of typing "wtg <cpid> you sic pup you.  Other bish join in as well and it is fun.  Leaders like Ghi, Busher, Joker, Falcon23 etc often get 7-8 wtgs when they land kills.  LTARS get a lot of congrats.

If you attend sport games each teams fans have their own tradition of chant or cheer or song that makes them feel sure it annoys the crap out of some but it coms witht he territory.

So if the majority of the folks could care less or enjoy it as part of the virtual comradery...why do a vocal group of elitists feel they need to shut it down??? 

If it is against the rules turn them in to hitech and see what occurs...

Good grief...some folks need to look in the mirror and get a life :rofl

Otherwise people need to quit trying to bully folks into
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: doc1kelley on March 07, 2009, 10:17:04 AM
As far as new guys trying to get info all I see is smartaleck remarks an altf4.We need to give the newbs sound advice and help them.I know they should go to training arena first but I have personally told guys things they didnt know and them not being newbs.

So.... the Oinks are better than the smart buttocks "ALT-F4 " and "Training Arena" remarks?  I would say that they rank in the same category of worthless info on the country channel.

All the Best...

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: FALCONWING on March 07, 2009, 03:23:10 PM
Sorry but I disagree.

If it were just the muppets you could tell them where to shove it and I'd agree.
If it were just the DFC, more or less the same thing in much more polite language.

But from where I stand its a growing group of people, and its a growing problem.

That sir should be enough incentive right there for you to take action if you truly care about your group.
Or not, your call.

You noticed I made no complaint, didn't add to the drama. I said what I believe and I'll stand behind it.
The stand your taking is just proving my point.

i can respect your positions ghosth and txmom (and yes txmom i still think you are great).  Obviously what I type is based on personal experience and with each of you...we are on different sides of the fence in regard the "harmfulness" vs "funnness" of typing oink.

In terms of the DFC..i support its mission but not the tactics of SOME of its members....of course i recognize that a few vocal members do not fully represent their squad OR club...but the fact is they do represent when they are "wearing" their avatar or sig...they should take this into consideration or their other members should address it.

i definitely would encourage gameplay improvement (DFC mission) and our squad has tried to incorporate some of the suggestions from the community and Hitech's vision for his game.  As I have stated often, BoPs grew large under different circumstances then exist now in the MA...I agree that our gameplay should evolve as long as we continue to have fun and enjoy the comradery...

But for "the usual suspects" to again dogpile a thread and suggest that a squad break its traditions seems dictatorial to me...and I choose to take a stand against it.  I hope you can respect my position... :salute
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SEraider on March 07, 2009, 03:31:15 PM
Hey, if there are the hogs for the Redskins; then "oink" is just fine! 

Screw the guys that get offended.  Get some thicker skin.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: NoBaddy on March 07, 2009, 03:43:00 PM
Well, at least I got a couple of good things out of all of this....

"flung dung" & "dung flung".....simply priceless.  :rofl

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: moot on March 07, 2009, 06:24:14 PM
Falconwing, you don't speak for the DFC and don't have any accurate idea of what it's about.  End of story.

The pigs can oink all they want. It's independent of the fact that spam is spam.  What if some squad decided to type and speak their hilarious squad banter over public channels?  What if it then acted undignified because the public users of these public channels dared to point out that (gasp) they didn't find any of it funny or that it unnecessarily clogged the channels?  Or if they even used someone's death as justification for the spam?  That's all wrong.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: bj229r on March 07, 2009, 06:47:56 PM
Falconwing, you don't speak for the DFC and don't have any accurate idea of what it's about.  End of story.

The pigs can oink all they want. It's independent of the fact that spam is spam.  What if some squad decided to type and speak their hilarious squad banter over public channels?  What if it then acted undignified because the public users of these public channels dared to point out that (gasp) they didn't find any of it funny or that it unnecessarily clogged the channels?  Or if they even used someone's death as justification for the spam?  That's all wrong.
I'd LOVE to hear the Muppet banter :lol
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Murdr on March 07, 2009, 10:26:01 PM
But for "the usual suspects" to again dogpile a thread and suggest that a squad break its traditions seems dictatorial to me...and I choose to take a stand against it.  I hope you can respect my position... :salute


This is spam (eg. unsolicited advertizement).  Channel 2 cannot be detuned.  Anyone who does not want their buffer scrolled with organized nonsense every 5-10 mintues is forced to squelch them.  As Vudak related in another thread, I would really prefer not to do that because there may be comms with information of value to me.  However, if it is excessive and disrupting comms that are important to me, I will.  This is flat out rude to force feed spam on country channel.  When I calmly pointed out in the arena when this was only going on for a couple months that such things would be better on squad channel, I was effectively told to go to hell.

Let's talk about tradition.  Traditionally, one does not give themselves congraduations.  Traditionally congraduations are given on the most closed channel availible to communicate on.  If you're not in the recipients squad, and you're not tuned to them, then traditionally channel 2 is used.  If they're not on your country, traditionally 1 or 200 is used.  And frankly your sports analogy does not hold up because fans do not hijack the public adress system to conduct their cheering on.  As Slapshot said this is not steeped in tradition.

The other night when I was on, I saw 11 POTW, but only four or so Oinks upon landing.  That is not excessive, and does not disrupt my use of comms, and I have no problem with it.  But instances like in the screen shot above every couple minutes, especially on Tues nights when there are over 200 people trying to use channel 2 it is beyond ridiculous.  Frankly at the beginning of last year I went from never using squelch, to having to use it almost every login to keep my comms from being disrupted in organized spamming every couple minutes because someone landed a sortie.

Yet you enter the discussion characterizing those unwillingly affected by this as the ones being jerks, as opposed to taking an honest look at those monopolizing a mandatory common channel just to draw attention to themselves when they are already provided with a channel for thier chatter.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: FALCONWING on March 07, 2009, 11:10:28 PM
Yes, I find the pigs behavior funny and much more appetizing then what certain squads "spam" ch 200 with on a nightly opinion...take it or leave it

I guess i also tend to cut them some slack because they have always been respectful opponents and fun to joust with...without mega-egoes...

Finally, I have no real concept that ch 2 is used for anything extremely important besides calling out alerts or cv positions etc...but that may just be my experience as bish.  Perhaps it is a very important ch on knights.

As you have already mentioned even if you squelched 1/2 of them you would be no more interrupted then by the congrats bish give their pilots when they land kills or take a base....

"Yet you enter the discussion characterizing those unwillingly affected by this as the ones being jerks, as opposed to taking an honest look at those monopolizing a mandatory common channel just to draw attention to themselves when they are already provided with a channel for their chatter." - murdr

No...i enter the discussion after watching two threads and seeing that most of the folks terribly hot and bothered by the "oinks" are the exact same ones who I have come to see as intolerant and believing they have some reason to force their will upon others...the ones I would tend to characterize as "jerks" if you must use that word. (I am not referring to everyone who responded negatively...just the thread dogpilers) Steve wmlute slapshot and ghost post well and i enjoy hearing their point of view...i just disagree with them.

Again a silly fight perpetuated by the usual suspects....

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: moot on March 07, 2009, 11:19:55 PM
Dodge baby dodge!
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Murdr on March 07, 2009, 11:22:37 PM
Finally, I have no real concept that ch 2 is used for anything extremely important besides calling out alerts or cv positions etc...but that may just be my experience as bish.  Perhaps it is a very important ch on knights.

Actually I think you are missing the concept that channel 2 traffic by default enters the text buffer whether you are tuned to it or not.  Channel 2 traffic isn't all that important to me, but if I'm on channel 1XX communicating with a group of people on a local effort, I don't appriciate 1/2 of those comms being scolled away because someone on the other end of the map landed 2 in a field gun.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Sincraft on March 08, 2009, 12:25:17 AM
Last time i heard this is america and we have a right to freedom of speech.

While I agree with your ability to oink and have no problems with it,

I think you need to re read what Freedom of speech means.  This is not a public venue, it is a private company.

Just as you do not have the right to go into Walmart and OINK at all the heffer's there either. :)

Now, what FOS means today is, you can disagree loudly if it means another criminal gets elected because he promises you the world then blames the other party for not coming through...but damned you if you try to point out their rather shady history.  We may have to harass you (and your family) with our 'FOS'.  (steps off soapbox once again.....)

Oh and btw  : OINK!  OINK away my friend!  :salute
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: grizz441 on March 08, 2009, 04:34:11 AM
I think they know it is spam, especially now that it has been so clearly laid out to them.  Their refusal to change has nothing to do with tradition, but all the more to do with sticking to anybody who doesn't like it.  I'm sure there will be more oinks now than ever.  That's fine though.  It's much more of a negative reflection on the squad than it is aggravating to any knight imo.  I see it and I roll my eyes.  When eyes roll hundreds of times over the course of months, something is finally said about it.  Nobody is really 'upset' over it.  Pigs don't have enough pull in the game to upset anybody.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: BiPoLaR on March 08, 2009, 04:39:36 AM

This is spam (eg. unsolicited advertizement).  Channel 2 cannot be detuned.  Anyone who does not want their buffer scrolled with organized nonsense every 5-10 mintues is forced to squelch them.  As Vudak related in another thread, I would really prefer not to do that because there may be comms with information of value to me.  However, if it is excessive and disrupting comms that are important to me, I will.  This is flat out rude to force feed spam on country channel.  When I calmly pointed out in the arena when this was only going on for a couple months that such things would be better on squad channel, I was effectively told to go to hell.

Let's talk about tradition.  Traditionally, one does not give themselves congraduations.  Traditionally congraduations are given on the most closed channel availible to communicate on.  If you're not in the recipients squad, and you're not tuned to them, then traditionally channel 2 is used.  If they're not on your country, traditionally 1 or 200 is used.  And frankly your sports analogy does not hold up because fans do not hijack the public adress system to conduct their cheering on.  As Slapshot said this is not steeped in tradition.

The other night when I was on, I saw 11 POTW, but only four or so Oinks upon landing.  That is not excessive, and does not disrupt my use of comms, and I have no problem with it.  But instances like in the screen shot above every couple minutes, especially on Tues nights when there are over 200 people trying to use channel 2 it is beyond ridiculous.  Frankly at the beginning of last year I went from never using squelch, to having to use it almost every login to keep my comms from being disrupted in organized spamming every couple minutes because someone landed a sortie.

Yet you enter the discussion characterizing those unwillingly affected by this as the ones being jerks, as opposed to taking an honest look at those monopolizing a mandatory common channel just to draw attention to themselves when they are already provided with a channel for thier chatter.

All that spamming for 2 kills and, those 2 were prob proxies =/

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Bruv119 on March 08, 2009, 04:47:25 AM
after following this thread for awhile, 

I think I have to agree that oinking excessively is spam,  I will also refrain my squad from giving wtg's on country too.   I won't be held responsible for wtg's from others of which there are usually many.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: moot on March 08, 2009, 05:08:17 AM
This story was fake from the start.  The real reason the pigs are ranting on the muppets is that a couple of us said one time too many (not many required to strike a nerve) that they horde. Which they do (how often is something else). And they're free to keep doing it... and earn the rep for it.  That's what really bugs them.  The oink thing was just an excuse picked up when someone must have made some off hand comment about it being spam (which it is).  Then it just snowballs with all sorts of ludicrous hearsay about muppets having a hardon for pigs, oinking, or that they're trying to disrespect the death of someone who's supposed to be the justification for spamming ch2.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: JunkyII on March 08, 2009, 05:53:51 AM
All that spamming for 2 kills and, those 2 were prob proxies =/

Dont talk about something you dont know about, Mr. Idontplayaceshighnemore. I am pretty good about how I get my kills, they are never hos, i never jump into a fight without asking or being in it already, and the only time i pick is when someone is dumb enough to rope themself or when clearing a sqauddies six,  <finger> bipolar
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Saurdaukar on March 08, 2009, 04:39:16 PM

In terms of the DFC..i support its mission but not the tactics of SOME of its members....of course i recognize that a few vocal members do not fully represent their squad OR club...but the fact is they do represent when they are "wearing" their avatar or sig...they should take this into consideration or their other members should address it.

But for "the usual suspects" to again dogpile a thread and suggest that a squad break its traditions seems dictatorial to me...and I choose to take a stand against it. 

In all candor, do you even read what you type?  You are doing the exact same thing you've chosen "take a stand against;" all in one post.

Although an attempt is made to hide behind some sort of strange guise of nobility (the "salutes" are a nice touch), I think your post history, at this point, is transparent enough for most members to see that your opinions with respect to the squad or the club, neither of which started this thread, are based almost entirely upon a personal need for attention from those groups.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 08, 2009, 04:48:04 PM
Mazz, you're full of it  :lol

But i must say, very eloquently written however stupid and false your point is.  :P
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: stodd on March 08, 2009, 05:09:24 PM
Dont talk about something you dont know about, Mr. Idontplayaceshighnemore. I am pretty good about how I get my kills, they are never hos, i never jump into a fight without asking or being in it already, and the only time i pick is when someone is dumb enough to rope themself or when clearing a sqauddies six,  <finger> bipolar
( keep digging.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: FALCONWING on March 08, 2009, 05:14:48 PM
In all candor, do you even read what you type?  You are doing the exact same thing you've chosen "take a stand against;" all in one post.

Although an attempt is made to hide behind some sort of strange guise of nobility (the "salutes" are a nice touch), I think your post history, at this point, is transparent enough for most members to see that your opinions with respect to the squad or the club, neither of which started this thread, are based almost entirely upon a personal need for attention from those groups.


It took me a few reads to try and understand what you were saying. Am i right in interpeting your post as saying the reason I posted was because I need attention from the Muppets or DFC???

If so then you are wrong.  I would be thrilled if their members behaved respectfully and didn't need to draw attention to themselves or create arbitrary rules they feel need to be enforced (such as not oinking...Bruv nailed it...whats next "no wtgs"?

I have friends in both groups and I communicate via PM/email with them.  I wish for both groups to tone down their rhetoric and bbs dogpiling anytime one person disagrees with one of their members.  It hurts their image and their cause.  

In terms of my use of the phrase " the usual suspects" there is a common group of individuals who emanate specifically from both above mentioned entities who seem to believe they "know what is right for the game/game play".  IN multiple posts now, they have attacked me, my squad, many other squads and (just like you are doing) instead of staying on topic, change the thread to issues with my post or squad simply because i choose to make an observation in a thread.  I'm a big be it :aok
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: BiPoLaR on March 08, 2009, 06:59:37 PM
Mazz, you're full of it  :lol

But i must say, very eloquently written however stupid and false your point is.  :P
are you a fisherman that humping ankles?

seems that way
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: RumbleB on March 08, 2009, 07:22:07 PM
This story was fake from the start.  The real reason the pigs are ranting on the muppets is that a couple of us said one time too many (not many required to strike a nerve) that they horde.

tanktown tonight is evident of that.... 15v1 odds and oinks all around when 2 landed in a spit16. good job!
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: BiPoLaR on March 08, 2009, 07:25:18 PM
Dont talk about something you dont know about, Mr. Idontplayaceshighnemore. I am pretty good about how I get my kills, they are never hos, i never jump into a fight without asking or being in it already, and the only time i pick is when someone is dumb enough to rope themself or when clearing a sqauddies six,  <finger> bipolar
you arent even worth the time.
stay with the hordes and continue to be part of the down fall of this game  :aok

oh and thanks for the finger. that was very nice of you
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Murdr on March 08, 2009, 07:25:24 PM
...whats next "no wtgs"?

Another nosensical attempt at a point  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 08, 2009, 07:35:50 PM
All it comes down to is pigs oinking on squad channel out of their own kindness when enough people requested it. I did not notice how this whole mess started, so I am not casting any judgments as to the blame. All i know is that asking the POTW to oink in private politely has gone right out the window and it comes down to the classic human mistake of all time, nobody gives in till someone is obliterated.

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Murdr on March 08, 2009, 07:38:16 PM
All it comes down to is pigs oinking on squad channel out of their own kindness when enough people requested it. I did not notice how this whole mess started, so I am not casting any judgments as to the blame. All i know is that asking the POTW to oink in private politely has gone right out the window and it comes down to the classic human mistake of all time, nobody gives in till someone is obliterated.


When I calmly pointed out in the arena when this was only going on for a couple months (eg. well over a year ago) that such things would be better on squad channel, I was effectively told to go to hell.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 08, 2009, 07:40:36 PM
Fully appreciate that quote murdr, and your honour is not in question. You still cannot deny the validity of my last statement.

If that is the whole story then maybe it's down to you POTW to appologise to murdr and do the oinking less publicly?

come on, when does it all end if not?
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: moot on March 08, 2009, 07:42:02 PM
create arbitrary rules they feel need to be enforced (such as not oinking...Bruv nailed it...whats next "no wtgs"?
they have attacked me, my squad, many other squads and (just like you are doing) instead of staying on topic,
:rofl  That's what you do buddy.  I point out facts and argue them... you spin and dodge and hold people guilty with moral snobbism. The pigs are reaching for any and all excuses to spam the forum with anti muppet rants, from saying we ordered em not to oink, to oinking being justified by someone dying (nice respect of the dead there), etc. I just point out what I think is wrong, regardless of who says it.  Heck, in a previous thread you clearly said yourself that you support people based on how friendly they are to you, not whether they're right.  You took a factual conversation and spun it to mud slinging. In that thread and others before it.

Batfink - no one asked any apology or ceremonial anything.  Just that people stop spamming the channel.. The same way you'd ask someone to stop spamming channel 6. But then that's not what this whole fuss is about. It's about getting back at the guys who dare shoot everything and everyone down and call things like they see it (hording in the game, BS in the forum).  How dare they do such things? 
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Murdr on March 08, 2009, 08:07:29 PM
You still cannot deny the validity of my last statement.
Well, that's a tough one Bat.  (by the way, this is my observation in general, and not specifically about any person, squad, or topic) The most pleasent and reasoned statement as to why doing "X" might be better for AH overall, is more and more stopped dead in it's tracks by the "It's my fifteen buck" attitude.  And really, if that person is unwilling to acknowledge that some minimal level of courtesy is appropriate since they are in the sandbox with thousands of others with "their fifteen bucks", then all the arse kissing in the world is not going to change their obstinance.

In fact, IMO it seems more and more that people have to be beat over the head with a point in the developers own words, because they're just plain obstinate, or simply don't like the person stating the point.

If that is the whole story then maybe it's down to you POTW to appologise to murdr...

No interest in that.  Just stating the history.

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 08, 2009, 08:13:12 PM
 :salute murdr
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Steve on March 08, 2009, 08:19:26 PM
POTW has taken it one step further. some of them have begun to randomly oink. This seems to coincide with some muppets, including mine, first text on nit channel as we log in. Obviously some of themn aren't doing it for squad comraderie, but to inflame others.

The oinks don't bother me any, but several people in this thread have mentioned it is distracting and or/ irritating. POTW response to this:  do it more.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: JunkyII on March 09, 2009, 07:15:41 AM
POTW has taken it one step further. some of them have begun to randomly oink. This seems to coincide with some muppets, including mine, first text on nit channel as we log in. Obviously some of themn aren't doing it for squad comraderie, but to inflame others.

The oinks don't bother me any, but several people in this thread have mentioned it is distracting and or/ irritating. POTW response to this:  do it more.
LOL funny Steve, I dont know if you know yet but I recently changed my name to Cassidy, I flew with you all the other knight on rook attacking where POTW had been attacking all night. You upped with about 4-5 other muppets (I think it was you , Scotch, SkyRock, and Dano i know it was him because he was stealing my kills :aok) and all the sudden the text buffer is purple with range channel text saying things like "oink" and something i thought was actual pretty funny when someone said "get out of our way we are here to kill POTW" which was followed by acouple of oink on range channel. Everyones throwing jabs at everyone sir why cant this just be alil trash talk to spark a fight :salute
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: moot on March 09, 2009, 07:29:35 AM
You just don't get it.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: JunkyII on March 09, 2009, 07:38:53 AM
You just don't get it.
Please tell me what I dont get :salute
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: moot on March 09, 2009, 07:45:33 AM
Good luck.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: JunkyII on March 09, 2009, 07:59:52 AM
Good luck.
Now your really throwing me off, you still mad I called you a ho and picktard today on 200
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: moot on March 09, 2009, 08:26:05 AM
:lol  That's really the only possible explanation for my telling you good luck huh?.  Good luck..
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Saurdaukar on March 09, 2009, 08:44:51 AM

It took me a few reads to try and understand what you were saying. Am i right in interpeting your post as saying the reason I posted was because I need attention from the Muppets or DFC???


You have correctly interpreted the theory advanced; your desire to post in threads even remotely applicable to your favorite squadron or club is driven by the lack of any reciprocal interest.

Much like the oink, it smacks of "LOOK AT ME!"

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SkyRock on March 09, 2009, 09:06:49 AM
Falcnwng....actually it does look that way... the way mazz is seeing it....I mean every post that has to do with muppets, even when we didnt start the post and even when the other poster is seem to automatically stand to defend them....which leaves the impression that you just like talking to Muppets.  A squad completely spams country channel with selflatulations...Muppets chime in....and here you come running to jump in on the side of the spammers....what gives?   :aok
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: waystin2 on March 09, 2009, 09:13:53 AM
Honorary Oinking capability has been officially bestowed upon Falcnwng.  Salute Sir.  It is nice to see that there are some other like minded folks here.  Maybe there is hope for this game after all.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SlapShot on March 09, 2009, 09:16:44 AM
Well, that's a tough one Bat.  (by the way, this is my observation in general, and not specifically about any person, squad, or topic) The most pleasent and reasoned statement as to why doing "X" might be better for AH overall, is more and more stopped dead in it's tracks by the "It's my fifteen buck" attitude.  And really, if that person is unwilling to acknowledge that some minimal level of courtesy is appropriate since they are in the sandbox with thousands of others with "their fifteen bucks", then all the arse kissing in the world is not going to change their obstinance.

Spot on Murdr ... The sad part is that when a reasonable point has been made ... it only incites an immediate opposite response, just because they think that they are being "told" not to do something, rather than seeing that they are being "asked" not to do something ... a big difference.

This is why this game is going to the "slums" ... rather than listen to reason, the mantra is "let's just keep on doing it" or "let's do it more" because it bothers them and "griefing" seems to be the more popular attitude within AH these days and it's getting worse.

As I stated before, this whole "oinking" thing is small potatoes, but ironically, is has really exposed the ugly underbelly of what this game's community has turned into.

The "Squad" doctrine is slowing being replaced with a "Gang" doctrine IMHO.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mtnman on March 09, 2009, 09:23:18 AM
As I stated before, this whole "oinking" thing is small potatoes, but ironically, is has really exposed the ugly underbelly of what this game has turned into.

I'm not so sure it's the game changing.  I'd tend to believe it's the "community".
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SlapShot on March 09, 2009, 09:29:35 AM
I'm not so sure it's the game changing.  I'd tend to believe it's the "community".

Your right ... I made the change.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: waystin2 on March 09, 2009, 09:29:54 AM

As I stated before, this whole "oinking" thing is small potatoes, but ironically, is has really exposed the ugly underbelly of what this game has turned into.

I can't help agree with you.  However, it is the attitudes of a small vocal group of complainers who spend their time trying to influence how others participate in this community through crap talk and unsubstantiated claims that are ruining gameplay.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: moot on March 09, 2009, 09:44:11 AM
:lol Nevermind the facts that that vocal group only spoke up after a long while of putting up with degrading gameplay, or that that group doesn't force anyone to do anything but merely point out what doesn't make sense and what the reasonable alternatives are, that they don't crap talk unless talked crap to (and then only a few inside that small group), and that some guys like you yourself make unsubstantiated claims blaming the wrong people for what's ruining gameplay.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SlapShot on March 09, 2009, 09:50:45 AM
I can't help agree with you.  However, it is the attitudes of a small vocal group of complainers who spend their time trying to influence how others participate in this community through crap talk and unsubstantiated claims that are ruining gameplay.

Yes ... but because it is them, then whatever has been brought to the table will be summarily dismissed ... regardless if they might have a point or not ... hence the "gang" moniker.

I believe that I have made, along with others,  a reasonable case as to why the "oink" should be moved from country channel to squad channel and even tho I don't fly the DFC emblem within my sig, I too am a member of the DFC, and have been for quite some time ... does that now make my points concerning this null and void ?

Forget about what squad or what affiliation someone has ... listen to the "argument/point" that is being made and take it from there.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: waystin2 on March 09, 2009, 11:03:53 AM
I concede your point Slap on the Oinking.  By the way I voluntarily moved my own "Oink" to Squad vox months ago, as did a few other Pigs.  I have never dismissed your points Sir.  In fact you have helped me numerous times in the past.  It boils down to keeping this community in good health with everyone having fun.  If it requires some lunacy to bring certain personalities endless complaining/berating/trashing of what I consider to be good squadrons in AH to light, then it may occur again over another subject.  I am bone weary tired of a few people trying to lay what they call the demise of AH at my squads feet.  This allegation has been made on more than one occasion.  So the "oink" is the next thing to be griped about.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SlapShot on March 09, 2009, 11:32:04 AM
I concede your point Slap on the Oinking.  By the way I voluntarily moved my own "Oink" to Squad vox months ago, as did a few other Pigs.  I have never dismissed your points Sir.  In fact you have helped me numerous times in the past.  It boils down to keeping this community in good health with everyone having fun.  If it requires some lunacy to bring certain personalities endless complaining/berating/trashing of what I consider to be good squadrons in AH to light, then it may occur again over another subject.  I am bone weary tired of a few people trying to lay what they call the demise of AH at my squads feet.  This allegation has been made on more than one occasion.  So the "oink" is the next thing to be griped about.

"So the "oink" is the next thing to be griped about" ... understood ... <<S>> Way
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: ROX on March 09, 2009, 12:10:50 PM
:lol Nevermind the facts that that vocal group only spoke up after a long while of putting up with degrading gameplay, or that that group doesn't force anyone to do anything but merely point out what doesn't make sense and what the reasonable alternatives are, that they don't crap talk unless talked crap to (and then only a few inside that small group), and that some guys like you yourself make unsubstantiated claims blaming the wrong people for what's ruining gameplay.

 :cry    :cry     :cry     :cry      :cry    :cry    :cry

Don't trip over your spilt milk.

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Saurdaukar on March 09, 2009, 12:14:45 PM
Mazz, you're full of it  :lol

But i must say, very eloquently written however stupid and false your point is.  :P

Not all Rebels are so unable to put the King's English to proper use.  ;)
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: dBeav on March 09, 2009, 12:30:11 PM
This has to be the most pathetic whiny crap i have seen on this message board in a long time and just reminds me why I try to avoid this place.

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: waystin2 on March 09, 2009, 12:48:24 PM
:lol Nevermind the facts that that vocal group only spoke up after a long while of putting up with degrading gameplay, or that that group doesn't force anyone to do anything but merely point out what doesn't make sense and what the reasonable alternatives are, that they don't crap talk unless talked crap to (and then only a few inside that small group), and that some guys like you yourself make unsubstantiated claims blaming the wrong people for what's ruining gameplay.

Moot I hear your complaint on degrading gameplay, and I do agree with you on this.  I just disagree with you as to what & whom is causing the problem. 
I think it is folks treating others with little or no respect that is the true game killer.  This is something that quite a few people in this BBS community need to work to improve if they really want to see the game play improve. Correcting me if my behavior is bad or my information is incorrect is OK and appreciated.  Using me and my squad as a reference on the decline of gameplay seems like you are laying an awful lot of foundless blame at our door.  We both know that you have made comments like this on more than one occasion Sir, in more than one thread.  I am supposed to tolerate this, knowing it is incorrect?  No.  Would you?  It is very obvious you would not either.


Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SEraider on March 09, 2009, 01:04:36 PM
Look, I think the muppets are all right guys.  Every squad has a couple of knuckleheads (except mine  :D) but for the most part they are cool. 

I know some guys in the pigs and they cool too. 
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: RoGenT on March 09, 2009, 01:10:50 PM
THe oink thing has never bothered me any, I used to be on the squad and I did it all the time lol

Even now, I still go oink on 200 for old time sake  :)
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Murdr on March 10, 2009, 12:41:10 AM
I almost joined POTW.

I was selected POTW ( once...Oh wait, same acronym, different meaning :)
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 10, 2009, 12:47:29 AM
lol murdr, that was a great write up. I have to say though, once flew a spitV with no elevs for about 5 miles and landed safely gear down on a carrier. Beat that!  :t
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: grizz441 on March 10, 2009, 12:51:46 AM


What bothers you more, Muppets killing you or Muppets not taking orders from you as knights?  :lol
I'm sure it is the latter...ego maniac.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Tumor on March 10, 2009, 03:03:42 AM

 :) :O :rock
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: JunkyII on March 10, 2009, 03:27:43 AM
OINK waystin got off bbs ban(is this spam, well if it is im going for the GOLD ARENA woot) :salute
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SkyRock on March 10, 2009, 07:56:15 AM

 :) :O :rock
Timid tumor chimes in... :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: bongaroo on March 10, 2009, 08:53:40 AM
OINK waystin got off bbs ban(is this spam, well if it is im going for the GOLD ARENA woot) :salute


Could someone translate for me?  I'm having trouble deciphering a meaning out of this.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: waystin2 on March 10, 2009, 09:13:54 AM

Could someone translate for me?  I'm having trouble deciphering a meaning out of this.

Running through the Junky 2009 translation software:

No translation, no translation... :confused:
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: FALCONWING on March 10, 2009, 09:36:15 AM

You have correctly interpreted the theory advanced; your desire to post in threads even remotely applicable to your favorite squadron or club is driven by the lack of any reciprocal interest.

Much like the oink, it smacks of "LOOK AT ME!"


Having recently attended a play at the "Black Friars Theatre" In Staunton, VA...and knowing Mark is a thespian (please look it up before you respond m00t :D) I will reply in the Bard's tongue...

To need or NOT to need..that is the question....

I need contact with thee as d-con needs its rat....
I need contact with thee as RAID needs its mosquito...
I need contact with thee as a bug zapper needs its moth...

Thus! It is not for attentions sake that i seek thee...but for the hope that thy humble servant's attention will extinguish the flame and thus the light tho and thine seekest to illuminate our fair community with...

So do I say "looketh upon me and admire me?"
I sayeth look ye away from the knave!  For his prattle will dim your wits and his cunning will distract ye from the truth!

Lord Waystin sums it best when he sayeth that we may joust over the current malady of oinking.  But truly this is but a symptom of the illness...the foul stench we offer our objections too is that of a Ceaser...or Ceaseret' the case may be!

So while we dally with the subject of swine and their behaviors...we must ask ourselves who is truly oinking too much and who art the true swine...

Thank you...thank you....donations at the door.  Next performance at 2:00 and the half hour :devil

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SkyRock on March 10, 2009, 10:36:32 AM
Mike, wayy off base and getting deeper.  PM me if you want me to explain.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: ROC on March 10, 2009, 10:43:13 AM
Squelch em.

If they bother you that much, simply squelch them.  In a month or so, there will be another thread started "Why don't the Bish help us when we call for help?"

I don't understand the problem here, not a single person bothers me on the text buffer.  If they take up the buffer to the extent that I can't read what I prefer reading, I simply filter them out.  Granted, I may not hear them when they truly call for and need my help, but that frankly is not my problem.  Had they not been annoying enough to squelch, I wouldn't have.

Way too much drama for something so simple to solve.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: moot on March 10, 2009, 10:58:30 AM
There was never drama.. A couple of people must have said a couple of times that the oinks were spam. No one cared about the oinks per se, just the spam. Followed the pigs' outcry that it's tyrannical to point out said spam as spam.  This one's done.. (not moderating, just saying).
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: waystin2 on March 11, 2009, 09:21:51 AM
Moot is correct.  Hatchet buried...
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: 1Boner on March 11, 2009, 12:45:22 PM


Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: ROX on March 11, 2009, 02:46:26 PM
What bothers you more, Muppets killing you or Muppets not taking orders from you as knights?  :lol
I'm sure it is the latter...ego maniac.

What bothers you more, belonging to a squad that only side hops to pad their own score and gets zero respect from anyone but themselves because of it, or the fact that you are such a nobody that I never heard of ya?

BTW, a Muppet calling someone else an ego maniac is purely  :rofl    :rofl    :rofl    :rofl    :rofl

Thanks for the laugh!

Oh...and OINK!

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: sunfan1121 on March 11, 2009, 02:55:43 PM

What bothers you more, belonging to a squad that only side hops to pad their own score and gets zero respect from anyone but themselves because of it, or the fact that you are such a nobody that I never heard of ya?
wow, what a ignorant thing to say. I invite you to fly with us, and see if we do it for score.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SkyRock on March 11, 2009, 03:05:42 PM
What bothers you more, belonging to a squad that only side hops to pad their own score and gets zero respect from anyone but themselves because of it
:rofl  ROX  this is borderline schiz! :aok
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Steve on March 11, 2009, 03:09:40 PM

What bothers you more, belonging to a squad that only side hops to pad their own score and gets zero respect

Currently our squad is ranked 65th... playing for score?
Our highest ranked player is ranked 290th.. 290th! Playing for score?

We don't play for score or respect, we play for fun.  What do you play for?

Oh, and by the way, what ever gave you  the impression that you speak for the whole community?  We frequently have people asking to join our planes, join us on vox, wing up with is for laughs, join us on FSO nights, etc. If we are so disliked, such a pariah in the community, why is it we have so many "friends" in the community?
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Saurdaukar on March 11, 2009, 03:11:16 PM
What bothers you more, belonging to a squad that only side hops to pad their own score and gets zero respect from anyone but themselves because of it, or the fact that you are such a nobody that I never heard of ya?

I would encourage you to start looking up those scores at your leisure.  You find a decidedly clear absence of "I care" figured into the equation. 

As far as side switching is concerned, we fly for the country with the lowest numbers in an effort to help balance the arena. 

While I personally prefer Rookland, I really don't know anyone besides you, and perhaps a few paying members under the age of majority, who maintain such a staunch loyalty to a virtual chess piece.  Let alone, of course, anyone who has the energy to keep up with who is playing for which side and whether or not judgment need be passed.

In any event, kindly do not misconstrue my post as any sort of indication that I feel your opinion worthy of response.  Slow day at the office. 
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Bronk on March 11, 2009, 03:15:24 PM

Could someone translate for me?  I'm having trouble deciphering a meaning out of this.

Skim this thread...,260233.0.html

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: grizz441 on March 11, 2009, 04:33:16 PM

What bothers you more, belonging to a squad that only side hops to pad their own score and gets zero respect from anyone but themselves because of it, or the fact that you are such a nobody that I never heard of ya?


Why would you have heard of me, you don't partake in any actual combat in the main arena or the dueling arena.  I'm certain you can organize a horde on a base better than me, and I am definitely a nobody in that regard.  As far as being able to beat me in any actual form of aerial are the nobody.  Which is more important in a game called Aces High?
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: bongaroo on March 11, 2009, 04:36:29 PM

Skim this thread...,260233.0.html


Oh jeez, no wonder he's spamming everything like there is no tomorrow.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Becinhu on March 11, 2009, 04:38:32 PM
I wanna be a nobody......wait...already am.  :aok
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Scotch on March 11, 2009, 04:52:37 PM
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: waystin2 on March 11, 2009, 05:08:35 PM
 :salute Skyrock


Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Bronk on March 11, 2009, 05:18:13 PM
Oh jeez, no wonder he's spamming everything like there is no tomorrow.
Some people are just bastages. ;) :D
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SkyRock on March 11, 2009, 06:04:07 PM
:salute Skyrock


Way!  Oink!     :devil
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Babalonian on March 11, 2009, 07:17:19 PM
What was the point of this thread again?  Shouldn't we all be flying around and shooting at each other instead?
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: BillyD on March 11, 2009, 07:26:31 PM
I invite you to fly with us, and see if we do it for score.

Yeah Rox way off base. After flyin w/ the Muppets regularly,  I can assure you they are in it only for the titties and beer.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SkyRock on March 11, 2009, 07:50:42 PM
titties and beer.
wo ist der furball?


Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: dunnrite on March 12, 2009, 10:22:56 AM
wo ist der furball?



Finally something in this thread of substance.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: AWwrgwy on March 12, 2009, 11:07:21 AM
wo ist der furball?



Used to be, traditionally, it was lower.  That being yurp, could also be two to the left and right.

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Steve on March 12, 2009, 03:42:32 PM
Skyrock has his beer goggles on again.  What his dates really looked like as he took them to his favorite restaraunt:


Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: BillyD on March 12, 2009, 04:20:23 PM
 :O  Gimme that filet of fish...gimmie dat fish  OHHHHHHH  :aok
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: ink on March 12, 2009, 04:29:41 PM
Muppet's switch to pad there score  :rofl :rofl

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: bongaroo on March 12, 2009, 04:51:30 PM
If you aren't playing to reset the map and staying loyal to a chess piece, well what else would you be doing?



Hopefully I can incite him to call me something even funnier than Mr Hippie Lettuce Man if I keep this up.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: JunkyII on March 12, 2009, 11:57:02 PM
Muppet's switch to pad there score  :rofl :rofl

Steve pads his score by flying ponies, Grizz pads his in 163s , witnessed someone calling Grizz out for "padding score by flying 163s" when he got the chance to fly them at all :lol
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: moot on March 13, 2009, 01:22:22 AM
You're obsessed.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Steve on March 13, 2009, 01:30:30 AM
You're obsessed.

He can't be serious... he has to be kidding...
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: JunkyII on March 13, 2009, 05:38:19 AM
He can't be serious... he has to be kidding...
not about the person trying to call grizz out that was acouple days ago at P1, and yes im obsessed with posting because I want gold arena :devil
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Saurdaukar on March 13, 2009, 08:29:09 AM
Steve pads his score by flying ponies, Grizz pads his in 163s , witnessed someone calling Grizz out for "padding score by flying 163s" when he got the chance to fly them at all :lol

We dont need 163's to pad our scores, only pigs.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: SkyRock on March 13, 2009, 09:14:50 AM
not about the person trying to call grizz out that was acouple days ago at P1, and yes im obsessed with posting because I want gold arena :devil
Grizz' scorepadding days ended when he joined the Muppets....we taught him how to fight, and can just challenge him to a duel..if you want to try and public take a jab at him...I'm sure he wouldnt mind posting the films when he's done ownin....err fighting you.  :aok

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: grizz441 on March 13, 2009, 01:31:49 PM
I think Junky was poking fun at the player that accused me of padding my score in an Me163.  He just worded it poorly. 
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: ink on March 13, 2009, 01:39:29 PM
Steve pads his score by flying ponies, Grizz pads his in 163s , witnessed someone calling Grizz out for "padding score by flying 163s" when he got the chance to fly them at all :lol

I think Junky was poking fun at the player that accused me of padding my score in an Me163.  He just worded it poorly. 

No Grizz here he is saying that you do.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: moot on March 13, 2009, 01:47:07 PM
Junky's arguments have neither head nor tail, like him.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Steve on March 13, 2009, 01:59:11 PM
I assume Junky was kidding. I have no idea how you pad your score in a pony.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: moot on March 13, 2009, 02:06:48 PM
Turn up the "pwn" dial to 11.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Saurdaukar on March 13, 2009, 02:23:22 PM
I assume Junky was kidding. I have no idea how you pad your score in a pony.

Actually, Im 25-0 in a pony this tour. 

Scary thing?  Im pretty sure thats like 4 sorties.   :lol
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Steve on March 13, 2009, 02:24:54 PM
Actually, Im 25-0 in a pony this tour. 

Scary thing?  Im pretty sure thats like 4 sorties.   :lol

Uhhh.  what are you saying?
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Saurdaukar on March 13, 2009, 02:26:41 PM
Uhhh.  what are you saying?

If I were to pad my score, the 51D would be the choice.   :aok
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Steve on March 13, 2009, 02:35:05 PM
If I were to pad my score, the 51D would be the choice.   :aok

So  you are saying you could do this on a regular basis? I'd like to see that.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: ink on March 13, 2009, 03:31:24 PM
51s were before i joined the AoM the most killz every month for me. :D

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: BillyD on March 13, 2009, 03:33:41 PM
If I were to pad my score, the l337 poison red scorpion F-18  would be the choice.   :aok
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: bj229r on March 13, 2009, 06:21:19 PM
51s were before i joined the AoM the most killz every month for me. :D

What plane is it now? (last few months, I kill more 51's than any single bomber or fighter)
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Saurdaukar on March 13, 2009, 07:15:16 PM
So  you are saying you could do this on a regular basis? I'd like to see that.

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 13, 2009, 08:40:51 PM
 If I really wanted a 'good' fighter rank there is only one plane worth flying, the tempest. Anything that has no 20mm cannon takes alot of skill to make kills in.  Any of the 109G-K series are easier to get highly ranked in than a p51.
The only card the rustang holds is speed to escape death. Not dying is not enough to get a high fighter rank.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: ink on March 13, 2009, 09:04:55 PM
What plane is it now? (last few months, I kill more 51's than any single bomber or fighter)

lol just checked, 51 still number one slot

 32 killz of 51s
 15 killz of spit 16
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Steve on March 13, 2009, 09:11:19 PM

lol just checked, 51 still number one slot

 32 killz of 51s
 15 killz of spit 16

Too many people flying them poorly?  Expecting more out of them(due to history) than it can deliver? It's a Noob magnet?
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: TonyJoey on March 13, 2009, 09:22:16 PM
If I really wanted a 'good' fighter rank there is only one plane worth flying, the tempest. Anything that has no 20mm cannon takes alot of skill to make kills in.  Any of the 109G-K series are easier to get highly ranked in than a p51.
The only card the rustang holds is speed to escape death. Not dying is not enough to get a high fighter rank.

And to me it's fun to try and get #1 fighter rank in harder planes, such as what I've been using this month, the yak. The plane is a monster, but it isn't very good for the BnZ role that score potatoes use their planes in. You have to get down and dirty,and in close to get kills in the yak, making it more difficult to stay alive in. This is what makes it fun for me.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: ink on March 14, 2009, 02:01:56 PM
Too many people flying them poorly?  Expecting more out of them(due to history) than it can deliver? It's a Noob magnet?

that's the truth of it, Ive only come across two maybe three in the 51 that truly are great in it,  you being one, and OLDemon, that guy is sick in it he knows it the way I know my Hurri I was very impressed with him after a fight we had.

I still remember the fight we had in that same match up -hurri vs 51, that ended in a stale mate, you flew it different then he did in the sense that you used your E awesomely never giving me the shot,never getting the shot he turned with me, got the jump on me, surprised the crap outta me  :lol
I did end up killing him (only because of the hurri's turning ability)

steve  see ya in the air.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: RumbleB on March 14, 2009, 02:27:23 PM
If I were to pad my score, the 51D would be the choice.   :aok

Tempest all day long, 4x hizookas combined with being the fastest prop plane. Hard to beat for scorewhoring and massmurder :)

Personally I've killed more spit16s at 41, p51s at 33.. surprisingly enough K4 comes in at third with 24. Incidentally the plane I've been killed by the most.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Chalenge on March 15, 2009, 01:17:45 PM
If I were to pad my score, the 51D would be the choice.   :aok

I think your difinition of 'padding' utilizes a very broad brush.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Krusty on March 15, 2009, 06:13:20 PM
No way I'm going to read 16 pages. I'd have replied on page 1 if I'd had the time to get in here to do so. I've only just seen this.

Lately is not as bad, but at the time I and many others were upset over the "oinks" they were spamming 2-3 pages full of text buffer for a single guy landing 3 kills in an easy-mode plane. We had a discussion in the arena but it's not the first and won't be the last.

As somebody said, it's NOT something they've got steeped in history, because for the past 7 years they haven't been spamming the "oinks" like they were not too long ago.

After the outcry for them to stop, they have restrained themselves noticably (and I have noticed, thank you PotW), but it was  SERIOUSLY out of hand, to the point of disrupting any and all text communication in the arena. You literally could not read what was going on because multiple screens of self-congratulation.

Hell most of the time they're not even landing that many kills. I don't expect a "WTFG!!!!" if I land 2 kills in a spit16 (and look down upon folks that think this is a great acheivement, I freely admit), and I expect/hope that people will realize they don't need to react this way if the deeds lack merit enough for the cheers.

What next, we get a rousing chorus of 50 lines on text just for somebody joining the arena? Take it to squad chan. That's what my squaddies do most of the time.

So, basically at the time of the outcry it was very much an issue. The Pigs (good folk don't get me wrong) have digested the discussions, taken in the reactions, and modified their behavior, and I thank them for it. I consider the problem no longer to be an issue, currently.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: stodd on March 15, 2009, 07:18:41 PM
Not like Country ch is a wealth of information anyways...
the average info within one buffer space-

12983084: ENEMY ON ME!!!**&
zoozoo: teh nits stink they all HO
joe12: How I takeoff?
20498: to your left

Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Guppy35 on March 15, 2009, 08:35:59 PM

lol just checked, 51 still number one slot

 32 killz of 51s
 15 killz of spit 16

Interesting.  It's 109Ks for me with 10 kills.  Of course I've died most to 109Ks too with 8 deaths :)
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: Saurdaukar on March 16, 2009, 08:35:46 AM
I think your difinition of 'padding' utilizes a very broad brush.  :rolleyes:

I think the initial accusation utilizes a very broad brush.   :aok
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: mechanic on March 16, 2009, 08:46:56 AM
There is only one job that a broad brush wont do well, that is painting the tight edges near the ceiling and skirting boards.
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: bongaroo on March 16, 2009, 11:08:47 AM
There is only one job that a broad brush wont do well, that is painting the tight edges near the ceiling and skirting boards.

Yeah.  Don't want to screw up the details.  The wall could look great but the broad brush makes the job useless as the important details look like crap.

Who would want to leave out all the nice details of this convo anyways?
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: MaSonZ on March 16, 2009, 11:16:35 AM
when i played and was nit i had no issue with oinking. i actually liked it, was different from "wtg!"
Title: Re: Oink !
Post by: syko on October 21, 2009, 01:28:55 PM
Don't think you guys complaining about spam know what spam is. It just seems like a lame excuse to use to get someone else to stop doing what you don't like.

spaming a text buffer would look like this one person filling the whole text buffer

Syko:oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink
oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink
oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink
oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink
oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink
oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink v oink oink oink oink oink oinkoink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink oink

not a couple off people oinking
syko: oink


1. To crash a program by overrunning a fixed-size buffer with excessively large input data. See also buffer overflow, overrun screw, smash the stack.

2. To cause a newsgroup to be flooded with irrelevant or inappropriate messages. You can spam a newsgroup with as little as one well- (or ill-) planned message (e.g. asking “What do you think of abortion?” on soc.women). This is often done with cross-posting (e.g. any message which is cross-posted to alt.rush-limbaugh and alt.politics.homosexuality will almost inevitably spam both groups). This overlaps with troll behavior; the latter more specific term has become more common.

3. To send many identical or nearly-identical messages separately to a large number of Usenet newsgroups. This is more specifically called ECP, Excessive Cross-Posting. This is one sure way to infuriate nearly everyone on the Net. See also velveeta and jello.

4. To bombard a newsgroup with multiple copies of a message. This is more specifically called EMP, Excessive Multi-Posting.

5. To mass-mail unrequested identical or nearly-identical email messages, particularly those containing advertising. Especially used when the mail addresses have been culled from network traffic or databases without the consent of the recipients. Synonyms include UCE, UBE. As a noun, ‘spam’ refers to the messages so sent.

6. Any large, annoying, quantity of output. For instance, someone on IRC who walks away from their screen and comes back to find 200 lines of text might say “Oh no, spam”.

7. Can of Pork by products.

You all have been "oinked"  :neener: